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Posts posted by jmjeffw

  1. Thank you for putting on this event! As the grand prize winner (Rosani, Imp side), I can attest that I did indeed get the prizes promised, including an Unstable Arbiter's Saber! I had fun hanging out and watching for those special fighters, and was excited when I finally saw (and shot down) one of them!


    I hope events like this bring a bit more recognition and traffic to our admittedly pretty weakened server (at least as far as GSF goes). What I hope this does NOT do is encourage kill squads of 4-8 aces to group queue and run rampant over everybody and everything. I would hope that anyone interested in showing up would solo or dual queue, preferably on the side that is hurting for pilots and really put your skills to the test. I personally am making a commitment to either solo queue or only group with new or intermediate pilots.


    See everybody in the skies!

  2. Then of course you have the Imperial scout ships, which mimic the spherical cockpit and solar panels of the classic TIE fighters. For these I would go with:


    TIE Fighter = Blackbolt

    TIE Interceptor = Bloodmark

    TIE Advanced = Sting

    TIE Bomber = Legion/Razorwire (sorta)



    Tie Fighter = Sting

    Tie Bomber = Razorwire

    Tie Interceptor = Blackbolt

    EDIT: somehow missed these when I read the first post, but I feel my comparisons are still valid.

  3. At least purchase the cheap Coruscant/Dromund Kaas stronghold as it is accessible from anywhere and basically gives you free unlimited trips to the fleet, capital world, and your starship (click on "exit area" once in your stronghold). You can also set it up with a mailbox, GTN terminal, and vendor to be a "one-stop shop" for many common activiies. Be sure to grab the one-time mission from the stronghold questgiver in the crew skills area of the fleet before you go.
  4. I wonder if they will ever return the gree light pillars that vanished and never came back. I don't think they have even answered my ticket for that.


    I sent a ticket telling them how many I had bought and the next day got a response and an in-game mail with the deco's attached. You might want to try it again.

  5. The fact that daily/weekly requisition tokens apply only to ships you have currently "purchased", meaning you should use them after buying whatever ships you plan to use (although when starting a new char I usually use a few right away to get over the hump of not having any decent components).


    Also in general not to use fleet req on components other than to "top off" a component if you only need a couple points.

  6. Decent guide with some good tips, but I'm going to have to disagree with some of your points.


    1) Useless until tier 4, without speed boost protorps are easily outrun.


    This may have been the case pre-engine nerf when all engine missile breaks had a 10 second cooldown, but not so much any more. With longer cooldowns, it is much easier to hit with missiles than it was pre-nerf.


    In fact, you seem to be saying that protorps are not viable without the speed upgrade, which could not be farther from the truth. The t4 option that increases the arc is absolutely useful, and in fact you later point out the need for having a larger arc to help in aquiring locks. In any case, using the t4 speed boost is in no way a necessity or a no-brainer.


    2) At tier 4 grab missile speed boost, your success in hitting targets goes from roughly 30% to 90%, that's HUGE!


    I'm curious where you got this figure from. If you can provide a source or solid reasoning to back this up, I'd like to hear it, otherwise it sounds like you just made it up.


    Havok/Jexx you have a big misunderstanding as to how missiles work. You can not out run a missile. Once a missle is locked you either have to use a missile break or it hits regardless of how far you run. The only thing in the game you can outrun are seeker mines.


    Indeed, you can't outrun missiles. You can only buy yourself enough time for your missile break to come off cooldown, in which case you still need enough engine power to activate it. Also there are times when your missile break is disabled, such as with Slicing or Sabotage Probe, that would prevent you from "outrunning" it. Though, I've never heard of being able to outrun Seeker Mines, are you sure this is the case?



    Again, some solid tips overall. I'll add some of my own: Holding a missile lock can be very useful, especially when you can use it to get a jumpy pilot to blow their missile break. In that case, simply wait a couple seconds and acquire the lock again, since you won't have the reload time from actually launching the torp.


