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Posts posted by ProspectorPete

  1. So BW get slated for having a low pop cap - they increase it and ppl slate them as their pop on the server is no longer ranked as high?




    And now wanting to merge servers?

    BW, imo and history of being involved with several mmos of the last 10 years, will not even consider a server merge so early after rel.


    Also, to complain about them wanting to fix bugs etc instead of merging a server?


    You know, alot of people say this. I didnt see anything that said they increased the population cap. Do you have a link?

  2. no i don't.


    1) i haven't said anything about x-server

    2) what community would it kill? THERE IS NONE TO START WITH. communities are inside guilds, server wide communities have been dead since the start

    2a) because there are no server forums

    2b) because the game is designed like a single player game anyways, with too much sharding in even low populated areas and empty planets and no galaxy wide chat.

    what community would lfg or x-realm lfg kill? NONE, because there is none.


    Fanboy smackdown.

  3. Because if they didn't you wouldn't know it was:




    because there wouldn't be more than one thread about it.


    It's referred too in general as feedback:


    evaluative information derived from such a reaction or response: to study the feedback from an audience survey.


    I'm sure my and others motivation for stating their feelings are probably very similiar to the compulsion you experienced in deciding to let us know how you feel about us stating our feelings. ;)


    You tell those fanboys.

  4. But you haven't actually beat it, right? YOu have not cleared end game, right?


    Beyond that, the statement does not make sense. Should nightmare mode on the same dungeon be, um, a different dungeon?


    Thats one of the reasons I stopped playing wow. Running the same dungeon 123123123123 times and then double that if you have an alt you would like to play is not content, its rehashed bullpucky.

  5. The lack of end-game content complaints comes from the following "people": internet trolls (intentionally complaining to flame) and inexperienced mmorpgs that don't realize a young post-launch mmorpg rarely has any end-game content at all. WoW didn't have end-game content for 7+ months after the launch, had even more bug/glitches than SWTOR now, and worse lag issues too.


    Really all one needs to do in order to avoided complaining about the lack of end-game content is research the history of mmorpg launches and employ critical thinking skills. SWTOR is actually doing exceptionally well for the post-launch time frame it's in now.


    You have no idea what your talking about. The only real issue with wow when it launched was a massive amount of lag.


    I ran into very few bugs in wow end game which consisted of ubrs until Molten core came out. I have only ever not been able to finish one raid/dungeon twice in the entire time since it came out. One of those times a gm reset our lock timer for the raid so we could do it again. Im at 6 in swtor in the first month an a half. Some of them were not even hard modes.

  6. And you obviously don't understand the playerbase. Right now the game has enough FEATURE CONTENT, what we need is a better way to get it all working as it should be.


    Dual Spec,

    FP finder,

    better crafting,



    epic quests,

    player driven missions,

    pod race,

    pazzak match,

    pvp driven PvE content

    space combat



    All those would help the game as it is right now, introducing a whole new mechanic is not what is needed right now.


    I am sitting at 50, full columi gear, dailies reward is not good enough anymore, my crew skill is at 400, I researched most lvl 49 to purple. My companions all have lvl 50 gear.


    Now what? I log only for OPS to help my guildies get gear so we can do HM OPS. Since I don't feel like re-speccing and I missed the boat on pvp I will not go in and get slaughtered by full expertise players, every 1-2 hour because the lvl 50 pvp is scarce.


    The flying mission are fun for the 1-2 times you do them, once you do them and beat them with all bonuses every day, it is not fun anymore.


    You shouldn't even reply to fanboy threads. The OP obviously does not want to know nor care about what others want. He just seems to want to tell you you're wrong.

  7. Totally haven't read through 17 pages so apologize if this point has come up before.


    Go back and look at how WoW was 1 month after launch. All those great features you love about WoW came after years and years of development. Give SWTOR time to grow like other games. Projects like this aren't going to come out of the box and be absolutely perfect.


    Yeah, I know right! For example I just bought my first vehicle. I tell you what this model t is one mean piece of machine.

  8. Suggesting to people who are so vocally negative about the game, and who rant about unsubbing, that they should go play a game they actually enjoy is hardly insulting. It's common sense.


