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Posts posted by Warren-Stride

  1. That's a cool question. I'd probably have a green saber and Niman. I really enjoy the idea of a Jedi Consular, a Jedi who isn't as much about protecting good or abolishing evil, but about nurturing good and discouraging evil. I also very much enjoy Niman's focus on using the Force in combat, as the Force is certainly what I would focus on if I were a Jedi.


    Niman is good for me personally because I am very much a lover, not a fighter. I have no passion for conflict, and prefer a diplomatic approach. Niman is a form for Jedi that focus less on the martial aspects of being a Jedi, and more on the mental ones, such as knowledge, negotiation, peace, and communication. Which is much more of who I am. I always thought the Jedi lady who helped Obi-wan in the archives was really cool. I'm just that kind of Jedi, I suppose.


    So I suppose Niman builds on my strengths, rather than adjusting for my weaknesses. Though, because I am not one for violence, using the Force in combat could be a good way to subdue an opponent without outright maiming them.

  2. After Thought: Do you mean in a week Strider, or do you mean after? Just curious since the 1 vs 1 vs 1 Kaggath match is FINALLY winding down... That match... took... FOREVA!


    I have internet until this Friday, but RL is still in full drive. Then I leave on a much-needed cruise for a week, from 1/17 to 1/24. So it'll be a while until I'm ready for sure.


    I'm glad it's coming to a close, it's good to keep things moving. Of course that means I'll miss the start of the next Kaggath though. Oh well.


    I remember the good ol' days when Kaggaths were 100 posts.... that was nice. They're just too much to keep up with now.

  3. We miss you Strider, or at least I do. :p


    As for participation, it does not start for a good deal of time, since tech trees and such are still being hammered out, and so is the General skill system. :( The main issue being that if I give players more points, it potentially gives force users WAY too much... but if I lower the skill max, there is less variation as well as easier to hit caps... unless I adjust the prices, which would be counter-intuitive...


    Thanks, I miss y'all too!


    If it's still in the planning stages when I get back I'll join in for sure. :)


    Honestly I think decreasing the amount of points all around would be best. Makes people have to prioritize more. Characters that are good at EVERYTHING are boring, to me. Specialization is what makes them unique.

  4. The proposed skill tree system seems to be getting so... I'm sorta tuning it out till Sil has it hammered out. Hopefully he'll simplify it.


    It does seem like there isn't too much for non-Force users..... If we're looking at the strategic side it seems like everyone who has a non-Force user leader basically has to funnel their stats into the same stuff.

  5. Strider! Haven't seen you in ages. :eek:


    If you want, I can answer any question you may have, it gets easy once the basics are understood. :D


    Yeah, RL is kicking my butt. And still will be for a while, it seems. :(


    It looks great, I'd love to participate, but I will be without internet all of next week, so that's bad timing. It'll be interesting to see how it works out though!

  6. To disagree with most, I loved pretty much every single thing about the trailer.


    To go pretty much scene by scene: The stormtrooper guy was great, leaves me wondering who is he, why is he in the desert, why isn't he the calm and collected buckethead we're used to? That droid is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen, I need one NOW. New stromtrooper helmets/armor is EPIC, in my opinion, looks very updated and sleek. Speeder girl just LOOKS cool right off the bat, I'm so pumped to see what she can do! That X-wing shot is gorgeous, no need to say more. Everything about that Sith, the way they walk, stand, and pose, makes me extremely curious and hopeful for a more interesting, fleshout and unique Sith. Although I'm not holding out hope for a lady Sith, it's not CLEAR that it's a male... Yes, the lightsaber is an obvious Maul-esque moment, but personally, I don't think it's meant to be a hand guard. I think it's meant to be the opposite, an offensive augmentation that allows for some tricky moves in closequarters. A sly, cunning Sith would be awesome. And yay the Falcon!


    Maybe it's just that I am pumped in general for this movie, but I think it looks great, and I can't wait to see more!

  7. Fact is, Revan won wars, Nek won battles.


    I'm not sure this argument is doing Revan any favors, Beni. Yes, Revan was a brilliant strategist. He was amazing at large-scale warfare. He could manipulate events on a galactic scale. He was trained by Traya, was he not?


    But the Battleground isn't a galaxy. It's a single battle. Nek doesn't have to be better at winning wars than Revan. He just has to be better at winning battles. Personally, I don't know enough about Nek to advocate for him, but saying that he's going to lose to Revan in a single battle just because he didn't almost conquer a galaxy doesn't stand logically.


    And I doubt Revan will have time to study Nek's (very unorthodox) strategy to use against him before the Kaggath begins. That deprives Revan of one of his main strategies, if I understand you correctly.

