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Posts posted by Genttry

  1. Yes, I've confirmed it on operative, sniper, and juggernaut. (In the juggernaut's case, there is a UI bug with scrolling combat text that prevents the full effect from displaying; you have to test it in combat and watch your health bar. I've reported that as a bug.)


    Again, I don't personally believe this is a bad thing, but I do think that the devs ought to comment and the community ought to be discussing the option.


    Thanks for the quick confirmation friend. +1 for a useful, interesting post. Almost makes me feel bad for rickrolling in here yesterday, but not quite. I've tried to add sensible posts in this forum prior to the rickroll. I'll check out my OP, Jugg and Sorc now!

  2. A lot of people are starting to combine pre- and post-2.0 set bonuses. The old set bonus is simply often worth the missing expertise. For instance, an operative healer may want to keep the 15% to their AE heal from WH, get the new bonus to shield probe from partisan, and not go for the (terribly bad) +5 energy 4pc. Even if the bonuses are identical (as in the Juggernaut 2pc vindi) they continue to stack.


    I'd like to have a sense of whether this is intended by the devs. There's been chatter on my server about whether it's a minor exploit or just an odd gearing strategy available to those who ground out WH pieces before the expansion. Personally, I'd like to think that it's NOT an exploit. The fact that nobody's talking about it makes me wonder, though. :confused:


    Sorry if I missed a thread on this already, but a forum search didn't turn anything up.


    Good question. I need to check out the old bonuses on my toons to see if they are worth it. You are saying that you can definitely get both 2-piece bonuses though?

  3. Not true. Heals and damage are balanced. I had games where the opposing team has 3 healers and 1 tank and 4 DPS, and my team has 7 DPS and 1 tank, and we completely obliterated the opposing team because our DPS were superb.


    If you lose a game to healers that means the DPS on your team was badly lacking.


    Contrary to popular belief, playing a good DPS is just as hard as playing a good tank or a good healer. Carnage Marauder is the best healer killing spec, yet how often do you see Carnage in WZs? And how often you see a good Carnage in WZs?


    Part of playing a good DPS is to learn how to focus fire, but most people don't do it. Heals are not OP, just that DPS need to learn to play better.


    I agree with this post. In rateds, where there is meaningfull cc and coordination for kill/cc targets like healers, I feel like it is more balanced now than pre-expansion patch.


    For non-rateds, good healers can make a big difference if no one targets them or keeps them in check. But seriously, all it takes is one or two efficient dps to ride a healer with cc/burst damage while dps'ing other targets and grabbing objectives. I don't know if Bioware pays more attention to rateds or non-rateds, but this forum seems to comment more on PUG matches when talking about healers being OP.


    I believe that one DPS alone should not be able to completely shut down one healer. Like I said, 2 good dps can really make it hard for even a really good healer to be OP. It isn't too hard for good DPS to rack up damage numbers and kills on other targets while keeping one healer busy with cc because burst damage is still good. Good DPS already know this- they can still cc a healer long enough to kill other targets. Or, one good dps can cc/apply enough pressure to one healer where that healer needs to pay more attention to staying alive and less attention to healing others and grabbing objectives. Mess around with the UI and set your focus, target of target, etc.


    For multiple healers, it just takes more coordination. But remember that more healers means less dps and burst on that team. It evens out, or it should even out, for a rated team that has experience. I'm still trying to figure out how close to balanced the game is in rated warzones where people actually coordinate.

  4. Good job on the bolster Bioware. Fix the few remaining problems and you will have an excellent system. I would think that there a lot more people who don't bother to queue into a warzone, or who queue rarely. If that is your target audience, then you are being very inclusive. No matter what people say, the gear gap has definitely closed and I notice a lot of new PvP'ers now. Remember this is a pvp forum and you will hear from only a biased sampling of your overall players. Keep up the good work and cheers Eric!
  5. bump. important info here, ladies and gentlemen. instead og complaining abiout bolster take a better look at how it actually works. I'd like to see some more examples of people testing it, too. the wrong whine threads are getting too much PR while the constructive threads get no replies:)
  6. I'm super happy with the current system. And I'm even happier to see all the baddies here crying that being the first in their kindergarten to grind out conqueror gear isn't doing them any good. Yay.


    While I agree with the substance of your post, I wouldn't have wrded it so harshly because I don't want my friends W

    (wow arena partners) to call me out for not being classy. +1 rep to you- I see a trens- people are starting to crap on the complainers and I thoroughly enjoy it.

  7. Then why are you here? :D


    To add his input against the onslaught of people who want to be pissed for the sake of being pissed...that's my guess, friend.


    edit: Assasin, where are you? We were having civilized dialogue! What is your reply to my last thread re: being a long-time subscriber and long-time MMO player? I'm interested to see your reply.

  8. Smash will never be nerfed because if it was many players would need to use more than 3 skills and if they have to use more than 3 skills they would get confused and rage quit the game. The developers realize this, they want the money from the bad players also, and that's why they have ez mode smash, so that bad players can do well in pvp and not quit.


