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Posts posted by Obreck

  1. More ideas for my Skadge, its always good to have new and interesting looks for him when i park him between a "Female" character and its companion that are dressed like hòòkers so he can be their Bubba Pimp. Maybe I can dress him up as Frank N Furter... :D


    So you dress Skadge up like this a lot?(PUBLIC WARNING: VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK. Some things cannot be unseen):



    Usually when someone parks a troll character like that between my half naked sin and her companion (or any of my toons) I just get amused and take a bunch of screenshots, but that's just me :p

  2. Please? Unless something like this already exists?

    The set is amazing, but It looks a little weird running around with a bare chest like that. I'd love to use this set if it had an undershirt or something.


    If I'm not mistaken that chestpiece was based off a Republic only medium and/or heavy chestpiece that has an armored chestplate under the robe. Can't seem to find it. It might have been a first generation Operation or PvP piece which means even if you are a pub class of the right armor rank you might be out of luck :(

  3. Really it was the compromise of not turning the 2.x PvP players' gear into subpar PvE gear while banking on the reality that most of those players will move on to lvl 60, erase their 55 mods with 60 mods and thus no longer be an issue within the first 2-3 months. Only a small hand full of the truly hardcore will have 55 PvP mods by February and those guys are going to be a pain in the butt encounter no matter what.


    A business decision in a situation in which there was no decision that wasn't going to have some backlash. It is what it is.

  4. I don't even know why it needs leggings at all, can men with kilts not show some leg?


    Pretty much my thoughts on the matter. We already have the Last Handmaiden and Noble Attendant Leggings for those that want a skirt with leggings underneath. No reason this item needed leggings for either gender.

  5. EDIT: Decided I liked my Vegeance jugg's playstyle better than my Marauder but my Marauder's look better. So I said heck with it and merged them:







    I had an interesting showdown with my storyline's final boss:



    He had a massive stroke in the middle of talking trash


  6. Ok, we've had the majority of last two pages dedicated to repeating the same three things about the game's naming policies over and over (14 out of the last 21 replies). Yes the devs prohibit names they consider protected, yes people disagree whether certain names should count, yes a lot of people slip under the radar. Can you guys stop derailing the topic now please?
  7. - There will only be two pugs in your raid group with both decent gear and knowledge of the fights. One is so drunk they're seeing double, the other is a total drama queen.


    - Its more important to control Mid than win the match. Didn't you know that noob?


    - Red circles = you're a bad healer.


    - You were really just kidding when you clicked that objective 8 times and needed it done fast.

  8. A lot of them are just minor variations. Just a mirrored cyber leg, an extra prop part on one piece of the set, etc. For some reason the devs insist on making each a complete set, even though many use identical designs on some of the parts.


    Personally I'm still wondering how with all these minor variation sets they never thought to include a single 5-finger cyber hand (one cyber hand and one flesh hand.) Currently you can only have 2 cyber hands or 1 three-fingered claw hand with a flesh hand.

  9. I fell and got stuck on some lower girders while trying to get one of the Makeb datacrons. Decided to make the best of it and strike a few pose

    screenshots in front of the scenic backdrop. Here's my favorite:



  10. http://i.imgur.com/pHn2zKj.png

    My alt Assassin. He's based off my original Kotor 1 character. I find the thought of battling the cannonical Revan with him to be strangely amusing.



    Aside from the lightsaber I was going for a down to earth style with his costume. No fancy armoring, props, or patterns to his clothes. Just a cut-n-dry dark Jedi look.



    My Juggernaut tank. Left is his PvE costume, right his PvP.

  11. Here's my main, my Assassin tank:



    Her PvE and PvP variations:



    My Merc healer I use nearly as much:




    My Powertech I mostly just PvP with these days. Roughly based off a villain from an ancient Sierra Adventure game for DOS:


    What a handsome fellow:



    This is a Sniper I used to have. I liked the design, but not the class so I may remake her as an Operative healer:


  12. Played it and enjoyed it. But I had already been won over in previous betas.


    Used this stress test to test out another character build, glad I did since I learned more than a few shortcomings in my plans.


    Hopefully next Beta will be up to date though. I'll be glad to see this buggy, months old build they keep using for stress tests get the boot.

  13. As someone who may or may not have gotten to playtest ESO's PvP I have to say its pretty epic. It has its downsides that make me hope traditional background/arena type PvP and especially dueling is added later to compliment it, but all in all it was loads of fun. One of the things that made me decide to purchase the game.
  14. Why is the title again just about female characters? Male character legs have exactly the same bug when wearing Jori's Loincloth


    The OP probably wasn't aware the bug is on the male version. After all Jori's Loincloth wasn't added until about a month after this bug surfaced. Surely it would be safe to assume the devs wouldn't mindlessly cut-n-paste the texture bug to a new piece of gear, much less to a completely different gender, right? Except they did :mad:

  15. I've been playing it for the last 3 sessions and have been enjoying myself. The open ended class development system is a boat load of fun if you shoot for an against the grain type character build. The seemly simplistic combat system has been opening up a bit a I progress making me interested to see were it goes. I have no definitely plans to buy the game yet but it has my attention.


    That's not to say its not without its flaws: the major bugs are real doozys, many of its more dynamic features start off deceptively simple giving the wrong impression, and it sits in an awkward space between an MMO & an Elder Space scrolls game that obviously puts off a lot of people. But pretty every other MMO I've played has its share of serious shortcomings, which has left me with a "pick your poison" mentality on the genre.


    But if anything the piling up complaints about the combat, UI, class system, etc makes a strong case against all the "-insert MMO name- is a WoW clone thus bad" people that tend to lurk MMO forums. Proof of the obvious: just being different/not like WoW =/= better.

  16. Another odd one was a dps in pug group I was in. I noticed he was Needing on everything, so I confronted him: got no response. Another member confronts him to which he simply replies "Wall" :confused:


    A few seconds later a green item drops and once again he Needs on it. One last time we ask him what the heck he's doing to which he replies "Its a wall." :confused:


    Yeah, well "Its a vote kick." Bye bye :D

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