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Posts posted by Vodswyld

  1. I actually have started to just single tap buttons and the problem is accelerated because I am then forced compensate for this sequence by losing a lot of up time on my abilities.


    1.) Push Ability button

    2.) Wait for game to respond to input

    3.) Did the game produce the results you wanted? (did the ability trigger and complete)

    3a) Yes: Move on to next ability

    3b) No: Start sequence over again.



    Me "mashing" buttons should have no consequence as to the input to the game. Which makes me believe the issue is hardwired into the coding and will be extremely hard to remedy.


    This system should not punish nor reward people who single tap abilities or mash their keyboard. Nor should said play style choices hinder the in game animation and output of said input.


    I do not disagree that mashing a button should not be an issue. I was asking purely for testing purposes, and by no means am I saying you should not be able to just mash the key and for the ability to go off correctly.


    It sounds like you have the issue with the ability not going off regardless if you hit the key once or many times.


    The reason I asked was because it looked like the ability was staggering on the second key press, which might point to a key buffer issue, and if it was then that would be something that would help to know. It does not look like that is the case.

  2. I personnaly stopped playing my sith sorcerer at 32.


    Abilities not casting while the GCD shows they are ready.

    Character showing a cast animation and no damage is done.

    Abilities going on GCD while the character does nothing.

    Abilities cancelling for no reason and having to recast while the character was stationary the entire time.


    On my jedi shadow 25, too often I find the character locked in a animation and being unable to chain a second ability. The game is just not giving the smooth combat I am expecting from the UI feedback I am seeing.


    Are there any specific abilities that are the worst offenders?

  3. You are hijacking the thread, misleading and confusing the people and most importantly plainly insulting people who have gone to great length to explain this issue. This has nothing to do whether you play at peak hours or not or on which server you play.


    I do not feel that I am hijacking the thread. I am asking people for specific information about the issue in the hops of pinning down concretely what the issue is caused by.


    I was interested in the issue because I have not experienced it, tho it is plain to see by the videos that it is very real. Since I am not experiencing the issue, I figured it would be a good idea to get some specifics to test and then report back if I am having the same issue with specific classes, abilities, and servers. I feel this will help narrow down the issue and get a resolution. I know a lot of this was probably being done in Beta, but at this point the test results are probably stale, and it never hurts to have more test results.


    If people think that I am being insulting then I do apologize. That was never the intent. If the general request is that I am being a nuisance or a BW rep wants me to drop it I will, no problem.

  4. No hiccups, it just stands there looking pretty clueless whats happening :) Thing is that even tho animation has ended before GCD or at least has seemingly ended it still waits something, maybe a response from server about what was the result of that ability but it does not seem likely since then it would do it all the time.


    Its like STO was on ground combat when it launched. It was slow and clumpy too BUT it was for different reason there and clearly visible why that happened and also it got fixed bit over half a year after launch i think. Reason there was as simple as long GCD plus add to that abilitys own CD after GCD but that is not the issue here.


    Thanks, got it added to the list. Was the same kinda thing happening to your consular, do you remember?

  5. Here is a not so obvious crushing blow lockup. If you watch closely I hit the button and the GCD starts, then half second later the GCD resets and I have to hit the button again, my character does a double back swing and only connects with the animation after the second time I hit the button and the GCD starts again.





    I see what you are saying. It also looks like you are pounding the button. Can you try just hitting it once and seeing what it does? I want to see if it is an issue with the ability not firing at all and the second key press is working, or if the second key press is interrupting. It looks like you hit it somewhere between 3-5 times.

  6. guys


    i just played my first warzone since my teens


    i click all my moves and let me be the first to tell bioware that there is no delay


    this game is rly awesome i especially like the 1 quest were i helped the kids get credits and water for 100 light side pts


    the game is flawless and perfect no delay


    all the people here saying there is a delay are lying


    I also am not getting any delay when playing. If you look at the videos some people are obviously have issues, and it is inappropriate to call them liars. If you would like to be helpful, please put down what server and class you are playing, and if you generally play on peak hours or off.

  7. Best example that comes to mind is Dirty kick->Blaster whip->Quick shot which always take quite a few seconds more than it should if you try to use them just when GCD is off. Kick itself is always laggy.. Takes 0.8 to 1.5 sec to actually kick, then i press Blaster whip to make it happen next but it waits another 0.8-1.5 sec to actually happen and it really should happen when GCD is almost finished on Blaster whip when GCD actually is half gone before ability acytually happens. Then to add quick shot as finishing move to that the pre-ability lag is again the same like in those other. Quickshot alone works well as works blaster whip alone almost all the time but there is exeptions to that abiltiy every once and the while.


    All an all simple combo of 3 abilities should not take double the time that it should take if you count on GCD times. Even animations on these seem to be so short that they should have finished during GCD.


    I have not played Jedi Consular nearly as much as this smuggler and dont remember abilites there but it also have them but far less that Smuggler.


    Thanks for the specifics. Does the animation hiccup like the last couple of videos, or does the character just stand there?

  8. It happens for me pretty much at times of peak user amounts (Shaltin Tunnels-RP) but also i have to say it does happen also during night or morning when there is not many people logged in. It seems to happen mostly on areas that are "inside" of building but not on Planets surface "outside" of buildings. Also in group it does not seem to happen outside instances exept sometimes. If i use only on channeled ability like "Charged burst" on Smuggler it goes as smooth as abdroids butt.. But to connect different abilites it happens and combat becomes clumpy and laggy.


