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Posts posted by Dhamploc

  1. Exactly. The players have a fully outfitted carpenter's shop to assemble an IKEA table.


    I actually really like this analogy - you can get away with using a handful of tools (an Allen Key, maybe a screwdriver and a hammer) and get a table.

    Or you can use all of the tools (planes, saws, maybe a lathe) and get a more robust table, that is more stable on an uneven floor, and is the perfect fit for the alcove you want to put it in.


    Either way, you still have a table.

  2. I may be wrong, but didn't The Force make Anakin in retaliation for Plagueis and Sidious trying to do some crazy ritual (again, still haven't read Plagueis).


    Yeah, they were trying to manipulate the midi-chlorians to have them create a being of pure Force. By killing another Sith over, and over, and over again.


    They got half of what they wanted. :p


    From what I've gathered of the ritual, and the various theories around exactly what happened, it would be much more likely to work if they'd tried to use the same technique to perform a "light" act (like killing a powerful Sith) rather than a "dark" one .

  3. Forgive me, but I fail to see your point :confused:


    The thing I was trying to get at with the Post Severing Traya questions was that depending on the exact nature of how that severing worked on a fundamental level could actually act a as a defense in Traya's favour. If the Sever puts a barrier between the midichlorians in her cells and the rest of the Force, midichlorian manipulation would be totally useless against her - the seperation works both ways. She can't access the Force, but the Force can't access *her*.


    If that were the case, Plagueis would have hands down, no advantages whatsoever against her (except for potentially being able to kill Sion).

  4. It's an ability called Sever Force.


    You can check it out here:http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=560035


    And besides, it won't come down to a one on one duel. Traya can kill Plagueis way before something like that could even occur.


    Edit: Sever Force does not involve midichlorian manipulation. It blocks a users connection to The Force.



    But manipulation of midichlorians doesn't neccessarily require close proximity.


    Plagueis and Sidious kicked off Anakin's conception over a decade in advance on another planet.

    He wouldn't be able to yoyo her life back and forth like Darth Venamis, but he wouldn't need to.

  5. Obviously 'Force Traya'


    And to your other question: Her connection was severed by Darth Nihilus when he and Sion rebelled (love that KOTOR 2 cutscene btw).


    Then advantage Plagueis.


    I don't mean who did it, but physically *how*. If it somehow affected her midichlorians, then she would have a *massive* advantage, because Plagueis' major advantage, midi-chlorian manipulation would be gone.

  6. Just a thought I had earlier. But if Plagueis faced Sion in a fight, he could use midichlorian manipulation to force him to die.


    Is this Force or No-Force Traya? And how exactly was she seperated from the Force (i.e. if she's been seperated, did the process somehow restrict midichlorian manipulation)?


    It's an interesting pairing this one.

  7. When I hear people say it took them 3 or 4 hours to download I wonder how many months ago it was that they downloaded it.


    Twice in the last 3 weeks. Both were done in under 2 hours.


    I'm in the UK, and the downloads were done in peak times (around 5pm after work).


    If you are experiencing slow speeds, its not necessarily you or the server - if there is some network shaping going on between you and it, that will affect it - I don't know enough about the US's internet backbone to comment definitively, but I expect a full network trace will show some bottleneck somewhere that is neither you or Bioware.

  8. Why can't I find any data crons? I go to where they are on the map in the book and they are not there


    Which map? Which book?


    Which location are you going to, and are you going to the correct, three dimensional coordinates (they are rarely just lying on the ground!) on the correct maps?

  9. How does one become a Jedi shadow?


    1. Complete the Jedi Consular quest chain on Tython

    2. Go to the Republic Fleet

    3. Complete the quest giving you the option to choose your Advanced Class.

    4. Choose Jedi Shadow.

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