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Posts posted by Deadsevolution

  1. hi, i have come across and issue where i have over 60 reputation trophies for the bounty supply, and i was wondering if it was possible to introduce a new vendor that would trade these trophies from one company to another, so people like me who have more then 60 reputation trophies for a company that i have maxed out, can transfer them to say the new reputation company ( I.C.E ).



  2. Really that's a pretty cool idea, on the back of that , however, you need to think of the ramifications.


    We distinguish Emp from Rep distinctively in PvP.

    Confusing animations on the battlefield mixed class

    Also that would make a Jedi a Sith... We have dark jedi but typically dark jedi hold no real interest, the original concept of being with us ~(rep) would stil be dear but they're not deep enough to become sith. They just wander and "meh..." Same as light sith, they wouldn't REALLY join the rep fully, still why I wonder w t f scourges deal is. My dadddy ran out of popcorn, i;m running with that.


    My thoughts would be that it would be WoW faction change.

  3. First post on the forums, lets see how this goes...


    I had an idea that if a char on either the republic side or the empire side has max light side/dark side points (republic - dark / empire - light) that a quest should become available, and this quest would at the end let you change faction, it could only be done twice, and you would keep your stat's and everything. the quest chain should be difficult and have a very solid story line.




    (Yes i got this idea from Darth Raven ;) )

  4. This forum needs to be read and taken into account when doing debuffs on class's. I have had full resolve bar on my Tank Assassin toon (1258 Expertise) and I am still able to be CC'd, AOE'd and stunned. The shadow can rip me apart with little to no effort. You can not say, " the classes mirror each other." because they do not! Bioware needs to to look at the forums and understand WE play the game not them. And obviously they can not get pvp right. Fix the republic toons! until it is a battle of skill against the republics it is not even. When I battle my counter part on the republic side I died at an obvious 0 percent health, he/she was at 72 percent. There is no way that is possible, I am half warhero and even if they were full warhero they would not have that significant of a power increase. (this was before the augmentation to all armor could be made.) I am done with this game until BIOWARE actually PLAYS this game and does pvp actively to see their flaws....
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