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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by lordsunshine

  1. "Grow up"


    So that's your "mature" response to what you perceive as an immature gripe? Well done.


    The simple fact is that people who spent the time grinding WH gear were ROBBED. Their time and effort in getting that gear was suddenly made meaningless. And, from what some of the old-timers on this thread have indicated, it's not the first time this arbitrary value wipe has ocurred.


    I'm curious ... does this ever happen with PVE gear? Will the value of Black Hole gear be reduced by more than two thirds on some future update?

  2. I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous.



    Exactly! It took me an enormous amount of time to get my WH gear. And I was kind of proud of myself for getting it. Then, overnight, the cost of that gear was reduced BY AN ENORMOUS MARGIN.


    One of the big reasons people play RPGs instead of Halo-type shooters is the fact that can you increase the value of your character through time. It's like a slap in the face when you log on and learn that the gear you worked so hard for has been arbitrarily devalued to the point of insignificance.


    So thanks a whole lot for robbing me of that small sense of accomplishment you once provided, SWTOR. I won't be signing up for your little Ponzi schemes again anytime soon.

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