    I would be very surprised if they did nerf it. What would all the bad pvpers do if they stayed in game? Maybe they would learn to play and maybe some would actually become good, but they never will become good if all they need are 3 skills despite how well they do in pvp. They should stop catering to these people, seriously, if they aren't capable of using more than 3 skills they shouldn't be playing anyway, but again it's an issue of money as I already stated.


    You can smash me 12 times to death in a match, but you will never be a good and skilled player, not as long as all you need are 3 skills.


    So, Bioware caters to Smashers? Geeze, what kind of business model do they have? If I understand your post, smashers come down to a money issue for Bioware? Oh em gee. They must be losing money on 5 buton classes, then. Ok, sorry for this reply. I just couldn't help myself. Evil lurks within us all.

  9. Hope you roll republic and stay with them.


    This made me laugh, thanks!


    I tend to look to healing for MVP votes, and tank protection and objectives. I admit I'm very biased, but when I think of dps'ers, I picture players slobbering while they roll their foreheads across the keyboard and yell out " I just owned that sob lololo hahah I am da tuffest, baddest man on the field."


    However, I've also watched some bad a s s dps multi-task with CCs, playing objectives and peeling for their healers or others. While rare, when I see that kind of play I will vote for them straight away. If there were just more non-slobbering, forehead keyboard rolling DPS'ers....those dude and dudettes kick a s s!

  10. WW, sap, and low slash all break on damage too. And spike actually lasts less time than the jugg push. Irrelevant argument is irrelevant

    But again, I agree that swtor stuns are ******** and maul has nothing to do with that




    I don't think your comments ended or even won the thread since people continue to post. What was the ********? Do you think maul is ok as is? I think it is, personally, but I'm more interested in your "/thread" comment. What does that mean?

  11. yeah, but they change it frequently. you realize we had to live with bubble-stun for almost a year? September through...what? March? 3/4 of a year. for an ability that was obviously broken. I mean...stunning ppl while you're stunned? everyone in the ops has that abil? it didn't even give resolve commensurate with the length and kind of cc... I'm sorry, but blizz would have addressed that much sooner. all BW did was say, "yeah. that was probably a bad idea to let them put that effect on the whole team." lol


    and while arenas in wow are always fotm, guess what? THEY HAVE ARENAS. and cross server matches. is it a fair comparison? iunno. in some areas, no. in others...yes. I would expect that after admitting a mistake, the next step would be to roll back and fix it.


    agree that there's always ppl unhappy, but BW sure played their part in the disgruntled masses.


    I like Blizzard too, friend, or at least i agree with their qucker reactions to perceived problems. +1 to the person called Foxmob! Keep rolling in our new PvP system friend!

  12. Give me my bad recruit gear back any day.





    How 'bout this- you can have you "bad recruit" gear back and work within the confines of the new bolster system? Win/Win! Woot! Thanks for posting friend!

  13. /signed.


    However, remove it entirely. It's a crutch, and I succks.


    I'm almost certain that you don't believe you suck, friend. Hardly any pvp'er thinks they sucks. If you think the removal of bolster sucks, though, i agree. KEEP BOLSTER, FIX the BUGS! You with me on that! Werd...

  14. Bolster system has flaws but I support it. Oh, the irony though- I think I just bumped your thread up.. Maybe I need to start a thread that is pro-bolster sans the few bugs.


    Gotta love freedom of speech, though! I respect your opinion, but disagree. Besides, bolster isn't leaving anytime soon, sorry friend!

  15. I am not going to fill this whole space with a text wall like some people! Please just make cross server rated queues it is the only way you are going to have any sort of lasting warzone pvp base.


    Agree. I don't think that you have to be a man, though, to bump this post. I agree with your suggestion, though!

  16. Enjoy PvE more than PvP.

    I PvP casually, and as such don't really care if things aren't perfectly balanced.

    Occasionally though, it's nice to unwind with a few warzones, or kill time before ops or whatnot.


    Word! Then maybe you enjoy not getting slaughtered immediately in warzones with the new bolster system? Do you queue more in pvp or do you not even bother still. Youshould give it a try my friend! It isn't as bad without top tier PvP gear anymore:) You can make a difference in the battle! Cheers Cyber!

  17. I hate having to level, side-missions and story, havent watched a convo so far, but operations are pretty decent. Flashpoints are somewhere inbetween if people spacebar it but horrible if you have to sit through the convo. I'm not even doing dailies when I'm in desperate need of credits, I'd rather buy and re-sell cartel stuff.


    Agreed! Operations aren't so bad! +1 to you my friend! See ,t he tide is changing in the PvP forum, even if it is one person at a time! Cheers!


    Yes, I agree with you. It is that good in this game, nuff said. So we may have to get some PvE gear to min/max our Pvp gear. I agree with you, no biggie friend! High five for an on-point post Pistols! What server are you on? I like your philosophy, let's do this Pve Thing! I'll heal or tank or whatever friend!

  19. Bolster on 55 lvl is very good thing. Why? Because if you use it rigth, you never get bad gear gap disadvantage with your other mates or enemies. Now after 2.0 indeed, skill > gear, and it is great.


