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Posts posted by Pricia

  1. I checked about 3 weeks ago and I had until the 26th or something (I counted the days).

    Checked again about a week ago, it said I had 3 days of subscription remaining. That didn't sound right, obviously, but I'm not really playing anymore so I don't really care... Now it's been saying 1 day left for 3 days.


    You might want to fix that, you wouldn't want people to start thinking that it's an attempt at making them resubscribe because they think their subscription is ending earlier than it's supposed to...

  2. Oh Well.....


    BW is forcing us to do NIM OP's to get our gear...


    Deal with it. We don't like it any more than you do but, too bad. BW saw fit to make NON-OP Players do NIM OP's to gear our toons, so now you have to deal with it too.


    I would much rather NOT have to deal with the Elitist NIM OP primadonna's and just gear my character the way I have always done before. But do to the Whining from the a fore mentioned Elitist NIM OP primadonna's, you now have to deal with us in your NIM OP's just so we can gear our characters...


    Karma is a Cruel [redacted]...


    Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Also, there's a difference between an elitist and someone who expects people to actually try a minimum. 9k dps on a boss is not "trying." Joining a nim Op without being ready for it (at least google bosses or ask for strat and learn your rotation) is basically voluntarily wasting people's time.


    You're probably one of those people who afk in GSF or throw games so they finish faster and blame the "elitists" and BW when people complain about it instead of acting like an adult (which I'm guessing you're not) and take responsibility for your selfish actions.


    I agree that it's completely lame that it's the only way to get the gear but it's not an excuse to behave that way.

  3. Uh... Yes it is. It's in the name. Massive Multiplayer Online. The game is meant to be played with group content in mind.


    Not THIS game, considering that all the story content is meant for SOLO players.


    Which is fine by me considering how toxic most of the community is.

  4. It's the same thing as GSF and afk'ers - if you're not trying, you have no reason to do the content, period.


    Honestly... it completely baffles me how rude and selfish so many people are, to actually think it's ok to join a group and be useless.


    That being said, if you're going to pug it, you have to expect that people will not necessarily meet the minimum requirements/standards. That's been the case in pugs in MMOs forever.

  5. No. The moment they lock story behind group content again like they did with Oricon is the moment I quit and take my money elsewhere.


    It's why I quit 9 years ago at Ilum.


    That was a totally irrelevant comment anyway as the flashpoints in question are STORY MODE.

  6. The lack of story content hasn't really helped, but overall I still get excited about what's going to happen... eventually.


    But yeah, flashpoints are getting old (especially as soloers get nothing from story flashpoints anymore). I miss the Onderon/Yavin/Rishi type of content, instead of going from Flashpoint to story zone over and over again...

  7. Not to mention the worst thing of all. Level Synch is broken. They now level shift tertiary stats. Note that they didn't do that pre-7.0. So now you end up with way too much of one tertiary stat and too little of another. Level synch worked very good in pre-7.0 content. Now it is pure garbage and unbalanced. It is obvious what this 7.0 update was directed towards...the Pvp and hard mode operations scene. That's it. Everyone else is just collateral to Bioware now. Does anyone wonder why people have cancelled their subs real quick over the past 3 months? It's cause the casual player base is not a priority. Hence why the story expansion was less than an hour long...Sad day's when the majority who pay the subscription are not prioritized in a game.


    Yeah I love missing on level 7 mobs, it's so much fun. Especially when 98% of the content is level sync'ed.


    Fixing that should have been one of their priorities, yet it's coming "in a future patch."


    But why? Why is the game being tailored to a minority of players at the expense of the majority? It's mystifying.


    Especially when it went from a casual/solo friendly game to... this.


    My subscription ends tomorrow. No plan to renew unless they undo some of the changes. I'm not even playing the game anymore at this point... 7.0 killed the game for me. I'll come back for story updates and that's it, after all... it's not like story players need the gear apparently, so why should I grind it?

  8. What have you seen that says the feature has been widely embraced? Its there, there's no reason to not choose a different combat style rather than the original for class stories. But I've seen (and have) apprehension toward swapping to another style on older toons with it being permanent choices and down to 2 choices. What measure would you have to tell you if they had failed besides complaints (and genchat can switch up depending on the hour)? I'm just curious and actually wish they would post some numbers.


    Its one of the only decent ideas for this 'expansion' and even that didn't turn out right.


    I mean, I haven't seen anyone saying "I hate combat styles and I wish they had never put them in." People either don't care for them or love them, but there's no reason really to hate something that 1) is completely optional, 2) only gives you more choices.