    Also, charging in and releasing the torp at point blank range can be quite effective (not to mention satisfying). It can be employed against a scout or strike that is attacking another target. They will be holding off their break while trying to maximize their dps on target, relying on the fact that they have a missile break primed and ready to go. Often the missile will hit before they have a chance to react to it.

  7. - You crit on every item that you are making to reverse engineer for aug components, and never crit on high-end implants for your new 55's.


    - You drop a specialty ship build off your hangar in GSF only to find that exact build necessary for the next match.


    - A roving silver mob reverses direction just as you thought you had angled to pass behind it.


    - You jump too early when approaching an elevator and land short just as it starts to go up. (and seriously? With thousands of years of technological development in the Star Wars universe they can't devise an elevator that only raises once you are on it?)

  8. So I was hanging out in the skill trainer area, and kind of for the first time I noticed the crafting tables they are all standing in front of. Each one is specific to the associated skill and has tons of details, like info readouts, assembly arms, part bins, and so forth. The Biochem one even has droid arms moving vials around.


    My first thought was these would be so cool to stick in our strongholds, maybe in the rooms where I have all my crafting nodes organized. The art assests are obviously already in game, it would be trivial to add these as decorations, and I would do almost anything to get them. Maybe they could even be rewards for getting to 450 in a certain skill, or be attainable (or even CRAFTABLE) from the skill trainers themselves. What do you think?

  9. I thought this at first as well, but then I looked around and realized that because I wanted to max my percentage quickly, I had put trophy pictures and basic chairs and couches on any available slot. Once I took a few of those out I had more hooks to work with.


    That being said, it would still be nice to have more options. I don't know if the limit exists for game perfomance issues or to give an attainable completion goal. If it's a performance issue, it makes sense, but if not, they could make it so once you hit 100% you can continue to place things as long as you have empty hooks. I'd be all for that.

  10. Devs-


    If you have not at least taken this request under consideration, I would seriously question what the heck we are paying you for. This idea could single-handedly revitalize GSF and be relatively simple to implement. I mean, I'm no coding genius, but how hard could it be to have the ability to form an ops group (which we can already do), designate subgroups for opposing sides (which we can sort of already do), and put us in an existing TDM map (which we already have)? You could even have a very low amount of ship req be attainable on each ship up to a daily limit (similar to how bonus req works) so new folks get something tangible out of it, though that may be pushing it.


    I would assume that you don't want all the hundreds of hours that went into the development of GSF to be for nothing, which is what will happen if the current state of affairs continue. One simple additional mode to implement to ensure long-term survival of a very lucrative expansion.


    Here's one more comparison to throw out. Currently the new pilot experience is like taking a first-time skier and putting them on the black diamond slope. They are going to spend the whole time falling on their butt, and probably won't stick around for the vague promise that it will somehow be fun in the future. All we are asking for is a bunny slope.

  11. Hey guys, I've done some experimenting and I think I figured out why it wasn't working for me (I was the one who posted the video in the above link). I switched around some upgrades, and found that when I have the right T5 upgrade chosen (the one that slows regen rate) instead of the left one (speed reduction), it works fine. It's still a bug of course, but this is a workaround that I'm okay with. Also just because it works for me now doesn't mean it will fix it for everybody.


    I'm wondering if someone else who is having problems can try that and report back on whether or not it made a difference. That would go a long way in helping the devs pin down the issue.

  12. The footage is from 2 days ago.


    I think it affects specific players only. Since that day when i noticed it not working, I personally haven't gotten it to work once, to the point where I took it out of all my builds. However I have had it used successfully against me, so it must be working for somebody (probably a lot of people, since I haven't heard much about the problem otherwise).


    Maybe today's patch will fix some kind of temporary glitch with it. I'll try it a few times and see if anything's changed.


    EDIT: Tried it and it's still not working for me. Hit a T1 bomber with it 3 times, and they flew around like nothing happened.

  13. Note that the Sabotage Probe only prevents turning for 3 seconds, but does damage for 6 seconds. It also does not prevent boosting or slowing down, which the Bomber intelligently does a lot when you hit him with it.


