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Posts posted by Cleet_Xia

  1. Armormech/Synthweaving

    1. Both suffer from the same problem that they simply cannot make a wide enough variety of products that appeal to the broad playerbase. Sure some players can make a fair amount of credits from these, but their markets are too competitive.

    2. The armors they make have been lost in the crowd of CM adaptive gear, and commendation gear.

    3. I would suggest that going forward these crafts each be allowed to craft consumable buff items that boost the appropriate class buffs by 1% for each tier of crafting recipes. Grade 1 = 1%, .........Grade 6 = 6%, Grade 9 = 7%.



    1. Suffers from the same problems as the armor crafts. It's viable products are fairly limited for the same reasons.

    2. I would suggest that a new item mod power cell be added to aim/cunning weapons & armstech receive the schematics for these. 1 schematic per tier that provides a +power stat, so that these are useful to all AC's & specs. Total = 7 schematics

    3. I would suggest that the slot for this item mod be added in a fashion much like an augment slot, and that the slot item be crafted by armstech as well. Armstech should be the only source of the slot item. Total = 7 schematics

    4. I would like to see a variety of modable techblade shells added to this craft. (for the players ~ not the craft)

    5. I would also like to see a single modable mainhand weapon added that is usable by the ship droids.(for the players ~ not the craft) This would require the creation of a new weapon type & an equipment skill to be added to the ship droids.



    1. This craft is in a very good place imho.

    2. To preserve stat balance with the changes to Armstech. a new series of item mod power crystal would have to be added to str/wp weapons, and this is the natural choice in crafts to receive those schematics.



    1. This craft is in a very good place imho.

    2. I would like to see a series of modable endgame implants, with their own group of unique item mods. Both the shells and the mods would be made by biochem. The reason for this is that I think it would be a significant QoL improvement for players if implants were more tailorable, and if their cost could be spread over several purchases rather than one large lump sum.(for the players ~ not the craft)



    1. This craft is also in a very good place imho.

    2. I would like to see this craft receive recipes for endgame slot bound droid armorings. I'd prefer that they be slot bound, so that their material cost could be made lower than the aim armorings used by players, and so that they wouldn't influence the market for those item mods. I feel droid companions should be better served.(for the players ~ not the craft)

    3. I would like to see this craft receive recipes for a craftable currency that is used to buy droid companion customizations. This would require a vender be added to the game that would accept these, and a variety of customizations created.

  2. did you two man it without companions? becasue 1. you are ina gear way above requirement. companions in same gear make considerable difference. like... being in average 4 man group difference (and in some cases easier - since you can control companions much better than you can control people)


    I have heard that its easier than Manaan. I don't mind. not all content needs to be hard.


    Nope, we had companions out.


    There isn't any real DPS being done by the attacks of these bosses. It's not an issue of it not being hard, it's that it's so easy it is boring.


    You just need to try it for yourself. I didn't come in here to trash on the new content, I think it's great. New content is new content. But I also think they need to adjust the difficulty upward until it's at least as difficult as the other Tactical FPs. Right now ~ it is nowhere near the difficulty of the other Tacticals. The champs for the H2 on Oricon are tougher than these bosses.

  3. *SNIP*

    haven't tried Rakata prime yet, but if there are no timers, I could probably do it. again, with care. however. I kinda remember that 1. my gear and my presence (and the fact that I can spam heal to keep myself and comp alive) can compensate for a lot. 2. I might not be anywhere near top progression guilds, but I'm also slightly above your average flashpoint running in skill.


    just like NIM operations are not meant for some people... maybe, just maybe , these flashpoints are meant for your average player, and NOT progression Ace? maybe?


    I don't think you understand just how easy this new FP is. It could be completed by less than 4 players in lvl 53 blues.


    My first time through it, a friend and I 2 manned it with a toons/companions with an average gear rating about 168. We still only used the Kolto stations twice. We accidentally cheesed the the summoned adds on the middle boss, no seriously, we couldn't figure out why they never attacked us. None of the bosses represent any sort of challenge at all compaired to any of the earlier bosses in the FPs that are part of the story arc.


    The FP itself is a work of art in it's graphical appearance, but it's mobs and bosses don't even feel like they're on level. And I don't remember if I saw even 1 gold that wasn't a healing mob.

  4. Is there any reason you can't actually do the trinity in a tactical and make it more challenging for yourself?


    The problem with the tacticals is that if you roll into them with a trinity group they are laughably easy.


    easy =/= repeatable fun....... easy = fast track to bordom

  5. Memories... reminds me when I ran through all the huttball field to score and then it was bugged, could not score....


    When I tell I could not score due to some bug and one team member say something like "Buddy, you might want to try on the opposite side."


    BTW I made it to the other side again alive: Hilarious,


    Huttball produces so many great Classic moments!

