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Posts posted by Themanthatisi

  1. Sith'Ari Order is looking to rebuild an older guild, we are currently about 8 people active (mix of males and females), all over 40 years of age, and veteran players of the game (we have 68 total members). We seek Adults, 18+ that will behave in a mature manner, blend in conversation wise and act respectful. We like moderate RP and want to build teams to run Operations, Master Flashpoints and explore PvP as another way to enjoy the game.


    We are PVE focused for the moment, and would like to get an experienced PvP player to lead the PvP effort and team(s). Our Ops's leader, Vaixa, came to us from a progression OPS guild and has years of in game OPS experience, so we can teach newer members, once properly geared.


    As far as current perks, we have a Discord page, Guild Ship at 100% and a Stronghold, Exp and Rep bonuses are at 7.5% and adding just a few more member will have those numbers to the max of 10%. We are willing to help out newer players and veterans, can help lead and organise events for the guild.


    If you are in a dieing guild, bored with the one you are in, fed up or guildless, it does not matter. I know, very well, that us veterans can easily get bored after doing so much content over and over, and a fresh guild can really spark interest all over again, as it did for me when I discovered Sith'Ari. For example, I have fun teaching others how to gear up and run harder content, it has its own rewards.


    As a side note, we also happen to love Strongholds, and decorate our guild and personal strongholds properly, so if that part of the game has heavy interest, feel free to show it off to us. Some of ours are top notch and keys will be provided to all the Strongholds once you have become a full Sith'Ari member.... We have fun meeting up in each others and chilling.


    Gaming needs to feel fun, not like a second job.... Do you agree?


    If you like what I just posted, please reply here with your Main character name and I will reach out to you in game. You are also welcome to look for me, below are my 6 main characters I log on with. Add any of the below names as a friend and when you see me log in, hit me up. (The first three named I am on most with)


    Draxumus (Jugg Tank), Thoretta (Mara DPS), Loketta (Sorc DPS), Fandrella (Merc Heals), Hoganette (Assasin Tank), Thorenna (Mara DPS)


    Lastly, our GM is Rykkorr, he is another veteran, tons of experience and will lead us down the path of RP... If this interests you, he is working on stories that will be well written and fun to play along with. (NOT required to be a member)

  2. A little about us....


    I am a founder, played the game since launch. Wife joined up a year later, we both have completed all class stories in both factions, and have multiple characters in each as well. We recently came back after almost a year away, just needed a change and wanted to try BDO and ESO, neither of which gives us the joy this game still does.


    We have also decided to make a new approach and take FULL advantage of the server mergers, and find a guild into RP. We are not looking for heavy RP though, casual would be best, since RP is newer to us.


    We are PVE players that want to explore other ways to play SWTOR and keep the gaming feeling fun and interesting.





    Thank You....

  3. The "rumors" were probably based on "leaks" purposely put out there to expedite the shutdown of the game sooner, rather than later. In this way, EA nor Bioware will get blamed directly, and can blame the loss of subs instead for the game being shut down.


    What we all already knew, is the game WILL shut down, what we never knew, and still do not know, is when. That fact was there from launch day until now....


    Enjoy what you have, many people are playing currently on a fresh Star Wars high from the latest movie. I am a founder, I have amazing memories of this game, no matter its faults, it always had an upside and it was always Star Wars.


    Pay what you are willing to pay to enjoy what is here or what is left....



  4. That's a shame. Maybe Yavin didn't sell very well, so they don't think it's worthwhile?


    That is possible. I did not like Tatooine either and even though I have over 10k in CC and wealthy in game, I am still in DK and Coruscant.


    The only other large SH is NS and to me, it is too ugly to even get into setting it up.


    If they gave us a SH that we actually want, I know I will buy it. I would like a large structure, not so much land and my top choice would still be Manaan.


    As veterans, my wife and I have done just about everything in the game (except pvp), a nice SH would keep me busy in-between chapters and keep us subbed. Instead, we are breaking again and will be back after the chapters are all out.


    At the very least, they should say something either way...

  5. Both my wife and I played through the initial launch of KotFE, and came back last month and are already feeling bored. Part of that is on us for sure, there is still lots of content in the game, but just not enough that feels "fresh" enough and we are already legend on many of them anyway. We have also obtained every achievement for the alliances and star fortress, as well as one pair at 20 and another pair at 10 for Alliance. We are so burnt out on both now, we do not want to even think about doing it anymore. Several other pairs are going to go though without trying to build the alliance. This is a function that should have been tied to Legacy.


    Another hobby in the game for us is the Strongholds, but neither of us like any of the others, outside of DK and Coruscant. Point being, there are only so many times you want to redecorate the same place over and over. What would be nice, is if they add more of them, it is a "sandbox" type of activity that we could use more of. It gives people bored of content, a recreational activity to pass time. Like many other players, dreaming of Manaan or something that is more structure than land if another location is used. :)

    The new Eternal Championship is exciting, and I like the challenge without needing to run an op. However, replay value for us is low because of the disappointment of using "holo images" of personnel.