    So yeah, I'd say it's pretty positive overall and there's really no need for "numbers" for that. Heck I'd say it's the only thing they got right (eventually) since 7.0... I personally don't like that you're forced to pick a second combat style if only switching a force spec to the mirror one, but heck, I'm not going to say that the whole thing sucks just because of that.

  9. People hoping for a new GS are cute. I wish I was so hopeful... It took them months to do the current one...


    Wow! Three whole months!



    To be fair, it only bothers me because they implied that it would come soon after 7.0. It was supposed to be a year long anniversary, yet we're in the middle of May already and we don't even know when 7.1 will come out, nevermind the rest.


    Clearly they don't have enough people to fix bugs and work on new content at the same time.

  10. I got tired of having to grind the same stuff over and over for tech fragments. I'm just logging in every day for the bonus then logging off, not even bothering with CQ anymore because it's such a drag.


    Needless to say, one week left on my subscription and I'm not renewing. I'll check the new content when we get some but that's probably going to be it... 7.0 burned me out.

  11. Wow, 500 players all quit your guild and unsusbcribed the minute 7.0 came out because of ability pruning? That's crazy, bro. 90% of your 600 player guild were on the PTS? Holy cow, bro. Crazy stuff, man. Totally legit.


    FFXIV doesn't have a dumbed down combat system? Aside from, what, BLM, every DPS class has a very basic rotation, the healers have simple rotations, and there's literally no class diversity. You don't have builds! What are you talking about man?


    Lol yeah... Very few skills in FF14 compared to SWTOR, even after pruning... My guess is that a lot of people who moved to FF14 are just appreciating the change (you bet I am), but then they'll realize that endgame is just as bad lol... The difference I suppose is that they have more than 5 devs working on the game.

  12. Haha the site is down so I can't read the article, but anyway...


    I don't really agree, no.


    Individuality - what do they mean by that? I mean, ESO, FF14, EVE and SWTOR are quite different from each other.


    The grind - I'm guessing by "backload" it means that the grind happens later instead of during the leveling process. Is it a bad thing though? I mean... people can still enjoy leveling without having to grind if they don't care about the gear. It's better than having to grind to level up...


    The investment part comes with that I suppose. Especially with SWTOR where you can buy a level 70 token and end up in endgame. That doesn't serve the game AT ALL if you ask me though, considering that the story is the best part, but what do I know...


    The mystery... that's a good one. But obviously it's not a new genre anymore so I'm not too sure what they expected there.


    Community... yeah right, having guilds trying to beat the others to a spawn in EQ was such a great community! That one is stupid...

  13. Yeah I stopped turning them in at 7.0. I have over 2500 of them rotting in my vault.


    Turning them in one at a time, going through the opening animation, then having to destroy them one at a time... nobody got time for that.


    I asked them on the PTS forum to do something about it in November, clearly I once again wasted my time. If they would just stop dropping gear altogether once we have the gear unlocked, that would be great...

  14. I don't mind the ability pruning.


    What made me decide to not renew my subscription are mostly the changes to rewards. Solo players get no upgrade drops, we now have to do specific content to get rewards, and solo conquest goals got nerfed so badly that the only feasable path to gear and conquest is now... GSF.


    I didn't sign up for a space combat game, especially one where people can just go afk or screw up their team and get away with it.


    I didn't sign up for getting frustrated with other people trying to gear up.


    I didn't sign up for it taking twice as long to get set bonus/legendaries for alts either.


    Between that and the lack of story content or even any UPDATE about the future state of the game, I've decided to let my subscription expire in 2 weeks. I'm basically logging on for the logging bonus and logging off until we get new story content.


    Needless to say, I'm just extremely disappointed by the direction the devs thought the game should go.

  15. Well I reported three more today. It's just ridiculous.


    Also lost a game because someone was afk and people took 10 minutes to kick him. We lost by one point...


    I think I'm done with GSF, it's just too frustrating at this point. I'm just too pissed at people who basically don't care about other people's time... It's just completely selfish.


    It's still a damn shame and the fact that GSF is the main way of getting CQ points is basically what is going to stop me from renewing my sub, at least until 7.1 finally get out. I have two weeks left on my sub so it shouldn't be too hard to get CQ done on fewer toons without having to bother with GSF once it's over. If I can even bother (I'm downloading FF14 right now).


    Great job BW and leeches, you did it!

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