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Posts posted by Ashphael

  1. Well, I can only say this:


    My first Char at 50 was a Jedi Sage healer. I loved the mechanic because the effects all played well together. Never did the double-dipping, though, and after a few days went off to level a Sith.


    Now, my third alt will soon be 50 and it'll be a sorc healer. Why? Because I loved the way the healing mechanics worked together on my Jedi (whom I havn't touched in months, though). I was really looking foreward to healing OPs.


    What did I like? The speeding up of my big heal after the instant. Having to use the channelled cast and to look ot iif it crits so I can regen force. Forcing crits by not using the big heal after the instant but the channelled cast. All the different heals were complementing one another.


    And now? The big heal is getting cheaper, not faster. Oh great. I loved the way the speed-up felt. You don't feel reduced costs. I loved the flow of a heal-rotation that would weave force-restore in whenever it was a free cost. That, too, somehow feels more clinky now.



    I won't deny that we were a bit overpowered in 1.1. However, why not simply reduce all base-heals by 10% or 15% and on top of that reduce all bonus healing by 10% or 15%? You know, if you think we do x% too much healing, reduce our healing by exactly x%.


    But no, they hat to break the part of the mechanics that was actually fun.


    You know when I quit healing in WoW? Back in Northrend, when they introduced exactly the same changes to the paladin healer with Ulduar. You know, instant speeding up heals (in that case making the small heal injstant, allowing me to cast it while moving).


    Right now, I'm 45, I'm a sorc healer and I'm looking for spect to turn to when I hit 50. DPS specs.

  2. First: Can I have your stuff?


    What? I know that with the massive grindfest the endgame has become, coupled with the shoddy patching, the massive downtimes, I'll either return to Rift or look for something new. Still, I have time left on my gamecard and 30 free days, so I'll not delete this game right away. I just won't give them another Euro.

  3. You have to grind for legacy points, you have to grind for credits, and you have to grind for commendations for gear. Games are supposed to be fun not a bunch of repetitive nonsense designed for simple minds. I don't mind working for something or making it difficult to do, but when it becomes this huge grind-fest that is where I really start losing interest.


    I'm in the same camp as you. From what I've seen of 1.2 so far, I don't think I'll still be playing come 1.3

  4. This is a rant. If you don't like rants, please move on.


    About myself,my first 50 was played about 2 days at that level. The second, a tank, is what I currently raid on. My next alt, a healer, is in its thirties.


    I hated the daily grind for 360 commendations for earpiece and implants but I felt that as a tank, I should do my best to be well equipped at such a vital position. Now the grindgame has been upped to 760.


    On my alt, I could solo the dailies on Belsavis and Ilum in about 2 hours (except Poison Strategy, never tried that one alone, always did it with my wife). Now we have corellia tossed in, but in ruturn Lights Out now requires killing a boss at 102k hitpoints. So what are we talking about? Three hours a day? Three hours not doing anything that's even remotely "fun" once you've done it a dozend times?


    Plus, the legacy thingie now makes levelling alts - a favourite pasttime for me so far - seem somewhat like grind 2.0 for buffs and legacy stuff as well, thereby ruining the fun for me.


    If I want to play an aisiagrinder, I'll do just that. Maybe I will.


    • I don't like the elimination of party-items
    • I don't like the removal of the giggle for tactical advantage
    • I hate the click / bleep for spammed keystrokes
    • I think the grindfest this game is becoming is disgusting


    I'll be tanking the new OP tonight, maybe that'll keep me interested. But the way things are developing, I'm not sure I'll be around when 1.3 comes out. Let's just hope something else will be out by then.

  5. Aggro resets don't change who should have guard. You still want melee dps gaining aggro slowly before and after the reset.


    I don't know why people can't understand that this buff is about threat. 5% damage reduction is not significant in any of those scenarios.


    Aggro resets happen mid-fight, when, in contrast to the beginning of the fight, HOTs are rolling and heals are incoming.


    I have done the HK fight in FE a dozen times or more and there was never a single instance where a healer got aggro. There was never a single instance where the healer would have benefited from a guard buff. That fight is a dps check. If your dps can't get HK before the enrage you are in bad trouble. Guarding a healer on that fight is simply foolish period.


    HK can sniper anyone randomly. I've had many runs where the healer was the most squishy. In fights with random damage, I like to guard the squishy one.


    Of course, I could do FE HM without guarding. I've done the first half of FE hm before an irritated question from the healer (guildmate) about the amount of damage I took made me realize that I was still in lightning charge. OK, that was late at night and I was tired...


