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Posts posted by SlickHenry

  1. i played some 10 wzs on the test server and i feel quite castrated on my SS build.

    no more on use relics, no more dmg boosting via wz adrenals & instead the defense boost they give now. even if they already told they gonna nerf burst, thats quite a hefty one.


    my biggest hits dropped to 4k-4,5k and my dmg per wz to 150k-250k. im nearly full war hero so im used to 5k-7k crits and 300k-400k dmg per wz. things may get better when they fix augment slots and relics though.

    will try DF today to see how dots do in 1.3


    also some really annoying bugs, knockback animation doesnt work, instead the guys around u will stay there for some seconds then teleporting to where they got knocked backed and taking cover sometimes feels like slow motion. but yeah testserver and all so i wont rant here.


    atm i would say 1.2 SS gunslinger is a lot more powerful and fun to play than the 1.3 SS gunslinger, but they might still change some stuff.

  2. i got no probs vs operatives when my defenses arent on cd.

    1st use either knock back and leg shot or dirty kick, aimed shot, leg shot to get him away from u and root him. then use your standard rotation which should get his health lower than yours. when he comes at u again use diversion to get his accuracy down, when its over use dodge and after that defense screen while u pump out dmg. should give u enough immunity to get him down.

    if things go bad u still have another leg shot and ur stun grenade as a way out.


    if he stealthes away, heal up, if he comes back its a cooldown & energy race :)


    oh and think about his defenses too

    never played a scoundrel or operative, but i guess the also have dodge & defensive screen, but u should know the animation from ur own char

  3. A bug I've been seeing continuously is being stunned out of hunker down. I've had it happen to me about 3-4 times yesterday. Whether it's latency related or what I don't know but I'd use hunker down, the bumpers would come down, and a sorc or something will 4 second stun me through it. My hunker down then proceeds to go on cooldown after I get stunned through it. Really frustrating.


    yeah, got that too, already wanted to make a thread on this. anyone know if its a bug/feature/lag?

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