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Posts posted by Eborix

  1. MMO's go through a slow dumbing down. At some point the Devs decide that its too slow and jump off the dumbing down cliff (NGE). This looks like SW:TOR's cliff to me. I will not be playing past the end of my sub, sadly I was running 6 month subs and my last sub date was only about a month ago :mad:
  2. By all means quit then, but don't blame it on your "discovery". The game was meant to be played on highly populated servers - that's what the "MM" in "MMO" means. The overview of the game says:

    Play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and be the hero of your own Star Wars™ saga in a story-driven massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts.


    It doesn't say "play online with up to 20 of your friends". The fact that so many servers were at low population was an extremely bad thing and was never what BioWare was hoping for.


    Honestly, though, Have you even tried one of the destination servers? Or are you going on what other people who have also not transferred have said? Granted, people's experiences may vary, but I've never had a kill or node stolen on The Shadowlands. People will generally invite you to their group if they see that you're on the same quest. Also, Fleet aside, people tend to be so spread out, it's not like everyone is on top of one another except maybe for level 50 dailies.


    ... unless you're talking about names, because I'm not sure if "must have the name I want" is a play style.


    The MM in MMO means that a large number of people can play on the same server at the same time. Doesnt mean I have to be on the most crowded ones. I have tried the destination servers, not by transferring a character, but by making one. I did notice considerably longer times to finsish some quests and a higher difficulty finding nodes, since they were being taken by others. I didnt run into any KS'ing or node stealing.


    If they would keep enough servers up so we could have at least a couple low-mid population servers I would be ok with it. But it looks like they want to shoe horn everyone into the high pop playing style. Its their game, so they can do what they wish, I however do not have to continue supporting it by spending my money on it each month.


    In about 5 weeks my sub will be up, and once all of us who like our names, or low pop servers, or whatever other issues are up here are gone then all of you who prefer high pop play styles will by here without us and wont have to argue anymore...... although I get the feeling you (generic you here, not speaking about a specific person) will find some other reason to argue and insult people. At least thats the impression I get from many of the posts here.

  3. Of course people are free to speculate what the "original plan" was - and barring having a mole in BioWare, we'll never know what the Devs are actually thinking, but given that:


    1) A month before transfers, Daniel Erickson said "we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today."


    2) All the remaining characters on the origin servers are going to be automatically transferred to their destination servers at the end of the month.


    It doesn't seem like merging the holdouts into one light server was part of the plan, and the people who transferred saw the writing on the wall for the origin servers.




    There is something to be said for adapting to situations that are beyond one's control.


    Theres also something to be said for taking your money and going elsewhere when you discover that the game isn't going to allow you to play the way you want.

  4. A few days ago I had to cancel my account because of some rl issues making it so I can't afford to pay the subscription for a few months. I felt kinda sad, but I figured I could come back in a few months and play again.


    Now I see that my characters will be forced onto a high pop server, where I will have to fight for spawns and nodes, I feel like my cancellation was just good timing.


    Maybe, by the time I am ready to play an MMO again, someone will have one out where I can play it my way instead of their way.


    I understand that its a business, and its all about maximizing profits, but my 15 a month will not be part of their profits any more.


    To all those who enjoy lots of people on your servers, have fun. To that minority who, like me, prefer to have a smaller population server, Bioware is making it clear what they think of our way of playing.


    Everyone have fun and be safe

  5. I have no interest whatever in the end game content of this or any other MMO that I have played. I like TOR primarily because of the storylines. I think the levelling process goes much to fast, but then I think every MMO I have played since EQ levelled to fast.

    When I get tired of playing different characters in this game I will leave. I don't expect an MMO to hold my attention for 5 years. It would be nice, but since they all seem to be oriented towards "end game" raids and PVP, I dont see myself staying with one longer then a year.


    I played EQ for 4 years, never made max level, although I know a lot of people who rushed through to max level. I enjoyed the game but left because of very poor customer service and the "dumbing down" of the game to make it easier for people to reach max level.

  6. I tend to agree with the OP. How about they make the quest so you can't get infected unless your flagged for PvP? Or, since so many are posting about the vaccine, how about they make you 2k credits to participate for 6 hours instead of making me pay 2k credits to not participate.

    I don't play on a PvP server for a reason. I don't want to have to deal with this kind of crap from people.

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