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Posts posted by Syntakk

  1. All that needs to be done is blacken out the abilities that are either unusable or are on CD, with a darkened area that scrolls downward showing the CD progression. I'm not sure what this white border thing is supposed to be.


    This is what it was originally and it worked fine, I don't know why they changed it in the first place.

  2. Anyone who declines an invite because I "have to ask first", gets instantly ignored. Your being a pompous **** and I dont have time to deal with uppity idiots in the little bit of time I actually get to play.


    Really? So everyone you invite is expected to automatically want to group with you? What if I'm busy doing something else and I have to go afk every few minutes? I decline your invite and I get ignored? That makes a lot of sense.


    Now if someone sends you a message afterwards berating you for not talking to them first, that I would understand.

  3. I've started listening to several different SWTOR podcasts over the last few weeks, and I've got to tell you guys that yours is my favorite. This last episode was especially good, and the name Butthall actually had me laughing in my car on the way to work. Keep up the great work!
  4. it doesn't matter what graphics you have up, down, sideways


    the armor looks like it belongs in that classic space movie where the robot says





    .......what the hell is it called


    Lost In Space


    Also, it's a series from the 60s, later made into a movie in the late 90s. The more you know ;)

  5. Does the Bane series say that no Jedi ever wore battle armor. Ever. Even when he was actively combatting sith.




    I mean really, hide the helmet and move on. The Sage gear is 100 times worse.


    Unless of course, this thread was just an excuse to post the picture and concern troll with it.


    I wasn't trying to use this to back up any sort of argument in this thread, I'm just genuinely curious if the Bane series is considered to be cannon or not. And yes, they do wear armor in that series, lol.

  6. This is the only source of cannon for The Old Republic, so no one is capable of telling Bioware what Jedi wore then. Jedi arent real.


    Is the Bane series not considered cannon? It takes place in the old republic, even though it is about 3000 years after the KoTOR series.

  7. in FFXI people used to .dat mod and .dat swap files in this situation


    which is why i made this thread. I'm curious of anyone knows of a program to view armor files so I can swap them for something that doesn't look like it belongs in Gundam Wing episode


    I've been wondering this for a while now too. It would make sense that you could just swap out the files like you could in FFXI, but I haven't ever heard of anyone being able to do that for this game.

  8. Personally, I feel a social hub should be constructed such that it encourages people to interact, not simply to herd them into one area. Just as I feel that talking to each other, including asking before inviting, is being social when grouping, not simply filling a spot in the game mechanic that recognizes joint accomplishments.


    Simply taking the time to send a message to people and start a conversation (even if it is only one or two quick lines) makes a huge impact in my opinion. I'm much more likely to join a group if you ask me first, but I'll be sure to let you know that I may not always be available if that's the case, and then if you're cool with that you can invite me.


    The thing I miss most about FFXI was the community. It forced you to talk to other people and start conversations, and while at times it was a bit TOO forced, it ultimately made a very tight-knit community and led to many long friendships. In all of the games I've played since then (Aion, WoW, SWTOR) I have never seen anything close to that, and I really wish more people would think this way.

  9. Agreed 100%


    I cut my teeth on FFXI, and blind invites were HIGHLY discouraged. It's just polite to ask someone if they want to join you. I'm not anti-social, but maybe I don't feel like grouping at the moment, or maybe I don't have time to commit to a group. My playstyle is often interrupted every few minutes to take care of my young son, so most of the time I can't be part of a group because I'll just be standing around while the other person is doing all of the work.


    Take a few seconds to send a quick message and ask if I'd like to join. This is supposed to be a social game after all. :)

  10. It's not like this in Hard mode, but yeah it's pretty frustrating. I'm guessing that their theory is everyone will get a piece and come out happy, but that's definitely not the case. I'll bet that they change this pretty soon due to the amount of frustration it's causing people (at least I hope they will).
  11. I do agree that they should add a vendor buy-back option that's good until you close the vendor window. What bothers me is when people make a mistake and buy something they didn't want, then submit a ticket asking for the item to be replaced or swapped for something else. Yes, it would be nice to have a forgiveness factor built in, but stop wasting people's time and clogging up the ticketing system because of your mistakes.
  12. Nobody knows anything about it because there is not yet anything to know. They haven't announced what exactly it will be used for yet, and right now there is no use for it. If you watch this video they mention that it will be used to create a "family" with all of your characters and unlock certain features that weren't previously available. That's all we know for now.
  13. Hahaha. Go try Aion for a while and then complain about grinding in this game. Even Aion has been redone for the non-Korean crowd, and it still has WAAAYY more grinding than SWTOR.


    EDIT: Not that I'm complaining about Aion, it's actually a really fun game and the graphics are gorgeous. But it is a Korean MMO, so just keep that in mind.

  14. Wow, not sure how you managed to run into this problem. I got to Taris around the same level as you and everything lined up pretty darn well. I have not done a single Heroic quest and no flash points other than Black Talon, and I very rarely PvP, almost everything I do is solo.
  15. (Sorry if this has been posted before, but since the Search function isn't currently available I wasn't able to find it if it was.)


    The top right map in Voidstar covers the top few quickslots on the right side bar (if you have it enabled). This makes them unclickable because the map takes priority, and even though you can see a bit of the button peeking out from the side you are still unable to click it.


    This needs to be fixed in the next patch. Currently the only way to get around this is to not use the side bar, which is not acceptable.

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