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Posts posted by Yami_no_Kami

  1. It's way under 10%. More like 2 or 3% (and that includes the casual PVPers). That is based on looking at how many people are in warzones vs the total number of players on-line and assuming there are 15 more people waiting in a queue. PVP is very dependent on those PVEers "trying to pad" their CXP level and most of them give their best effort.


    Yeah, I remember it being around that percentage. But when I saw it, it was over a year ago. I thought it may have increased since then. Guess not. Which means the more matches F2P/Pref can get, the more queue pops we all have. Whether they are good or not, any matches are better than none.


    As for the PVEers giving their best effort. That is somewhat true, those that actually try to play and win, actually earn the rewards they get. I have no problem with them, its the ones that just queue for pvp for the components and CXP, don't try to play, just either afk, complain, etc and not do anything for the team that I was referring to. Those are the ones "padding" their level with PVP CXP. One way to combat that would be to tie rewards to medals earned. I don't know the current number required to earn them or if there even is one. But maybe make them 8 medals minimum, to be able to earn your CXP/Components would ensure they at least participate until they earned that amount. So that they wouldn't be completely useless.

  2. Just off the top of my head:

    No matter how you look at it, this would give people *LESS* incentive to subscribe. As in, you know, devalue subscriptions. Not nonsense, but actual fact. If you take away some of the things that make people pay to play the game, well, you get the point....


    After you end up with full 248, and you stop raiding (or never raided at all) ---- why would you continue to subscribe, you can just fight all day for fun, for free. Yeah.....


    But that's not even the best part. The massive influx of poorly geared players, no matter how good Bolster is or isn't, that are neither Augmented nor probably have a clue what they are doing...... I just don't know how that would be a good thing.


    Lastly, even though I personally don't have any big gripe with F2P/Preferred getting to do as many warzones as they like, you have to at least take a second and think about the repercussions. Yes, more people would queue. Would that be a good thing? Sure. Would it also be a bad thing? You bet. I already queue up with subscribers who can't make enough credits to augment their gear, and don't have 248, and have access to but don't use the 2+ quickbars they can have as a subscriber. Do I want to queue with a vastly increased percentage of people who don't augment or use stims and have a limited number of abilities at their disposal? I personally don't. Let F2P and Preferred (over their limit) queue with each other. Not with subscribers. The whole reason that people try hard in PvP is so that they can win and reap the rewards. F2P would have zero incentive of ANY kind to win, would rob subscribers of queues, and then underperform while they were at it.


    Nonsense? Do you honestly think it's nonsense? If so I feel kind of like I need to take a closer look at my opinions, because I don't see how I could possibly be too far off base.


    TL;DR --- It's not nonsense, you'd be injecting lower quality players into an already skewed/imbalanced fight, and people who pay to subscribe to this game would either lose out on queues or have less chance of winning. Let F2P and Preferred (over the limit) queue with each other....not subscribers.


    Bad and lazy players aren't limited to F2P/Preferred. You already have plenty of them that are subs. Those they queue solely for the rewards and don't care about the outcome of the match. Have no sense of skill/dcd usage, tactics, etc. They play just for components and CXP. Meaning PVE'ers that only use PVP to help pad their CXP level while in between raiding or PVE stuff.


    I can maybe understand not allowing F2P to have unlimited Warzones. At least Bioware should up the limit to at least 15 a week, not the 5 that it currently is. Preferred at least should have if not unlimited at least maybe 20-30 warzones available a week. They at least have put money into the game in one form or another, whether it is from the Cartel Market or Subscriptions. They would have at least 4 quickbars to use for PVP and a higher cred limit that would allow them to augment themselves, albeit more slowly than a sub.


    As for gear disparity, that really doesn't make much of a difference with bolster (in regs). To test this I used some characters of mine that had 204 pvp gear, while others had 210 green gear. No stim, no augs. I did extremely well in the matches I took part in. Better than those that have full augs/higher tier gear. My total damage done was higher (in the top 3), Kills, DPS, Killing Blows, objectives, etc. As for my enemies, I took on those that had higher gear than me, judging by their HP pool that was around 130k, not the under 120k that mines was. In 1v1 I killed them 9 times out of 10. The times that I did die was when 2+ were on me, but I took down the one I was after but got killed by the other. Meaning skill and tactics mean far more than gear does. Does better gear help, of course. Is it required? Not for regs, ranked is another story entirely.