    In saying that, we are long time players, with all classes completed, legacy 50, have run ops many times and done all the games content except PvP. I would imagine it would simply be very expensive for a company to pump out enough material for people like us. I really can't blame them for putting more focus on getting new players, over keeping veterans happy. This game will always be on our hard drives, even if we only play for a month or two and take breaks away until enough chapters have been released and come back to catch up. Ironic, that is how we do TV shows, we wait for the season to end, and watch it on Netflix or Amazon. lol

  6. So, I'm not going to say the rewards are bad but I personally do feel that they are not worth $15 a month. I still enjoy the game and I will continue to play as preferred status and maybe in August I will pay another $15 and I'm sure I will enjoy taking my 8 alts through chapters 10-16 but I just can't see paying $15 every month for 1 hour of new content every 30 days.


    The HK chapter sounds fun but to get it I have to stay subscribed for the next 8 months? That's about $120 for maybe one hour of bonus content? Also, I enjoyed HK-55 as much as anyone but at this point I have like 25 companions and they all function exactly the same with the same abilities, and I already have HK-47 so do I really need to pay $15 to get another HK in a different color that doesn't do anything different from the 25 other companions I have? Sure I'd like to have him but it's not going to make me stay subbed just for that.


    Don't even get me started on early access, that's a punishment not a reward. Early Access = Beta Tester.


    This is not meant to be negative, I just wanted to offer my feedback in case any devs read these threads. I love the game and will keep playing but the content is too few and far between to keep paying.


    I highlighted your mistake or typo, you have HK-51, HK-47 is from KOTOR 1 and 2..


    However, your mistake makes me wonder. What if, the reward was us going on a mission, to find the legendary HK-47 or his programming and we get him... For nostalgia reasons, that "may" have been a big hit. I would have been excited to have 47.... Maybe we even find Revan's old ship with a deactivated HK-47 in it, maybe they are found on Odessa as well, who knows. Revan never seems to die, so may as well get a droid many of us fell in love with many years ago.


    Anyway, I am like many others. I am not going to stay subbed for a companion. I already feel burned by Nikko, simply because I am NOT able to customize him the way I want. They have, thus far, killed immersion with new companions by making them all generic clones and all the new ones, we can't change their clothing. Plus, the Alliances is not legacy wide, making alts less enjoyable.


    Did they really think many veterans would be excited about this? I do not think so, if WE were their target, the reward would have been different. This clearly targets newer players and offers them a chance at an HK droid without having to do the mission for HK-51, which, by the way, they have RUINED by taking away his unique skills and made him a boring generic.


    As for my wife and I , we are NOT leaving because we are upset, we are leaving because we been here a long time and too much content, feels too old. Plus, the chapters are way too short. Did I mention the Alliance grind? We will be back, after several more chapters have come out. Their offer to keep us subbed, failed....

  7. Raising the CC amount would have been wiser IMO. They are not after the players that haves subbed and already have HK-51. They are targeting the newer players catching Star Wars Fever after the movie is released.


    I love HK, but I already have one.... Their tactic did not work for myself or my wife. We will be back, but NOT staying subbed. we are already burnt out on Alliances.


    I will say this again too... I have in other posts.


    We did NOT need anything shiny to keep us playing, just make the Alliances Legacy Wide and we will run more alts. However, if that is not possible or too hard for them to reinvent that system, raising the CC total would have helped.

  8. 9 more months, to get another HK variant?


    I HAVE HK-51....



    I ALREADY HAVE BEEN A SUB??????????!!!!!!!!


    This is exactly how I feel about it too...


    All they did was offer NEW subs a HK, most veterans already have HK-51. "we" were not their target players for this promotion.


    With the Alliance being alt unfriendly, wife and I may also take a nice break and get back to some Skyrim until several chapters are released. I have been waiting for ESO to mature more and maybe it is time to try it out, so we have at least another MMO we can play together while chapters get released.


    My big gripe with the game is the Alliance setup... They could have easily kept us subbed by making it LEGACY WIDE and encourage us to want to run more alts. No need for shiny stuff....

  9. Don't be pervy. :o:p


    I get the vibe that most were pretty annoyed and disappointed by the Stream, I know I was because I'm not a fan of HK-55 and I don't want *another* droid companion, or to be the droid.


    So, what would have really rocked your world? Here is my list:


    As a subscriber: You get a special quest ritual to Bring Darth Marr back from the dead. Only a sub will get this, and only a sub can have Darth Marr as a companion.


    As a subscriber: You get a stronghold on Odessen! That's right first three rooms are free for subs.


    As a subscriber: The ability to customize your companions! (again)


    As a subscriber/founder: As a sub/founder you don't have to pvp to earn back your comps, you have done quite enough, and especially if you have played all 8 stories in full and earned 10K with all your comps on all characters.


    As a subscriber: You will get to enjoy a NEW lifeday event...with glorious prizes like Ice Sculptures of your favorite heroes! A Wampa wall hanging! A Wampa head trophy! A fireplace with hearth for your house!


    As a subscriber: You get the all new exciting Snow Speeder that allows you to shoot snowballs at mobs as you pass by. Also travels 25% faster than anything else in the game!


    As a subscriber: You get an interactive life day puppy!


