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Posts posted by Supeben

  1. I have heard this several times now. I have not heard this from any devs though so I guess we will find out soon enough. If I had to make a prediction it would be that there will be new comms and you will be able to trade in your old ones for the new ones at a 3:1 ratio or greater. Personally I am hoping that is what happens as it would be the most fair direction.
  2. Hey guys,


    We are investigating issues with the Harbinger server as we speak. I will give you updates as I have them.




    Better yet dude, how about you start giving us either A: FREE transfers to another server or B: FREE game time.

  3. Personally I don't really care about the $10 that I paid for the expansion when it came out. What I do care about (kinda) is the fact that over and over again Bioware is showing that I has no regard for it's loyal players. Let's do a little math here.... I've been a subscriber since the game launched at $15.00/month after paying $60.00 for the game itself. Also I have purchased about $200 in cartel coins over the course of the game, so...

    $60.00 Game itself

    $10.00 RotHC

    $300.00 Subscription fees

    $200.00 Cartel Coins

    $570.00 Total

    Now I must say that I have spent this money because I enjoy the game. Bioware though has began pretty much giving everything away to new players and has not even made good on their "subscriber appreciation" stuff they pretended was going to be sooooo great. It is becoming abundantly clear that loyalty is a foreign concept to EA/Bioware Sure the $4.00 in free cartel coins were something, but there is a point where they just start to look like they do not care. When does Wildstar come out again?

  4. TRANSLATION: We will be adding even more people to our already overloaded West Coast servers. We are positive there will be a 12 hour scheduled downtime and after that is anybody's guess. If you have been having problems with the game running badly on our West Coast servers, you haven't seen anything yet. From this point forward "is anybody else lagging" shall be asked in General Chat at least once every two minutes, preferably by a different person until TESO, Wildstar, and EQ Next are released, at which point we're just going to all stop showing up to work. Thank you for playing.
  5. I have traditionally been one of those people to tell others that the game is fine and the problem is on their end. Now I feel badly about that. The game has been running terribly for over a week now. I usually pull about 19ms playing the game... lately it has been hovering around 54ms but spiking up over 350 regularly and frequently losing connection all together. Sigh.... I LOVE this game, but more and more I am getting pretty excited about some of the new games on the horizon.
  6. The new Czerka area looks great and could be a lot of fun, but it is not. Here are some things which are not fun...


    1- Fighting over 100 other people for a dozen or so nodes

    2- Camping a box while stabbing your mouse button with 3 other people doing the same thing hoping your click registers first

    3- Racing other players to every single node or enemy then leaving as soon as possible because we are frustrated

    4- Spending 3 times as long as necessary to do 4 simple dailies because the area is overcrowded


    ...see a pattern?


    Please SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the instance threshold in the Czerka area.

  7. I doubt they will ever give anything to legacy level 50. If they are, they will most likely put it on the cartel market for sale as well. Look at Ewok, it was there for legacy level 40... but guess what, Bioware wants money so here you go, Ewok on the Cartel Market.


    I want at some point, Bioware will truly appreciate its subscriber base and those people who actually spent time to level their legacy level


    One day they will. After we are all gone.

  8. Hey folks,


    Just wanted to let you know that no petition is necessary, you will be able to acquire Treek via Cartel Market if you so choose. Having her be a part of the Legacy system allowed an avenue for players to get her without spending any of their Cartel Coins if they wanted!




    Translation = Pay to win. Game is failing hard.

  9. At this point I have tried every possible solution from the forums and the problem is still there. I have used 3 mice amongst 2 different computers and STILL the problem (which was there from launch) is there. I am finally giving up. It has become clear to me that this highly aggravating issue is not going to be solved any time soon and when my game time expires next month, I am moving on to a different game. I love SWTOR, but enough is enough with this random mouse cursor flinging bug. I am not a game developer and I have no doubt that it is not easy to track these things down, but as the end user I just don't care to hear excuses and be asked what mouse I am using and if my drivers need updating. The problem is CLEARLY with the game and Bioware is CLEARLY not able to solve this problem which affects many users. I will miss SWTOR and they will miss the money I spend on my subscription and my regular cartel coin purchases.
  10. I haven't had to queue to get in. It even lets me in when it says full. My problem is the crazy ***** lag and the mail not working right. Also it had just dumped me back to windows twice now this week. I know my rig works just fine. I have 16gb ram and a nice video card and nothing else gives me problems. Just swtor with it's server side issues.
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