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Posts posted by genealogymaster

  1. I did turned in 5 contracts to get a kingpin bounty and it didn't give me a mission. I was told by customer service this is "normal" However the answer did not help me. That means the whole list of achievements for kingpin bounties is closed to me. This should be fixed but I doubt it will.
  2. I tried to motivate myself but just couldn’t do it. The reward/effort makes no sense, and I have no desire to kill another 250 mobs to get less than a thousand points. As the Dude would say, It’s a bummer, man.



    Good point I couldn't motivate myself either because the rewards aren't worth the effort.

  3. You are right. I am basing my times off what I can do which isn't really relevant to anyone but me. But, it shows that these things can be done and are being done in similar fashions.


    I haven't mentioned the rampage...cause yeah i got hit with the bug too. Got to 220. Reset to 0. But I digress


    I philosophically do not agree with your next part. I do not subscribe to the notion that just because someone doesn't have the time to do something in one sitting that things should be changed to accommodate them . If an operation is the creme de le creme for conquest points and someone doesn't have the time to do it then they don't get the points. Period. End of story. If they don't have the time to do X they don't get the rewards for doing X. If they are unwilling to do the things that they could do to make their gaming life easier then I'm sorry I won't just say sure no problem you can get the rewards. I do not like cow towing to people who want their cake and eat it too. If Conquest is an end game function (which some argue it is) then no they have to do the necessary things so that they can conquest with the best of em. I'm just so not ok with making it super duper easy to always cap 10 characters or more. If they can't play more than they can't cap more. I know it's not a popular opinion, and I'm sure I've written it wrong in places, but overall I just don't like the notion that just because someone logs in for 5 minutes a day means they should get the entire swtor world dropping at their feet without any effort whatsoever.


    I don't know where you get that but I don't want to one Flashpoint over and over again. I don't ops so again its not the factor of doing an ops or flashpoint its the number of times you have to do it. We are talking about playing far more than 5 minutes. I play for awhile each day and I'm still struggling with conquest. I can't play 24 hours a day. You must have far more time than most of us.

  4. While this post is a valiant effort to salvage some of the over-the-top changes, I can not help but feel the "tweaks" currently outlined are done more to appease the angry horde than to actually address the underlying problems


    Adding repeatable PvP and FP content? If their omission was a bug or an oversight rather than intended this was always a non-issue and therefore a non-measure.


    Reducing the personal conquest target by 5k? While a step in the right direction is still fails to provide a solution for the shere lack of fun conquest activities. Most repeatable activities are far too grind-y to be enjoyable for longer than an hour. You promised us more things to do but instead it feels like we ended up with less.


    Un-punishing alts? As far as I can tell, nothing is going to change here. I did not hear a single word about reverting some of the once-per-day-per-legacy activities to once-per-day-per-character. Only that change will give people a reason to play their alts. Running a FP or running an ops, that is fun. Endlessly running BOI or uprisings because it is one of the few infinitely repeatable activities? I really don't want to do that, so I haven't even touched my alts this week.


    I really wanted to give you guys the benefit of the doubt, allow you time to formulate a plan to address all the current conquest issues. But the changes you outlined for next week are simply too little to make even a dent in the current mess that is conquest. What remains is hanging around, hoping that you will make some more changes with 5.9. I'm sorry but there has been far too much waiting on QOL changes in the past year (remember GC?). My patience has ran out and my sub will remain cancelled. Something which I truely consider a shame, because until 5.8 I was really enjoying the game. Now I feel hard-pressed to find anything fun to do after an hour or two on my main. I have a full-time job, I don't need another when I come home, I just want to have some fun.


    Spot on the changes outlined are too little, we need more variety in the conquest, I personally don't want to the Battle of Ilum so many times . We need repeatable stuff for heroics flashpoints and more daily areas. These are just some things that need to change. I was hoping that my sub money wasn't going for Anthem, but this update leads me to believe, that my sub money is wasted. I feel like its going to Anthem and I don't want that a game I will never play and yet its suckiing up all the resources.

  5. We won't be getting story anymore, except some FP's 5-10 minutes worth of cutscenes for a year. It is as laughable decision as it can be, considering the state of the servers after the merges and the start of this year...the population decline is pretty showing about the misguided focus on certain content or more accurately the scraps of it. At least on Darth Malgus the picture is clear, population levels are close to that of Red Eclipse before the merges, almost the same number of people on each planet and the fleet, the same number of instances.