    And just for Lunafox: An albino monkey lizard, just cuz...and I'll name him Special Snowflake.





    I love your ideas and any one of them would be better than getting a gold version of another HK droid.


    The SH on Odessen was one I was already hoping for myself. It is time for a new SH and it fits in with the story as well. That would have been perfect!

  10. My wife and I are not excited anymore....


    1. We already have HK-51, we have NO desire for another HK droid and you already ruined 51 taking away his special abilities.

    2. Why another companion anyway? We have too many and all do the same thing.... We cant even change their clothing.

    3. I see NOTHING that rewards long term players... It seems that long term is being thrown out to support short term players.


    What I would have done to KEEP subs...

    Up the base CC from 500 to 1000... No need for any shiny stuff in the mail, let US use that coin to buy what we want.


    My .02

  11. I disagree that it's new F2Pers or even very young people. I think there has been a culture shift of jock-ism among the jaded grinders.


    When a game goes on for so long, there becomes a jock-ish 'establishment' who think it's cool to be rude as possible to everyone and to tell everyone the reason they play -- be it for RP, story, or w/e, sucks and is wrong.


    There is a high amount of judgmental people. The best thing to do is to confront them head on, make it less comfortable for them to act so grossly to others.


    I tried that approach, in a way it did work, just not as intended..


    It got to a point he called me names and even sent a PM continuing on. That was the last straw and I reported them for harassment and have not see them active in the forums since. Some people are not able to handle debates without lashing out in bad taste.... unfortunately. I honestly did not want to report them, but the PM was going too far IMO.

  12. Is your sage set to heal, and your companion to tank? If your sage is DPS, I can see that fight being too hard, no matter what role your companion plays....

    I have not tried it as a healer, only as a tank. I was going to try as a healer next with tank companion.


    I would be interested to hear what others have done as a combo... I heard, human tank and companion heals is the best route based on a guild member's opinion since he did it several ways.

  13. The way I see it..... If they block companions that were already part of my crew prior to 4.0, I will use the terminal.


    I have ZERO issue with some things needing to be earned, but if they block a chain of companions by first, having to get one, that is a BAD decision. So, the solution for now, bypass those companions and move forward with what I have and see if this eventually changes.

  14. Preferably Rishi but Manaan would be cool :)


    Personally I would not be interested in Hoth. All I can do is picture some poor hard core role player in Florida in the middle of july sweating to death while decorating their Hoth stronghold wearing half of the product line from Northern Outfitters :eek:


    Yep, I was thinking that too... I moved from NY to FL and swore, if I ever see snow again, it is because the Earth shifted its axis... But if that happened, snow would be the least of my (our) worries. lol


    Hoth is about the worst choice, I hate going there... too bright! However, if the sky was dark, like Ilum, maybe.


    The only issue with Rishi to me is they would probably make another one with too much land and multiple smaller structures. Manaan, with its water, would force them to use one structure, maybe tunnels to connect multiple ones if they insist on doing that. But at least not have a bunch of useless land....


    I want a space station as a SH, similar in layout to fleet. Until they fix the lag on Odessan that would be the worst place ever to have one.


    What is everyones favorite SH so far? Mine is Nar Shadda, its the one i took my time to deco out to 100% instead of just filling it with crap like i did the others for conquest.


    Nar Shadda would be nice if not for that horrid interior coloring. I got it for free and it still sits empty. lol. If there was more "casino" type decos, I would do it like a Hotel/Casino, but they do not offer those decos anymore that I can find.


    My favorite by a mile is DK... best colors, rain and easy to get around layout. Just needs to be a tad larger.

  15. Ironic, I just told my wife a new SH would be great right about now.... I am still in DK and Coruscant because the others are not to my liking and so ready for a larger place.


    My first choice is Manaan, second, and only for STORY reasons, Odessa would be great.


    However, NO MORE sprawling ones that cover lots of land, how about a nice large structure this time.

  16. Where? I went thru all the dev posts since 4.0 released (which is also when this showed up). There is nothing about it being changed, nor is it listed in the known issues thread...


    Not saying it's not a bug, but have not seen any official conformation either...


    I am pretty sure I did read it, I am looking for it now myself...



    I am sorry, I was NOT able to find it. I am not able to confirm this has officially been acknowledged.


    Maybe they are going to hold off until they sort out the companions, so noobs do not have to be too burdened with repair costs while they get that balanced. I would think they would want it back....

  17. I am not so sure inflation will be reduced due to Armor repairs.... The economy is more adversely affected by the CM, where real money can be used to get goods, to sell for in game creds. People got rich doing that, not by saving on armor repairs.


    BW also said, they will address the issue, it IS a bug.

  18. I fully support this as well.....


    Even Nikko is stuck in the same outfit and because of that, I do not use him. I was really "let down" that a comp, gifted to us by subbing, does not have the option of changing his pants. I do not want my companions to be knows as "stinky" because they cant change their pants... :p


    I also wonder, if they did this so they can SELL us customizations in the CM instead. I can see why with some, their alien body shape may be an issue. But Nikko, Lana and some others should be easier to implement this feature.

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