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Posts posted by Morpholinium

  1. For your vendor stack problem, hold down shift, right click the item you want to buy a stack of, and drag the mouse (still holding shift+right click).


    Brings up a slider to pick the amount you want to buy.

  2. My Sith Warrior is 45. My Inquisitor is 25. I have a small handful of sub-level 5 alts/name holders.


    Playing a few hours most weeknights, a bit more on weekends.


    Both characters with real playtime are 400/400/400 in their tradeskills, though.


    Edit: Been subscribed since just before Christmas.

  3. The "speak to whatshisface" quest sitting in my log from the Revanite chain on Drommund Kass. I finished the chain, got the title, but this step stays in my log, unable to be abandoned.


    I can even reset and re-run the whole chain up to this point all over again, there it hangs. And so far multiple tickets have only yielded a "Sorry bro, can't help you" canned response.

  4. The game is 2 months old and still missing features it should have had at launch.


    I thought surely 2 months on we'd have LFG and cross server PVP. How much longer should I have paid my sub based on vague references on the developer blog?


    Two things.


    One; apparently I am one of the very few who are aware the game has a LFG tool already. Unless you're all looking for a zero-interaction, queue-and-wait, port-me-to-the-fp tool.


    Two; If you picked up SWTOR looking for the next big online PVP e-sport, I think you've severely misjudged where Bioware has and will continue to place the bulk of their focus.

  5. It has been in game as of Dec 13th 2011 to my knowledge.


    Most want an "I queue up and the game forms a group for me, ports me to the FP, and wipes my *** for me" tool, and have no idea that a lfg tool was in at release.


    They might have to open the tool, flag themselves/invite people manually, and (gasp!) talk to people with what's currently in game.

  6. Hell, ideally I don't want to press any buttons. I played Dungeon Siege 1 for almost a year, and all I had to do was click on a mob. I only had one attack.


    What is it about pressing buttons? When I quick Warhammer Online (after 3 days of play) they asked me if I quit because "there aren't enough" buttons. The game had dozens of frigging buttons!!


    Ultimatelly it's a moneygrab. They think more buttons = more $$, because the decisions are made by corporate suits who analyze market trends, not by gamers.


    WoW was successfull despite the idiotic class mechanics and the annoyingly complicated game play. It was just that good, that I'd put up with it, because it had polish, atmosphere, story and depth.


    Gaming is entertainment, I don't want to watch an action movie everytime, sometimes I want to just relax and watch animal planet, and enjoy the scenery. I don't need to get an adrenaline rush - or if I do, I hit the gym!


    They could call it Autoattack. Or even better, let us space bar through combat so we can all hit 50 without experiencing any of the game!

  7. Just have to prioritize.


    The moves I use in questing and PvP are keybound in a way where I can access them immediately without thought.


    The moves I need for the occasional boss are a bit further away.


    Then you have the few slots for the "oh crap" situations. (e.g. big cooldowns and such)




    It's perfectly possible to have all skills quick slotted and be effective.


    Does one really need the flare gun and holodancer on a quick bar?

  8. And why would they? People making millions of credits and getting battle master in one day because of broken, untested content Bioware released?


    Nope, that's fine. Everything will even itself out eventually.



    No instead we are dealing with broken, untested patch nonsense.




    I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.


    Looks like something random you just threw in there.




    Yes, because this is the first MMO to add content in patches? WOW AMAZING!


    Let's see if the EXPANSIONS are free. Here's a hint: They won't be.




    Yes most of the bugs are annoying.


    Especially the ones that crash your client, make you invincible, prevent you from targeting an enemy while the enemy is still attacking you, prevent you from completing content in Operations and small things like opening your inventory dropping your frame rates.


    And of course, you would try to label one of the worse ones, ability delay, as important and say it was "fixed". Well, I don't know what class you play and how often but you should know that is a lie and ABILITY DELAY is STILL in full effect in the game.




    No comment. Star Wars IP, constant hype, untested patches...


    This game is a gimmick for profit.




    Just a few bullets comparing this launch to The Other launch, having lived through both.


    I'm still a satisfied customer. You obviously are not. We are unlikely to see eye to eye, but I hope the negativity so enthusiastically embraced by yourself does not color your opinions on further entertainment choices you make. Otherwise, I fear you may never be content.

  9. We're two months in.


    Servers have been stable.


    No rollbacks have had to occur.


    We're not dealing with horrible peer-to-peer patching nonsense.


    All content we have access to is itemized.


    Additional content has already been added (at no additional cost, too).


    Most of the bugs encountered peak at merely annoying. The truly important ones (ability delay) have been addressed well and quickly.


    Give credit where credit is due, people. Most of the "game breaking" things whined about on this forum are actually minor convenience/quality of life issues.

  10. There are many skills yes, but that is not something bad at all.


    We just need more skill slots at the bottom bars to arrange them.


    Surely, its not bad that the game requires you to juggle more skills than the usual 3 or 4 WoW has.


    I still dont understand how blind people are about WoW. The game is terrible, it always was. The only good thing it brought was the raid concept.


    I enjoyed it for a long time. Right up until they decided almost every class needed to go on a combo point system.

  11. Actually yeah, the blade of a lightsaber loops back on itself and recycles, that's why it stops. Pick up a copy of the Star Wars Encyclopedia - yells you all kinds of nifty stuff. Imagine the blade of a lightsaber starting out as a circle, now put a peg in the circle - and pull up til it's stretched almost into a line, kind of like a rubber band - and there you go. Except it's all done by modulating the crystals and the little lens focuser in the hilt.


    Handwavium is handwavium, regardless of setting. Again, a wizard did it.

  12. i agree with you. personally i haven´t used vicious slash in a while


    For most solo multi-mob flight's I just saber throw, force charge, slam, sundering assault, sweeping slash, sunder, sweep, sunder, sweep etc. 'til they all keel over. I might occasionally toss an enrage in there, and if there's a strong or better I get really fancy and toss a force choke/pommel combo.


    I use a far greater range of abilities fighting a boss, but it's mostly juggling controls and interrupts.


    I haven't had a place for vicious slash to even fit into the process in like 15 levels, currently 43.

  13. Can you tell us how the beam from the lightsaber stops?


    Or if it uses plasma, how it doesn't burn your hands to ashes when you activate it?


    Or how we have gravity in our ships and Fleet?




    I could go on and on. It's called science fiction.


    A wizard did it.

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