    Keep up the "good" work devs. Its fine lol, either way you dont have that much more time left.|


    On topic: Soooo it took you 5 months for a content that was supposed to be released "Early 2018"...is May early 2018 or my math is a bit off?



    This hit the nail on the head. We will be with out much in the line of story for some time other than the FP's 5-10 minutes worth of cutscenes. Very disappointing

  6. "Producer's Letter." That eliminates any unrealistic expectations that calling something a "roadmap" might have, like directions, overviews, a colorful legend ;) ....


    This was something a lot smaller, this was a small unsatisfying teaser. I think this was said before we don't have a lot to look forward to this Spring. It just goes to show Anthem has taken all resources and with Anthem being pushed back to 2019 we won't see much till that is out.

  7. I think the reason we have received very little content is Anthem, most of the workers have been pulled to work on it and that is why we have received so very little in terms of content. I wish it were different but I think that is our reality they are working so much on Anthem because they need a big a hit.
  8. There hoping if they kill off the daily areas, and merge servers everyone will have no other option but to queue for pvp or group content making it seem like the game is alive and well as there will truly be no other means to gain cxp.


    This effectively kills the game for me. With my job, 2 kids, wife and a sick mom, I do not have the time to join a group queue, wait wait wait for it to pop, run a group mission for much less exp then doing the dailies. Doing solo stuff for me works right now as I can walk away from the keyboard anytime I need to handle something at home. Committing to a group activity means I cant, and again with my situation that's kills this game for me.


    I get its an MMO, but making group content my only viable option is just not right. Sadly I will never have the time to run ops which at least seem to reward a solid amount of cxp. Everything else for time vs reward is terrible.


    This isn't trying to get to level 70, your trying to get to 300 and rewarding 78 cxp? Seriously?


    Sorry the wrong quote went up I feel that pain however, sadly daily areas will be a ghost town now.

  9. I see those on Amazon quite often. Those sales that aren't really sales. When you get an addon you can see the price changes up to last year or something.


    They can't fool me!:rak_06:


    I feel that pain, I do group up for fp's but not ops and I don't do pvp, all the best to those who love it. But they need to raise cxp for daily areas.

  10. It's literally Eric's job description to engage with the community, and even he isn't doing that anymore. He's not a developer, or a producer, or an accountant, or (presumably) a janitor. He's got one job, and he's not kriffing doing it. Whatever's going on behind the scenes, sure, maybe it's keeping Kanneg and Boyd busy af and they really don't have time to reach out to us. Musco has no excuse to not keep us informed and up to date on what's going on with the game.


    I find he falls flat in reporting much at all. except the nerfing. Since it literally comes out on October 10 there must be some things that can be said. They may not have exact details but is it the next boss in the op a tiny story just give us an idea. We don't need the full insight just small tidbits to end speculation.

  11. That is there hope. Nerf classes so it becomes harder to complete old content because the new content you do get will be so sparse and minimal in length.


    Little to no real balance to existing content (which btw is all over the board out of whack in OPS per boss and per difficulty level. So screwed up it makes you wonder just what is wrong with bioware.)


    I don't expect 2017 to wrap up on a high note given the past 9 months behind us when I think of content thats worth repeating. I really can't wait to see whats on this roadmap for the rest of the year. Just what are they slapping together and how will they hype up such minimal additions to the game and especially - what will they add to entice you to do 1-5+ year old content once again?



    It was in one of their posts way back when they were first talking about balance. I know I'm not the only one that remembers thatas it was brought up a number of times on the forums but when I get time to sort back through all their posts I'll post it.


    I really thought they were trying but it appears to be laziness, from what you are saying. Thing have been very sparse coming out of the game Just makes me wonder are they not awake there? I mean really Crisis on Umbara was ok but I'm sure people have done it to death by now.

  12. I've been told the deverlopers do read these but I'm not sure they do. I hope you will fix Kuat Drive Yards or remove it from the Rotation of Flashpoints as we can't get into it. Also when planetary mission cxp is changed please let it be higher than it was at 75 cxp that was far too low.
  13. I've heard nothing about this, you might end up getting it and when you try to take the shuttle to get to it, you don't go you stay in the hanger bay. I know that the Umbara stronghold was a problem, but since we can't do Kuat Drive Yards could we please have it removed from the rotation till the bug is fixed it is frustrating that it can't be done.
  14. Tried to get into Kuat Drive Yards today and of course its still broken. You go to the ship and then just leaves you at the ship you don't go to the instance. It should be removed from the rotation for flashpoints till they fix it. Which judging by the answers it hasn't been fixed for some time.
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