    Personally, I love this game, even with it's bugs and shortcomings. Other people don't. I get that. And that is fine. But why do they insist on pressing their dislike of the game on others in the forum? Why not just move on to something they like in the MMO field, especially when like the OP they are so very detailed about how much they like WoW and Rift?


    Seriously, stop with the irrational complaining, QQing, and ranting. Find something you like and enjoy it, with like minded people who enjoy the same thing. Why meta-game the forums with the hatred for Bioware and the game itself? It's irrational.


    It doesn't matter if it irrational or not. If you don't like it, then do yourself a favor and quit reading it. Its obvious from the post that its a complaint. If you love the game so much just go and play it.


    As for him comparing it to wow it is valid, just because you guys have some sort of "us vs them" mentality doesn't all of a sudden make your point valid. He has every right to ask for anything he wants and you guys coming in and telling him to go away is in fact rude and insulting. Who died and made you the MMO pope?

  9. This was pretty much my experience as well. I still seriously question all these horrible groups that people had. Maybe the problem was them ... I don't know. Maybe I was just lucky out of the hundreds of dungeons I did but I never not even once had an item stolen. Worst case scenario someone would roll need for an off spec which I thought was kinda messed up but I got over it pretty quickly.


    I thinking maybe some people are just way too over sensitive.


    Ive run into some bad groups and some ninjas but they were few and far between. Most of these people are not hardcore players. They are the people you see exploring the forest because they think it looks neat or some such stupid crap.

  10. The LFG tool also makes the world a no aaaman's land. Everybody will just sit in fleet and wait for a group pop. Port to instance do instance port back.


    But here is what happened in wow.


    Group popes . i would see 4 people from another server. I would be ninja'ed the whole place with no comback.


    Simply LFG tool is for people looking for the easy way out. I do not want to play with these type of people. These same people will then expect to raid with you with no idea of how to actually play. LFG / LFR makes people bad / lazy players


    You would get people standing at the start of the instance. Unable to kick them from the group. all sorts of exploits.


    Thats the best argument i have heard against for awhile. I would just be happy if they made a better LFG tool then they have now. And added some type of teleport.

  11. Its funny, the vocal minority of the people who dont like it think they are the majority. In that case they really have no need to whine and cry and scream about stuff like this because, since they are the majority noone will use it. Then they can shout in general all day long looking for a group.


    Goes with damage meters and mods, they dont want them so they whine that noone needs it. Thats fine, dont use them since they are the majority then most people wont use them.


    Of course, they know that they are the minority and they are going to lose the fight. Its why they are screaming so loud now.

  12. How about the mods just start closing these, there are enough end game sucks, end game is boring threads to sink the titanic.


    Intelligent people are levelling multiple chars and enjoying the game, slowly, taking it in and enjoying the RP. Not space baring thru conversations, leaving planets early and making posts about how good they are to be 50.


    people who charged to 50 WoW style and have nothing to do....It was predicted and was expected...Its one of the reasons i love this game so much. It so readily sifts the attention deficit people from the people that pay attention and enjoy the game.


    In that way, this could well be the most brilliantly designed game i have ever seen. Kiddies who get bored without LFG spamming instances and VP's in their face and faceroll raids will get bored and leave...what remains is a vibrant community.


    If you are standing around @ fleet, its not BW's fault. you have played about 5% of the content given to you and you are like **** HIGH END CONTENTZ ONMG>>>>>FAIL.


    People like you ruin games.

  13. I really want to take some time out to really let BioWare know how much I am enjoying SWTOR.

    I really do enjoy the combat, the crafting system, even the warzones are quite fun.

    My main point of wanting to thank you so much is that I have never had an MMO experience that actually had me hate an NPC, or at the same time, laugh so hard and enjoy alot of them.


    The story NPC I really can't stand is Chemish on Balmora. And I love that a game can do that to you. Excellent job BioWare, I know there are fixes coming for things and I can't wait to see them and enjoy SWTOR even more.


    And thanks for my medal/title!


    Now please close this so my thread does not get flooded with the haters.


    Oh look they didnt close this thread. Your illustrious status as a fanboy isnt taken seriously around here it seems.

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