    On solo play this issue is not as bad and it is usually within accepted tolerance levels exept few abilities that are clumpy all the time when connected as a combo.


    Can you give an example of a combo that is consistently an issue?

  9. I think it just more came down to the fact I am now used to playing my Assassin. I have a rotation where I apply my DOTs and what not (all are instant cast with animations less than the GCD) and then I start doing my melee abilities before renewing DOTs. One of the DOTs is talented to bring it down to instant cast. I can remember before I talented it, that moving at the end of the cast bar constantly cancelled it (because right after the cast finished, the character "extends its hand to finish the cast"). I would always move after finishing the cast and have it cancel on me.


    It just appeared on the JK that because all abilities were melee with some animations involved it was horrendous. There is one ability (I forget its name) that you get early on that is channelled. God forbid you don't let that thing finish before moving because it is essentially a channelled DOT. The last "tick" is constantly not applied (because I move when the cast bar finishes).


    I think I know the channeled ability you are talking about. I will try that. Just to be sure, is there a disconnect between the animation and the cast bar? Is the cast bar done and over but the animation is still playing on the channeled dot and the pre-talented dot?

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbFgyeRFbdo&context=C3d50270ADOEgsToPDskJYu1y-3uG_uWyCstMK7nMz


    That video is a great example of how this have nothing to do with animation, spell just dont fire.


    What seems to have something to do with animation is the ability travel time that is extended depending on the previous ability casted.


    Not being able to cast a spell at GCD have nothing to do with animation.

    The time it takes before the ability land, perhaps.


    Wow... that is kinda brutal.

  11. No I have not experienced the grenade lag though I do not doubt its existence. I have only played my Assassin to 50. Once I started getting more and more abilities I started to notice this issue more prevalently. My Jedi Knight is only level 12 or so and it was a horrible experience.


    I am on The Harbinger - Empire.


    I don't know if you've played WoW, but anyone who has should know what I'm going on about with the mount thing. Everyone begins running/flying/moving as soon as the cast bar has finished "casting mount" (even though they are not yet mounted). They'll start moving at "mount speed" just as the youtube vid on the front page describes. You will be mounted a short time after. It is very fluid.


    If you attempt the same in this game you will either cancel the cast or get dismounted (because your "cast was cancelled by your movement"). Being dismounted occurs far more often.


    Yes, I have played WoW, and I understand the issue. I don't have a mount yet (Shush, I only started playing like a week ago) but am close to getting one so I should be able to check it tonight.


    I know I edited my above question after you replied, but is there anything specific about JK that has been an issue? You said the whole thing was a disaster. I would like to test it after testing the mount thing.


    Can anyone else chime in with specifically which server, class, and abilities they are have trouble with?


    Also if anyone is bored and has some free time, can you also try rolling a JK on Harbinger as well as your home server and see if there is any difference? I'll be doing the same, but more data is never bad.

  12. The best example of this problem (which happens all over combat/abilities) is when mounting. It is easily replicable. We've all seen the video on the front page where the guy mounts and "starts running before he's mounted". Try doing the same thing in this game. YOU GET DISMOUNTED if the mounting animation has not finished playing. It's ludicrous.


    When I first noticed this problem (back in beta) I didn't so much think of it as a bug. But ill be honest I'm noticing it more and more in PvE and PvP.


    The Assassin's "Assassinate" ability is a prime example also. Its an "instant" cast ability and will trigger a GCD. However, the blade spins above the characters head for a good long while before doing its damage (I haven't timed it but it appears to be at least as long as the GCD). It has cost me many a killing blow in PvP and PvE situations and it just feels clumsy as hell.


    I recently rolled a JK on my republic guild and the issue seems even more prevalent for that class. I have been playing MMOs for years (DCUO, WoW, Guild Wars) and WoW definitely has this aspect of gameplay down. I am constantly clipping abilities in this game and fighting "awkwardly". I basically will not play my JK at all (though I would like to) because everything outside of cutscenes feels horrible.


    Rated this thread!


    Again, thank you for the additional information. Do you have an agent? Have you experienced the grenade lag like is shown on the top post?


    Also, what server are you on?


    I'll try to recreate the mount delay on my system and see if I get the same thing.


    Are there any specific abilities that are issues with a JK?

  13. Ok, so I am a troubleshooter at heart. I watched the videos linked in the above and there is certainly a problem, but I have not personally experienced it at all.


    Think we can sound off with some extra info?


    Anyone on Ice Breaker had this happen (that is the same server I am on)


    Can anyone who was in Beta say if this has been a long term issue, or was it post-release?


    Has anyone who has the issue on their computer tried playing on a friends computer that does not have the issue?

  14. I tried Republic.

    I tried Empire.


    I now only have Empire characters because I just like the storylines better.


    In the Republic, everyone demands you do this and that. If you call them on it, they give you the sad sad story and guilt you into it.

    In the Empire, everyone asks and they are usually rather nice about it. Probably because one of the responses is almost always that if they don't fix their tone you will maim them.


    In the end, your gonna take the quest. You want the exp and stuff they will give you. I would rather take a quest from someone who makes me think I am doing them a favor as opposed to being a sanctimonious jerk.

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