    My favorites have to be leapers suicide jumping into acid or fire, & snipers tunneling on a single player the whole way through a match.


    One of my personal best hutball moments were the time I flubbed and "rescued" my own teammate just as they were about to score. I didn't feel like I would ever redeam myself from that, but then I ended up carrying the ball up the side with 2 RDPS players for support. When I was accosted by a leaper, I threw him the ball on purpose, which immobilized him. Then my RDPS burned him to a crisp as I healed their wounds, recovered the ball, and we relayed the ball all the way to a score.


    I once had the 'W' key get stuck as I was jumping off the ledge headed toward the center node of Civil War. (Playing my heal spec sage). PANIC! I trudged straight forward, & then successfully crashed face first into the ledge of the opposing team before I turned and force sped toward the side node (which the enemy was capping). Part of the enemy team followed me toward their own capped node, trying for the free kill of an obviously stupid player. Of course I was eventually euthanized, but my instants kept me alive long enough to make it all the way past the side node with 5/8 of the opposing team in tow. I guess their player called "inc" on me. It had to look completely ridiculous to my teammates. The whole time I'm thinking

  6. From someone who leveled a gunnery trooper doing only PvP when it was the worst class in PvPm thanks for taking the time to write this down. Would certainly have helped me then, so will help many now too.

    Thank You ~ I really appreciate that, I only PvP on my gunnery toon when I'm in the mood for recreational dental work.


    I consider myself a medium/poor PvPer. Yet I often get highest medals, highest damage, decent healing and/or protection in WZs.


    The irony is....That's true of most PvP'ers with your attitude.


    You probably also,

    1) actually play toward the objectives of the WZ

    2) never type anything in chat besides "inc {location}" ~ to keep from distracting your team with BS

    3) have no idea how many medals you earned until the match is over

    4) actually MVP players who solo guarded nodes.

    5) would prefer to lose to a good team than ROFLstomp a bad one.

    6) pass the %#&%ing huttball

    7) hope for that rare moment in a PUG match when you feel your team gel.


    A few other things that PvE players who are PvPing for the first time should understand about WZ's

    1) They are the fastest ice breaker for meeting players to do PvE content with. ~ much shorter than a FP. And you'll also find out who is around that you want to avoid ~ before you waste your time trying to do an FP with them.


    2) You don't have to be a great PvP player to be great fun to PvP with. The best player is the team player.


    3) PvP is a team sport, and you don't get to lead the team by wanting to ~ you lead by playing to the objectives and to the strengths of your team mates.


    4) HILARIOUS things regularly happen in PvP matches that you will never experience in PvE content (no spoilers) Sometimes you will have the privelidge of being the source of that hilarity.


    5) At some point you will genuinely win a match for you team all by yourself, and no one will know that it was you. It's rare, but it does happen. (One of mine was capping every objective in a VS match because no one ever got in my way ~ cap objective / wait/ force speed. We were on assault for the first round, and there was no way the opposing team could win after a first round like that. It was long ago, before server merges, but Leafy was also in that match.)


    6) Your team will regularly be stomped by groups of guilded players that fit together like a well oiled clock. ~ but after that your team will eventually be stomped by 3 characters who might all be part of Skynet.


    7) If you play a WZ & there is a truly good player present ~ follow that person, and annihilate the target of their choosing.

  7. D-Bags abound, and can be found anywhere in any multiplayer game. The good new is that they blocked you, and you'll never have the joy of grouping with them for any of your PvE content.


    I'm happy to see that conquests is getting more PvE players to join WZ's ~ and that many of them are actually trying the PvP. This is a really good thing for the game. I'm not happy about the players that are just AFKing their way through matches, but that's a different issue.


    Some things to think about...

    1) Sucking at PvP is something that every PvP player did once, everyone gets to be a noob.

    2) Your toon will probably always get slaughtered by the class that is meant to be it's hard counter.

    3) Players that waste APM running others down in PvP matches are rarely the top contributors to their teams.

    4) The PvP gods on PvE and RP servers couldn't hack it on a PvP server.

    5) Who cares what a D-Bag thinks?

    6) Live players are tougher oponents than any scripted boss will ever be, WZ's will improve your raid performance.

    7) Everyone dies in WZ's, the winners just die fewer times. If you have to, take one for the team, delaying the cap of a node by 5 seconds can be all it takes for your team to win.


    Some advice for anyone rolling tank spec in WZ's for the first time.

    1) find a heal spec player on your team, and watch after them like you're their loyal dog.

    2) Guard them! It's vital in WZ's. Together you're able to hold off half the other team, apart each of you is a solo kill.

    3) Use your single target taunt on whoever attacks that player. ~ otherwise use it on CD

    4) Use your aoe debuffs whenever possible ~ this is probably your greatest contribution.