    ...anyway, for me, minimizing the amount of work others, especially healers, have to do is basic courtesy. That includes guarding the squishy one in fights where random players can get substantial damage as well as keeping the -5% damage debuff active on as many mobs as possible, as long as possible. Not because it's needed. Because it makes live just a little bit easier for someone else. If only so the healer can pet his cat during tha boss-encounter. Cats deserve that simply for being cats.

  6. I will speak from a healer's point of view. We were doing a BT HM and we encountered the mini-boss (the droid after destroying the consoles). Tank put guard on me and started to attack. At some point I was using everything I had on healing the squishy sorc dps because the tank couldn't keep aggro. DPS stopped doing DPS to allow the tank to take over aggro again...


    That's where taunt comes into play.


    As assassin, I have a taunt on a 15 second CD and an area-taunt on a 45 second CD. I'd like to see the DPS that manages to pull aggro so fast that those taunts don't suffice and at the same time is so squishy that this is a problem (the gear would have to be uber-fantastic and that usually comes with some endurance...)


    Because of this, we wiped 5 times because we lost to the enrage timer. We dropped the tank, got a guildie of mine who guarded the highest DPS class... Facerolled the boss.


    No, you wiped because the tank didn't find his taunt button. You probably also wiped because the tank positioned himself so badly that power punch kicked him all the way so it took him too long to close the distance and start building aggro again, if I may put a wild guess out there. (Hint: you can stand, for example, with your back to the frame of the doorway and you won't be kicked out of melee range.)

    EDIT: You are slowed after Power Punch, so it takes a while to close distance. Additionally, during this time the robot usually uses his full-auto ability that'll hurt a freshly 50 tank badly. Also, the slow means that you take a while to come into range to interrupt the full-auto. All of this is a problem only if you allow yourself to be kicked out of melee range.


    You (again, probably) wiped because the tank didn't know what to interrupt (hint: not the power punch). You (probably) wiped because the tank didn't coordinate interrupts with the DPS.


    Having said all this, I normally guard melee DPS as well, in most situations. In this fight, it shouldn't really matter, but it's wasted on the healer, since the healer should not take any damage at all.

  7. If you're placing guard on the healer during PvE, you're doing it wrong. Period.


    Well, there are fights with random aggro / frequent aggro resets. There are fights where the healer will invariably stand within 15 meters. I like to switch guard to the healer in such fights.


    FE hm... HK47, healer normally in range (if only to be able to drop a bomb on a gun in time, so we can kill it more quickly once HK is down). OK, I rarely lose aggro on the guns, but the healer can still be targeted. Later, Malgus himself. Shield on Healer if they are the ones fighting malgus alone for a while. They usually stay in place and heal through it. This way, they have a little less to heal through. Just basic courtesy.


    So you see, it's not that simple. I'd agree to "Always guarding healer is wrong, always guarding DPS is better, but still wrong, knowing the fights and guarding whoever will probably benefit the most is right."

  8. As having tried out all 3 specs with variations I can say for certain that there is a disparity between being a pure DPS type character such as the gunsliger than for instance a consular kinetic "tank".


    So, what you're saying is, DPS should have the same survivability as tanks and healers, right.


    I fully support this notion. As soon as tanks and healers deliver the same amount of damage as DPS-classes or DPS-specs.


    In other words - You kill stuff quickly, you finish quests more quickly. Sometimes, though, you have to do a corpse-run. Oh wait, no, you don't. You can rez in place. You know what the difference between me on my tank or on my healer and me on my DPS is? On my DPS, I just kill trash that's in my way (hello XP!), on my tank and healer, I mastered the art of "not running into things"; I run in circles around stuff I don't want to pull because it's not a requirement for my quest. You'd be amazed where I can go without pulling any trash I don't need to kill. Why? Fights take too long, plain and simple.


    So, you come here complaining that you who can kill almost anything in a heartbeat sometimes have to use CDs, sometimes has to break the damage-rotation to do something for your survivability, sometimes might have to use CC?


    Go, learn to play.

  9. This is a joke right? I mean I love WoW but come on, the majority of main characters in the game are voiced by the same guy (Chris Metzen) who doesn't even change his voice much for each character!


    And you're saying voiceacting like this is better than Star Wars?



    Watch from 45 seconds into it.



    That... that's not the real thing, right? Someone re-enacted this to sound horrible, right?

  10. So if you went onto the German or French servers and constantly spoke English in general chat you think they would all be fine with that?


    I've seen that in WOW and Rift so far - German servers and English speaking persons, in chat. Mostly asking for something. Generally, people will remember what they learned at school and try to be helpful. Just like they would if you asked them something in English on the street. (Try asking younger folks for better results, though.;))

  11. I'm not English myself, but I play on English servers because I also play on an English client (and it's easier to have the same questnames etc. in the gams as in the chat). There are servers for my native language, but I prefer the English voice acting.