    With the exception of the one time you hit a Gunship around 0:35, it looks like the Sabotage Probe is working as intended and preventing turning, but not maneuvering in other ways, for 3 seconds.


    (Note: the 4th tier upgrade only prevents the number 3 ability [missile lock breaker for most] from being used. It does not prevent boosting.)


    That's incorrect. It provides all of its effects for 6 seconds (7 with the second upgrade tier, which I have by default since it's maxed). Even if it was 3 seconds, the ships are obviously turning before that.


    I am also well aware that it doesn't affect boosting, as that's one of my major defenses when hit with it.

  14. That's what you get for saying sab probe and not sabotage probe (which is what I searched to look for similar threads before I decided to go on this whole record and report journey). Deal with it!


    Anyway, the point was more to show it happening as opposed to just saying you saw it, which could be debated endlessly with different reasons why you thought it shoud work but didn't.


    And as alluded to on your original thread, I only noticed this now because after mastering my last ship, I pulled my NovaDive out of retirement to try it out as an anti-bomber tool (with EMP and sabo probe).



    Before you comment, please watch the video. It is clear that Sabo Probe is not working as intended (at least for me). The most damning evidence are the first two segments, where I hit a bomber (twice), and then a Mangler (twice, the second one 12 seconds after the first). All in all I shot about a dozen times, and there was not one instance where it clearly worked. In every instance the DOT is clearly seen taking effect, but the ship's movement is not affected. My Sabo Probe is maxed out with engine disable specced in the T4 slot.


    This was also not the only match this happened. The only reason I was recording this match was because I noticed it not working in several previous matches. And before you ask, yes, I unequipped and then reequipped both the ship and Sabo Probe before this match.



    Before you comment, please watch the video. It is clear that Sabo Probe is not working as intended (at least for me). The most damning evidence are the first two segments, where I hit a bomber (twice), and then a Mangler (twice, the second one 12 seconds after the first). All in all I shot about a dozen times, and there was not one instance where it clearly worked. In every instance the DOT is clearly seen taking effect, but the ship's movement is not affected. My Sabo Probe is maxed out with engine disable specced in the T4 slot.


    This was also not the only match this happened. The only reason I was recording this match was because I noticed it not working in several previous matches. And before you ask, yes, I unequipped and then reequipped both the ship and Sabo Probe before this match.

  17. Your idea, while cool and fun-sounding, really goes way beyond the scope of GSF. They'd essentially be creating an entirely new minigame equal in scope to the original GSF. It is not going to be a reality in SWTOR except maybe way in the future.


    The kind of things you're talking about ARE however a reality in a bunch of new games coming out, such as Star Citizen. I suggest you take a look at those games to get your multi-crew ship needs fulfilled.

  18. It was explained by the devs (honestly I can't remember where, or else I would link it) that there are certain spots that will always spawn a DO but they can also spawn at random anywhere on the map (at a much lower frequency than other power-ups). I believe they also said that the "always spawn" points are close to the midpoint of the map.
  19. I would LOVE for something like this to be implemented, and it seems like such an easy addition.


    Right now, I have 2 options:

    - Scroll through impossibly long list looking for the section I want. The longer the list, the easier it is to miss what I'm looking for. Or, I have to "remember" where the scroll bar should stop for an often used section, and hope when I scroll there it's in the vicinity.

    - Manually collapse each section until I find the one I want.


    Imagine this instead: 1 click, collapse all, 1 more click on the section you want. So much easier.


    We need this now!

  20. The percentages work both ways.


    Think of it like this: while there is a chance of getting a new schem every time you RE, there is ALSO a chance that you will RE a bunch in a row without getting a new schem. The chance may be very low, but it does exist. This same situation played out dozens of times by hundreds of players over multiple servers makes it bound to happen to someone, and this time, that someone was you.


    Something else to consider: do you pay attention to all the times when the RNG works as expected, or just when it doesn't? I'd be willing to guess it's the latter.

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