    5) If you have harpoon, lead the pack & pull the first enemy player to get within range so that your team can focus them down.

    6) Mark heal spec players on the other team ~ this is everyone's job. It's important, and it's often the difference between a win and a loss.

    7) Players that patiently guard capped nodes & type "incoming {location}" in chat are some of the most underappreciated players in WZ. Their numbers on the leaderboard will stink, but they often decide the outcome of matches. Just standing there will discourage most solo enemy players from attempting to cap.




    </waves at Leafy_Bug Glad to see you're still around !

  8. For the first time in months I PvP'ed WZ's over the weekend, and AFk'ers decided the outcome of far too many a match.


    But you know what, I'm happy I at least I got to add a bunch of character names to my ignore list. I never want to play ANY content with someone too lazy to even be a meat shield in a WZ.


    And I'm certainly not going to regret missing the experience of grouping with anyone selfish enough to degrade 15 other people's game experience just to farm conquest points.


    If you don't want to PvP, don't queue ~ it's that simple. But if you want to do that ~ go right ahead...eventually you'll be on enough block lists you'll rarely get a WZ pop, and you'll also find that that GF finder doesn't pop as fast as it used to either.

  9. In that case, all of the Story Mode FP's can be solo'd in the gear that you'll get from finishing the Oricon dailies for the first time, provided you have a knockback.


    Except for .

    Collicoid War Games, Lost Island, & the tactical FP's


    Many of the level 50 Hard Modes could be solo'd with 156 rated gear.


    I'd also recommend an MMO gaming mouse, if you don't already have one.

  10. 1) Take the elevevator on Carrick Station marked "mission departures" to the interfleet transport level


    2) use the taxi there to travel to the Telos


    3) Find the bind point at the entrance to the ship's bridge area.


    4) Go toward the rear of the ship & take the elevator down one deck ~ there is an inststance there to start the Jedi prisioner story arc.



    All that said, if you're on the Progenitor, there's no need to solo any content. I'd be more than happy to group with you for any content you're interested in playing. If you're not on the Progenitor, but are willing to reroll, I'd be more than happy to help you power level.

  11. #1 The limit on pets/ animal mounts/ npc's need fixxed badly.


    After that, I would really like to see ...

    2) a priority mission terminal

    3) a pve space mission terminal

    4) moar LB tabs ~ I'll take as many as they will allow me to have.

    5) huge hooks added to the layout options for many of the places where large hooks are provided.


    As far as decorations go, I would really like to see...

    2) tetrahedral dark datacrons that have a sound associated with them.

    3) more technology decorations that fit the huge hook.

    4) pipe elbows of different sizes that have various lengths of straight pipe attached to them.

  12. There has long been a need for recipes that consume yellow crystals of all grades.


    They are a byproduct of farming gems for grafting higher quality items, and the market is generally flooded with them.


    If not for the fact that the yellow color crystal recipes do not require the normal gemstone mats ~ the situation would be even worse.


    I too would like to see some SH recipe of some time added that would consume these.

  13. Why is this even an issue?


    The personal reward from completion is pretty much crap.


    The only interesting thing on that list is the box of random gathering mat decorations. And those have a huge limitation about how often they can be harvested. What use are they to someone who is too casual to earn the reward?


    I'm not trying to troll, be a jerk, or anything like that ~ I just don't understand why anyone would be bothered about not being able to earn the reward.

  14. I've found that the best way to gear alts is to


    !) Make a gear item for each slot in increments of 5 levels. The differences in stat over that span are small enough to be ignored. And most of the item recipes are available in that increment, although they don't all line up and count by 5 from 0 ~ it might be 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, etc. The item mods are in smaller increments, I usually only make the even numbered mods.


    2) Using non-modable pieces will save you on materials. And in some cases the stat budget for these is greater than moddable pieces.


    3) Stick with blue quality items. The improvement of purples is usually only 1 or 2 points of stat, and the gear piece will be replaced very quickly.


    This will pretty much keep you in gear that is better than what drops from your mission rewards.

  15. I've never tried it, but I've always been curious about this.


    GSI mission objectives share with group members so long as they are on the same planet. I've done these dailies while grouped many times, and always split up to complete the missions in the least amount of time.


    But, will they share across all members of an Ops group?


    Between the 4 series of GSI missions there are 183160 credits possible per day.


    If this works, a 16 person Ops group could generate 2,930,560 credits in roughly half an hour.

  16. 8,000 - 10,000 per repetition ~ if it can only be reset once ever 2 minutes doesn't add up to 300k - 400k per hour


    Not saying it's not a good method, but you can only reset 30 times per hour (only every 2 minutes)


    That works out to between 240,000 & 300,000. ~ pretty similar to what you can make cherry picking the fastest dailies. Unless the gear drops are really pushing up the total, I don't see how this could really be worth the mind numbing repetition.

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