    You forget that ALL pvpers were no where near as good as they are now. They were either crap, meh, ok or decent. Through practice they became good, skilled and superb. No one starts off awesome in PVP, no matter the game. You have to learn your characters abilities, the enemies classes abilities, how to counter them, warzone objectives, etc. That takes time.There are some current pvpers that pvped as f2p/pref that have become subscribers. And are now skilled players. By denying them either increased wz's or unlimited, you are limiting the pool of competent pvpers.


    Also even if warzones were made unlimited, sure some pvpers would unsub since pvping would be free. However, there will of course be limited or even no rewards. BW would find a balance somehow, or a reason to make them want to resub. As for how much revenue they would lose from those sub loses? Surprisingly it wouldn't be as much as you would think. I remember reading before that the total percentage of players that pvp/only pvp was very negligible. I can't remember the exact percentage, but it was under 10%. The majority of the game is filled with PVE'ers. One proof being the amount of PVE content added compared to PVP content.

  3. Yeah, that's what we need, is a deluge of people queueing up for a skill based activity, and a devaluing of subscriptions. Then we will have less people subscribed to the game. And thus less revenue being generated by the game. And thus less time before the end of SWTOR. We should just do away with subscriptions completely!


    QFT with that nonsense. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Allowing unlimited PVP would NOT devalue subscriptions. Since there are LOTS of other things that still require subscriptions. And that's only off the top of my head. Besides even if they did ever allow unlimited f2p/pref warzones, they would still be unable to get gear over 228, not to mention all the other demerits that they are plagued with.


    1. Galactic Command [Main subscription perk as of now]
    2. Operations
    3. No credit cap
    4. Artifact Authorization
    5. Unlimited Flashpoints and Loot Access
    6. No gimping of credit and experience rates
    7. Guild Bank Access
    8. Increased GTN slots
    9. Subcriber owned Guilds
    10. 3 crew skills/gathering
    11. 5 items per companion crafting
    12. 8 companions able to be sent on missions

  4. The thing that bugs me is how Powertech gets this puny little kid's toy pop gun for tanking. I mean, try making a Powertech with a large body type character. That's about what it looks like.


    I don't mind making characters look unconventional to their roles, but if you want to make a PT who actually fits with... you know... being bulky like a tank (whether in armor, BT, or both) your weapon looks so out of place.


    I actually use the RK-4 Starforged Blaster Pistol on my Powertechs and maybe even Mercs/Gunslingers. It's big and nice and even reminds me of Dante's Ebony and Ivory from DmC. There are also other variants of this blaster pistol too, should it not fit your tastes. The link shows some of them too. Hope you like it.


  5. I currently have this problem as well. I completed Depth of Manaan Hardmode over a week ago, checked the DvL Flashpoint Master List and it was checked off. However, as of Monday nights emergency patch/maintenance, it now shows 2/1 like the OP said. I really hope this gets fixed ASAP. Because I for one do NOT want to have to redo it at all (tanked it), once for DvL was enough.


    I'll have to ask my guildie who healed it, if hers is messed up too. Another guildie completed all of the HMs and his was fine, showed all check marks. So its possible it only affects those who have yet to fully complete the Legendary Flashpoint Master achievement.

  6. Very nice read. You have me captivated by each story post. It sure is a trial waiting for the next one I tell you. Keep up the fantastic work.
  7. I forgot where I read it, but the bug with the Romances is that with EVERY new chapter released, your Romance Flags are completely reset. Doesn't matter how much you've flirted, unless you've locked in the romance with your chosen partner in chapter 9, in which case your romance is saved. I know a few of my characters that I've started KotFE on haven't reached chapter 9, but are flirting with Lana non-stop. Those characters are now screwed come chapter 9, UNLESS you aren't there yet and somehow get lucky and have a FLIRT option pop up, you then TAKE IT. The bug corrects itself if you at least have one flirt flag with your chosen partner come the chapter 9 cantina scene. So long as you get there before the next chapter release. If not, you are out of luck.


