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Posts posted by Halmy

  1. If u analyze the video you can see i dont get the 50% dmg from the guard, just once for about half sec, and u can check my buffbar guard icon- zabrak with blue LS - after i cast it it fells down, i recast it, its up for half sec then dropping again. I cant play like this Bw must give me a solution but so far, 1 week now they gave me nothing only closed tickets, annoyance and frustration...
  2. Hello! I really want some advice, because idk what to do anymore... I play tank in pvp so i have to use guard... A lot. Here is the problem i cast guard and it fells down very very often. Sometimes almost instantly, sometimes in 10sec sometimes after target switching but it just disappears into the thin air. Im in soresu form, never leave it, i dont remove it, my targeted Player doesnt remove it, we dont die it just disappears. I have to watch my buffbar constantly to check if i have the guard icon or not in case to recast it. In rwz sometimes i have to spam it, its very frustrating annoying and wanna make me stop the game. I wrote 2 tickets ingame, they closed it and says tyu for report... I really feel desperate would love sy to help me thank you
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