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Posts posted by darh_halo

  1. Play the GTN. It's never broke, or destroyed so much that you can't find a profit. Watch the items. Merch. Flip.


    Do dailies. First, check the GTN for the day's "mat demand" and start sending out your companions on mat runs. Then run the dailies. When you get back, sell your mats.


    Guys, can please tell me how to quick-check GTN for the day's "mat demand" ?

    I usually compare mats needed to craft items (items that i know on hot demand) vs mats on the GTN. But that just too tiring and time consuming for me.. any tricks ?



  2. That's actually pretty good. Since you can't not get more than enough Shield while maximizing mitigation and stat budget and the ratings don't account for that, having slightly more Absorb than "recommended" is actually recommended.


    As to your relics, your first goal should be getting one of the DG heal proc relics: it's the BiS relic for Shadows. From there, either get a DG abs proc relic or an EWH Defense relic (your other passive relic option is Shield rating and you've already got more than enough of that). The DG tank use relics aren't that great because the devs nerfed their uptime; the Camp shield/abs use relic is decent because it still has the 30 sec duration, but I still wouldn't use it over either of the other 2.


    What about for Jugg-Hybrid tank? should I go with EWH shield relic + DG abs proc relic OR straight EWH shield relic + EWH def relic. I'm torn out between those two combinations for PVE...

  3. @NoaFlux, I respect your persistence on your crusade for us tank in tank gears in PVP. I support you fully and please keep it up man !


    I myself had done all the trials, mods switching, specs switching, rotation, etc, very costly and time consuming and I've come to conclusion that your points investment in DPS gear will outshine same amount of your points investment in tank gear i.e. def/shield/absorb. To me, the tank gear is still worth it in PVP and the rock-scissor-paper concept is great, it just that BW still need to tweak-improve def/shield/absorb stats in PVP a bit.

  4. Your 100% correct. With the build I just posted I find that my DPS is cut in half. I do have a bit better surviveability but not enought to make the build worth it in PvP as I get burnt down quick from force damage. I really don't feel like much of a Tank in PvP. Now a Scoundrel Sawbones healer, there's a tanking class for PvP. It takes 3 to take one down.


    ^ 100% correct and person you are quoting too


    You don't feel like a jedi anymore, you are like commoners with glowing wet noodle stick. In overall hybrid soresu is far behind than other tanks. Still playable but not fun anymore.

    The 3% defense from SSM as replacement to previously 6% damage is not fair. Damage was decent - just decent - back in 1.2 but now Bio level it to the ground.

  5. Don't bother testing hybrid tank. I play hybrid, with full tank gear, and in 1.2 i still did decent damage and with excellent tanking, guarding, etc. Challenging aggro management in hard mode fps. I love the class in 1.2 !


    But now 1.3 i hit like using wet noodle indeed. My dps droppped significantly !

    I felt survivalibity is same with 1.2 not much different *shrugs*

    Bio, you need to give us back our decent damage

    • Servers are too dead. WHAA!
    • Servers are overcrowded. WHAA!
    • I can't transfer somewhere else. WHAA!
    • We want it now. WHAA!
    • You rushed implementing it. WHAA!

    Cut the crap out already.


    I think you've missed one ...

    Stunlocks causing people to unsub. WHAA!

    Ps. feel free to add some moar

  6. It depends on how many points you have to budget. Malissant's theorycrafting on this issue is the best I have seen specifically aimed at Guardians. You can find that here.


    The short answer is that at 400 Defense you want 70 shield and 130 absorb for the most overall mitigation. At 510 Defense you want 120 shield and 180 absorb.


    Check out the charts and spreadsheets on that site for more detailed info.


    I will add as a caveat that this is only telling you what gives you the best overall mitigation. Stacking defense will be slightly more spikey as opposed to stacking shield/absorb even though it will mitigate more overall damage.


    Hmm.. unless I am missing something, shouldn't it be like this below ? (copy from his post at bottom section)


    At ~400 defense and ~200 shield start stacking at appromxately 1.1 defense : 1 shield ratio


    I don't quite get it with 400 Defense you want 70 shield?

  7. Armor

    If you MUST run defensively in PVP ignore the Shield and Absorbe and go straight to Defence as it's 1 stat vs 2 stats for the same wonky RND mitigation.


    Bro, you are forgetting about diminishing return from stacking points..

    U may want to stop investing defense at some point then allocate to shield/absorb ratio OR to damage.

    just my 2c

  8. Well.. I've been using all war leader gears except for helm, gloves, greaves and boots. They are vindicator for me to get 8% healing from guardian leap and 5 sec 10% damage bonus just after force leap. I took out warleader defensive mods and put them into vidicator gears, that way i removed unnecessary stats from vindicator mods for tanks like accuracy. I keep accuracy at 99% no more no less. I ended up grinding pvp gears for both vindicator and warleader and spent credits :rolleyes:

    Right now I am aiming for PVE defensive gear mods to replace pvp mods but as to keep expertise around 1,000 and sametime grinding for warhero gears and/or look for augmented chestplate and saber.


    Would like to have inputs from you guys whether I do it wrong, thanks in advance !

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