    So like another poster said, the best thing to do is play straight through to chapter 9 and lock your romance in. You can do other stuff too, like warzones, etc if you want while doing the story. Just lock your romance in BEFORE the next chapter comes out and you should be good.


    One worry I do have is even if we do lock in a romance with Lana, etc, is that while locked in, are our flirts from then on erased with each chapter release too, leaving us with the stock romance that we got at chapter 9? If so, I wonder if we'll be locked out of a final romance scene if our romance flags aren't high enough come the end of Season 1. Here's hoping that is not the case, seeing as its not our fault we have to wait 1 month per chapter after the release of chapter 9, in which the bug has been present since chapter 10 was released.

  8. He doesn't really shoot through pillars, walls, etc. You are majorly slowed during that fight, so lets say you are running to hide behind something. You barely get behind it, but still get shot. Its not that he shot through it, it's that he let out that shot before you got behind it and the blaster bolt made it to you after you reached cover. Happened to me on that fight, thought it was bugged, but the slowness makes it seem that way.


    As for the invincible part on that boss. Its a scripted mechanic, which you can see by the buff above his health bar. It will decrease after a certain duration, just keep an eye on it and once its gone, fire away. I also thought it was bugged at first, but you just have to look at the buffs on the boss sometimes to see whats going on and read their descriptions.

  9. also any pants like this in game?



    By pants, you mean those shorts? If so, there are two shorts in game that I know of. One is the basic undergarment that you can buy from one of the rep vendors on fleet in the Cartel Bazaar. Though it needs like 3 cartel certs and a certain amount of specific reputation if I remember correctly. The other is Darth An(something) I forget the exact name, but it is also shorts.

  10. You may have some decent control over the fight, but not over the group members. Not always, at least.

    Healer is the second in line to get blame cause if dps dies it's a tank fault and if tank dies it's healer's fault. I prefer dead dps than myself, if I get to choose.


    I remember reading somewhere on this forum years ago that the blame goes like this : If the tank dies, its the healers fault. If the healer dies, its the tanks fault. If the dps dies, its their own damn fault.


    From what I've seen, that is usually the case. But dps never like blaming themselves, so they always blame everyone but them, so it usually gets put on the tanks/healers.

  11. You can't disable the green suggested roll spot, BUT you can have your character never use it again if you so choose. In keybinds there are two options for this, one is crouch in place and the other is roll to cover. Bind a key to crouch in place and it will never roll to cover again. If you want to be able to roll to cover (an extra roll in a warzone if you use it wisely) you can set a key to roll to cover, so if you are near one it will roll you to it. If one is not nearby, you will crouch in place instead.


    But I assume you mean just get rid of the green human shape behind roll spots. Unfortunately that isn't able to be done, as far as I know. However, it's possible it may be there somewhere, since disable cover bar is an option.

  12. The Treek Contract you get at fleet unlocks via collections as well. I know this because it's the one I have and have unlocked it in collections for around 720 CC or so. The Treek unlock for collections is somewhere near the top, under special I believe, just in case you did not know where to unlock her at.
  13. This kind of thing happens to me from time to time. If the area you are supposed to go to, is on a part of the map you have not been to, it may not show up. So, what you have to do is, read the description of the mission and see if it has some kind of outpost or such listed in it. If it does, go find that outpost, which should be MUCH easier now, since all taxi's are unlocked. Even if the map has no cursor or icon, if you try and hail a taxi, the corresponding outpost usually has a green icon, instead of the usual yellow. Take a taxi to that location, if the cursor / icon still doesn't show, unlock some of the area on the map. Hope this helps.
  14. I've read somewhere on the forum that if you have bought something in error from the GTN, all you have to do is DELETE the mail you get and you get your credits back. Not sure what happens to the item ( I assume it goes back to the seller), but at least you get your money back. I can't confirm this, as I've never done it, but it tends to be plausible. Seeing as there is a 1 hour period before the seller receives the money, it could have been a way from Bioware to stop the scams or let you re-do your purchase if you mistakenly bought the wrong item, etc.
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