    Perfect, I agree. Bugs apart, the competitive PvP'ers who aren't interested in rolling people because of gear gaps love the new bolster. Ding ding, right on bro. Again, great post. Don't listen to the disgruntled. I appreciate your testing to help figure out the details of how this new bolster system works. Admitedly, I was too lazy to do a lot of personal testing. Keep it up man, keep it up. One of the rare posts that isn't just a bunch of whining! The people who complain about your posts are secretly syaing "i love you..." The bandwagon is too full and eventually those who remain in-game will make sense of the system and use it when they gear up to min/max. *tips hat with all of the others to thank you, even the ones who claim "lolbolster." They love you too! It is one big love-fest man!

  20. PVP is Horrible . They fighting premaid groups in reg wz every time makes the 55 wz Horrible . I don't think its going to change. So I shut down my account and wish they left the game as it was. You can't kill anything and with them in vent and working as a team you are constantly outmatched. If you leave all the premaid games it makes the Wz more fun to play. But you have to quit almost all the games on repub side.Its really not worth it. They need to allow groups in ranked only.


    What server are you on? Can i have your crafted mats btw? Sorry to see you go but don't waste the mats. I'll put them to good use. What server. Have fun in another game friend.

  21. Im not seeing what you are on POT5. I rarely ever recognize anyone in the warzones and I play everyday for hours ..


    Same experience here. I have one toon on Shadowlands and one toon to just hit 55 on Pot5. It feels like bolster, or whatever other reasons exist, has helped to include more people to queue up in non-rateds at least. Thanks.

  22. One on one with an operative in a novare coast match at their base. Tried to walk around the base bur i couldnt walk there as if there was an invisible wall . the whole area behind the base i couldnt walk to it. wats up with that? never had that happened to me before


    Wow, I don't think i would call this an exploit. A bug, maybe, but not an exploit. If you chose the word exploit to incite even more anger on these forums though, kudos to you.

  23. You played since launch, Genttry? My guess is no.


    Just guessing (not judging), you're either relitively new to PvP and SWTOR, have a great guild and fun friends playing SWTOR, 1st MMO, super SW fan, or something of the sort. Or just disagree!! :)


    I've been around for quite some time, as TUX and a few others I usually agree with, and the direction SWTOR PvP is going is quite disturbing, especially to those of us that have played classes that are CLEARLY outmatched in PvP (Merc/Mando).


    No OWPvP, this WZ rotation debacle, bolster, ranked PvP, ranked PvP balance, 5 WZ's in 18 months, etc...


    Hopefully, they will take some of that CC money and put it back into GAMEPLAY developement...PvP and PvE.


    Hi friend-


    Yep, I've played since launch. Admittedly, I left when they first postponed rateds in patch 1.2 or whatever it was. i was pissed, as was my pvp guild. As you can see, I came back.


    Nor is this my first MMO. I've played a lot of MMOs. I continually go back to WoW after I try a game and don't like it. I still enjoy WoW arenas. I am a gladiator in that game and sometimes I post on a few different toons in Arena Junkies, one of them being Jentry (similar to this handle.) If youa re familiar with that site, only the top 0.5% of pvp'ers can post there based on country-wide ratings. I got blasted for mentioning this in other potsts because "WoW is for babies, or it's all about comp, or I could have been a gladiator in that game if only, etc..."


    I choose to focus on the positives in the PvP in this game and I've found that it really makes people angry. That's fine, but I want to point out that not everyone hates the bolster system, 2.0 or PvP in SWTOR, even with its faults. You can PM me and I'll discuss more with you about my gladiator toons, my experience in arenas in WoW, my experience here with PvP in this game, whatever. I'm not going to make posts that can be considered egotistical because that just incites flame wars. I like the fact that you are cordial, friend. Maybe you assumed incorrectly, but you are cordial! Peace!


    edit: I got 4 Novare coasts in a row recently and it was a bummer...also, i recently got called out by one of my prior partners in WoW arenas for making trivial posts in SWTOR about the self-proclaimed best op healer on a certain server. My partner was right- no sense in trying to bang up the people I think are just plain dumb on forums. I try to keep my posts positive, as hard as it can be when people act dumb. I still enjoy SWTOR PvP and for some reason it makes people mad. ..

  24. Also, you only hear the complainers, not the people who are happy with it. The complainers are the only ones with a reason to post.


    There's plenty of people out there who have no problem with the system.


    And lastly, 90% of these complainers have no clue how the bolster ACTUALLY works.


    Thank you!

  25. After persisting with the mess that is PVP in this game now to no avail I'm out. No doubt there will be the usual "close the door behind you" responses but hell, I'll post this anyway. It's futile to keep on playing a game when all you want to do is PVP and WZ's are now an unresponsive, laggy, un-enjoyable grind that will be won by the team with the most healers that don't even require much skill.


    BW your game is broken and I'm sure I'm not the only long term player that's had enough and un-subbed.


    For those of you that stay I sincerely hope that they take note of the un-subbers and fix it for you so it's enjoyable again.




    can I have your stuff?









    PM me Mr. Bobo Molotov. You like cocktails, eh?

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