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Posts posted by Arinais

  1. Okay fellow duel wielders a quick question. I understand that you cannot craft expertise mods, but when I inspect other marauders with similar gear (1-2 pieces of war hero, the rest total BM) I can't seem to figure out why they can be sitting at 17-18k HP while I'm only at 15.8k buffed. Could someone clear this up cause I'm honestly stumped. Thanks guys!
  2. Took a bit of a break from pvp, real life called sadly. Now I'm back and hungry for some kills, but enough of that. This is merely a curiosity, but what is the communities take on obfuscate? I'm seeing a lot more warriors/knights than I used to, which makes me happy, and whenever I dive right in, or notice someone using ravage/masterstrike I instantly hit them with obfuscate and notice it really helps with incoming damage, and yet I rarely ever see the debuff on myself. Is the tool tip making it sound better than what it is and should I take it off my bars? Or are the people I'm going up against just do not have a clue on what tools they have? Happy hunting!
  3. you are quite correct I am playing a sorc. Usually I'm pretty good with kiting, played a warlock in WoW from 05 to 09. But I can't seem to figure out whats going wrong with deception sins, they pop cloak which only lasts for 2 or 3 secs but in that time they hit me like a truck, they eat through my bubble and burst me down. It's rather irritating when I can usually hold my own against other classes as long as I manage my cds and relics properly
  4. I absolutely love the pvp in this game, but since 1.2 dropped I've been having real issues with deception spec'd sins and the jedi like. I'm almost full battlemaster gear, with the exception of the ear piece and two implants, and wow I don't knnow what it is but sins on my server are literally tearing through my health like I don't even have any expertise. Has anyone else had any problems with this? I'm running deep madness spec for the mobility because I figured stopping to cast as lightning spec is a big kick me sign. Anyways thanks in advance, happy hunting =)
  5. Greetings fellow duel wielders, I'm in need of some advice or tips. No matter what spec I choose, as a marauder BH/commandos eat me alive, to the point I'm just giving up on pvp and screaming at the monitor it's incredibly frustrating the mitigation they have as well as the burst. Does anyone have any tips for ANY spec that is viable against these ridicuously overpowered people?
  6. I'm going to assume you play as the typical hybrid madness/lightning spec. If a marauder charges in, electrocute him immediately and force speed away as soon as the root has ended. If he's rage, he'll use obliterate to close the gap, which is when you should use your knock back to keep distance. Abuse the hell out of force slow, and keep your dots on him. Stopping to cast can be a dangerous move unless you know it's just you two and you have enough time to do so before he closes the gap.


    As a marauder, as soon as I charge in I like to hit with crippling slash just incase so be careful of such things. If you find he is only using charge to close the gap every 15 secs, well so much the better but still be cautious because he is probably annilihation still keep him at distance, he may not burst you down but he has enough dots that'll rip your bubble to shreds and then he can nuke you if he catches up.


    Carnage marauders probably are the easiest to kite but still you need to stay more than 10 yards away from them because they have the most rooting talents of the 3 specs. This is the spec I use currently at lvl 40 since I found it quite useful in huttball. Having both deadly throw (10 m ranged attack) and ravage (channeled burst damage) able to root the target in place, combined with automatic Force scream crits with ataru form procs, can easily chew through a sorcs bubble and your health pool rather quickly.


    I know I didn't give you too many tactics to go with, since I'm unfamiliar with sorc game play at higher levels, but I hope my insights to marauder play style might give you some concept of how to counter act us =) Good luck brother

  7. Greetings fellow lightning rods!


    I've been playing since december, recently rolled a sorcerer for kicks and have gotten him to 26, and I've seen a lot of guildies pvping with the 13/28 madness hybrid and loving it. I decided to play around with the talent calc on torhead and actually came up with this build




    This 0/23/18 build also focuses on a lot of instant casts, but instead of focusing on deathfield and death mark, it takes lightning storm and forked lightning. Since I haven't reached a high enough level to actually use this build this is purely speculation but I'd love to hear the communities opinions on it. It has all the fun pvp talents such as electric bindings, back lash, and a favorite of mine the haunted dreams for instant cast whirl wind.


    The idea behind this spec is keeping the talents for force lightning spam for instant cast lightning strikes or chain lightnings, but also having the affliction talent to proc further free casts on chain lightning, adding on to that a chance for the forked lightning proc, it seems like if all the stars line up you can deal a huge chain burst of damage in very few globals. I look forward to hearing your feed back :D

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