  8. Not to be "that guy" but.... Two light sided factions are having essentially a powerbase show down on the most densely populated planet in the galaxy and the heart of all Republics, past and future. I think collateral damage should really be taken into consideration. These factions aren't, in character, going to want this battle to end in hundreds of thousands of Republic citizens becoming casualties of a petty power struggle.


    For example, see what happened in Episode III when Anakin, Obi-wan, and Palpatine crashed that ship into Coruscant's surface. If this Kaggath's space battle were to occur over Coruscant, debris and entire ships could be plummeting into skyscrapers, killing at least thousands.


    I think this space battle should expand a bit. We should look at the Coruscant system, not just the atmosphere of Coruscant itself. The entire solar system could be used, which would reduce risk to civilians, and potentially give the tacticians more to work with as far as creative tactics go.

  9. Side Note: Warren, mind if I pm you a few ideas I have for alterations to the IDD so I can get your feedback? Since you did so great with the DS, I feel you might have a good handle on building a good droid faction, and I have a few things I need to bolt down still, that came unhinged in the EoP vs IDD match. :o (And no, it isn't my attitude... :rolleyes:)


    Sorry, totally missed this post! Yeah, sure, I'll help where I can! :D

  10. It's a tie between that and Warrens faction, but IMO Star's is a way more all round faction whereas hers had one immensely-easy-to-exploit hole. And that's already been done.


    Yeah well. My faction's one immensely-easy-to-exploit hole is only taken advantage of by droids. On the other hand, against a mostly organic faction, it turns into a immensely-easy-to-ROLFstomp-with advantage. Which was the original idea.


    I'm fine with not moving on. The faction didn't take, I'd rather not revisit that.

  11. I was on the debate team at my high school all four years, and if there's anything that I learned from that experience, it's that who wins or loses is all in perspective. The judge is ultimately the one who calls it. You can make the points that YOU think are best, but the judge is the one who has to value them in order for it to matter.


    Basically: no matter how fair a judge is/tries to be, the fact of the matter is that their own personal opinions, thoughts, and biases will, in some way, play into a decision. Which is actually comforting, because then you know that, had you had a different judge, the outcome could have been different.


    Sometimes you agree with the judges decision, sometimes you don't. Either way, you're both right. I personally don't think there should be any attempt to make the scoring system more uniform. Because then if someone loses, they lost FOR SURE. You're a loser. Period. But how things are now (and how they always will be, even if we do find some new system) is that if you lose, you're not a loser. The judge simply voted the other way. If you had a different judge, things might have gone in your favor. And for me, that's comforting.


    Just my two cents.


    P.S. Reading back the last few pages of this thread made me realize that this isn't a relevant rant as much as I thought it was... but still, might as well leave it here. :p

  12. I'm not necessarily advocating that any of the GA troops defect. That's not the point of my argument.


    My point is, there is a schism within the GA. Empire and Republic don't mix. Don't get me wrong, they have before. But those were much different circumstances. That was after the Vong and many wars and conflicts. If you try to combine Rebellion Era Empire and Rebellion, it's not going to work.


    The 501st executed the Jedi at the Temple in Order 66. They enslaved the Wookiee people. They assassinated figures of power that opposed Imperial policies and ideologies, such as Queen Apailana of Naboo. They were the Fist of the most feared and hated man in the galaxy. They were stationed on the Death Star, which was responsible for the destruction of Alderaan and millions of lives.


    Why is this an issue? Well, Pelleaon has been around long enough to see cooperation between Empire and Republic through exceptional circumstances. But Tholme, Garm Bel Iblis, Yutrane-Trackata, and the Rebel SpecForce Troopers haven't. They only remember the times, heck, they've experienced personally the times when the Empire was horrible and cruel and cut-throat.


    How would it feel to fight alongside someone who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of the people you've risked your own life trying to protect? How would it feel to fight alongside your worst enemy? Literally the foil character to your very being. You would have to worry about backstabbing, resentment, orders that conflict with your morals. What happens if you're injured? Will your worst enemies help you? Would you help your worst enemy or let them die as payback for their opposition to your mindset?


    Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the morale of the GA is going to be very low. The atmosphere will be tense, and the only way to somewhat resolve that issue is by separating the ground forces completely. Which is ironic, considering that it's supposed to be an Alliance. But the 501st will be less effective because they're confined in what they can do by Garn Bel Iblis's orders and the sentiments of the Rebellion troops, and the Rebellion troops are going to have to work around the starkly different combat style of the Imperials.


    In not so many words: Rebellion-Era Rebels + Empire-Era Imperials: Internal Combustion

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