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Posts posted by Joedangod

  1. Then Why? are you trying to make a character look a certain way when YOU KNOW you AREN'T entitled to the jetpack to begin with: faulty logic.


    Didn't ask for it to be free, just asked for the opportunity to buy it like people did when it was available as I had no knowledge of it at the time. Technically I even asked for it to be available in a more expensive way than it originally was.


    In this situation the only difference between me and a person who has the sub rewards is that they happened to know about/play the game at a time where the rewards could be obtained whereas I came to the game at a later date and straight up never had a chance to unlock it. That's it.


    These items aren't really related to the time when they were released. The whole thing was just a case of FOMO to inspire people to continue subbing during that time. I too, wish to pay to unlock these rewards. Couldn't do it when it happened, would be happy to do it now.


    To be clear I'm not asking for all things to be available again. Stuff like the founders title should absolutely remain unavailable at this point since anyone coming to the game after that point can't actually be considered a founder.

  2. Like the other poster mentioned, some of us subbed and didn't play, just~ to get the sub reward (self included, multiple times). 1600 cc is pretty < the price of a per month sub of ~$16 (2400 cc for $~21 (taking in account some tax).


    As a clarification in order to get 1600CC you need to pay more than the price of a sub. That's all that number was based on.


    But again, I don't particularly care about the price so much as the availability. They should be available to players who weren't even aware of the game during that time.

  3. If you make subscriber rewards obtainable later there is no point to maintaining the account for the long term which is the idea. The idea is someone might not just pay for one month for a reward (giving the reward a $15 value) but keep it running just to be sure not to miss anything, which I, and numerous other people did. To even use the logic your using you would probably have to make every reward cost more than the computer most people are playing on...


    The subscriber rewards were an incentive to keep a subscription going, they weren't sold individually. As such in the worst case scenario where someone subbed purely for the reward and didn't play for a second of that sub time the item would be worth $15, in all other cases the item would be devalued as the user merely got the item as a bonus for their subscription. In other words the cap on the value of those items was $15 with the average value being less. As such any CM listing of those sub rewards shouldn't really exceed the ballpark of $15-20, logically you don't get anywhere near the price of an entire computer for one basic item. So long as the sub at the time is cheaper than the Cartel Market price of the item the people who subbed got the better deal.


    Of course that estimation/explanation of price totally ignores the main factor for which I personally wish these items were to be made available again: For me they were not available the first time around. I was not aware of the game at the time and so I simply never had the opportunity to get the item in the first place. From my perspective this is an item which I'd be totally willing to fulfil the requirements to unlock...but never had a chance to do so. It just sucks to be excluded from such things.


    I for example feel the HK mission should be *MY* mission and for people like me, I don't think anyone else should be able to have it or ever see it for any price....


    This is a point where we very much will disagree on. As far as I'm concerned so long as someone fulfils the requirements by which to unlock something they should be able to unlock it regardless of when they played. Your commitment should be the important thing, not when you made that commitment. Even in games where I do hold a bunch of exclusive items that are no longer available I don't have any problems with people asking for those same items to be obtainable through the original method (or an equivalent one). What other people have/don't have doesn't really concern me.

  4. If they release them the value of having kept the subs up will diminish, and it will discourage people from keeping subs active for fear of missing out since "I can get everything else later, and probably for less than $15/month".


    I feel like the effects of this can be pretty well mitigated by just pricing the items individually as more expensive than the single months sub was. If each item was priced at around 1600CC it would mostly just emphasise how great a deal it was to get the sub and an expensive item for free. Could even keep them relatively exclusive by making them a rotating thing in the Cartel Market rather than constantly available.


    As far as continuing sub rewards goes; I'm really absolutely against it unless the rewards are made available in the Cartel Market at a later date. The thing about "fear of missing out" is that it only applies to people who are actually around/aware at the time. All those who were totally unaware come back, see a cool item, look up how to get it and then become dejected when they realise they have no means by which to obtain it. If I could retroactively sub for those few months in order to get the rewards I probably would...I might have a little more money than I do sense, but still; point stands.

  5. It'd be great if old cosmetic sub rewards could be made available on the Cartel Market.


    Personally I'd really love to get my hands on the HK jetpack/mask yet unfortunately find that there is no method by which I could obtain these items legitimately (account selling/buying is against the ToS after all). It's certainly irritating when the one item you wanted to bring a character look together is totally unavailable to you.


    Reselling these items on the Cartel Market (at a reasonably high price) seems like it would be a fair option. People who subbed for those items have had a nice long period of exclusivity and reselling them to new players is easy money to fund further development on new content.

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