    I tried Colicoid War Game once... with two east europeans, one of whom obviously failed miserably when he tried to translate my (detailed, mind you) explanation for the first two encounters. From what he did, he didn't understand, either. After 50k in repairs (normal mode!), I cut my losses and left.


    Seriously, if you don't speak (and type) the language of the server you're playing on, then don't. Play there, I mean.

  12. Do you have any idea of the engineering (and development cost) that has gone into making SAP mission critical software over the years? It's a product deployable to client sites - not internal first party hosted product/service. Certainly if you speak of it, you clearly understand the differences, right?


    Yes, I know rather well how they work, what it costs. Trust me.

    • An SAP ERP is not deployed "to client sites". Yes, the GUI is installed on clients but the servers are run "on premise", and they're what I'm talking about. Unless you mean Business By Design (which is SaaS), but I was referring to the ERP Suite.
    • From the viewpoint of a user sitting at his GUI, a server restart "on premise" is just the same as a server restart at Bioware for a gamer sitting at his PC. Only it does not normally take 4 hours. And almost all patches can be deployed in a running system (all ABAP at least).


    Clearly, I know what I'm talking about when I make a statement about ERP systems.


    Additionally, this is a game. A video game. There is NOTHING mission critical about it.


    True. But it's a service and the way they provide it at the time can only be characterised as "poorly".


    Send me your address, I'll send you the 9 cents from this morning.


    As with most people working, my time is worth way more than 9 cents/hour. I have a limited amount of free time besides work. Some of that is eaten up by family / housework. I have a certain amount of money I can spend during the rest of the time. That's way more than 9 cents/hour.


    For 9 cents, I'd not get to the door to pick them up if you knocked, sorry. Again, probably like most working people.

  13. Some random Bioware-defense:


    I really hate all this crying. My god people you cry when they don't patch fast enough and when they finally do patch you cry again. SHUT UP.


    It's not the fact that they patch. Or that they patch twice a week. It's that:

    1. Patching takes hours. Man, I can shut down / patch / restart an entire SAP ERP faster than that, only I don't have to shut it down for patching.
    2. Patches are deployed at the same time worldwide. So, when someone in europe has a day off and wants to enjoy his favourite game (still), chances are currently (at two patches a week, hoping they don't patch on weekends) 40% that you can't play during the day.
    3. Patches seem to introduce more errors than they fix.

    In that order (for me). Nothing else. Yes, patch. Patch often. Patch early. But don't interrupt gameplay as much as you do.


    Unfortunately, for this they'd have to:

    1. Develop new code serverside that allows for faster patching. Obviously what they have at the moment is complete crap. This won't happen, ever. Costs way too much money to write with no monetary benefits to the company.
    2. Patch at different times on different continents. This won't happen, ever. They allow players to play on servers for any continent they like. With a phased patch, the client would (from first timezone being patched to last one) be able to connect to servers on different patch-revisions. So multiple revisions would have to be supported by the same client. Costs way too much money to write with no monetary benefits to the company. At the same time, now that they've started out the way they have, they can't restrict players who already use servers on various continents.
    3. This one is doable (but unlikely). Allow charcopy to PTS and listen to the players who are testing. While the first is probably relatively easy to develop, the other is a cultural thing. In the past BW seems to have ignored testers that are not BW employees. Cultural change in this respect is doable, but unlikely.


    So, patching will (I fear) remain a pain. Once the novelty of the game wears off, the painpoints will start to show. The more there are, the fewer gamecards I fear I'm going to buy. And I'm not the only one. This is sad.


    And it's stupid. For no matter what it costs to develop the features necessary (serverside and clientside), it's cheaper than to write off 200 million for a failed franchise.

  14. Also in that thread I gave a link to a couple of videos showing Dual Targeting in action, here are those links:


    Feel free to mute the music, it may not be to everyone's liking :)


    I can't mute the music (that you knew not everyone liked) because there's countries where any video with music is likely to be blocked. Google did not negotiate a deal with rights-holders everywhere.


    Ah, screw that. Only the US counts, just look at patch-times.

  15. WAIT I KNOW THE SOLUTION. If you don't like it, don't pay for it or play it? Really all this crying just gets drowned out anyways.


    Well, I'm on a 60 day gamecard. I'm not sure I'll pony up another EUR 27 for the next 40 days of gameplay (spread over a 60 day period) for a game with bad endgame. Let's see what my sign.other says, though. As a co-op singleplayer, levelling is still fun.

  16. oh cmon it is a 2hrs downtime and is supposed to fix the freeze issues many players have!


    All this QQing cause bioware tries to fix gamebreaking problems??


    This forum is not even funny anymore ^^


    True, not funny anymore.


    I just wonder...


    ...how come there are companies out there, let's call them Trion, who are way smaller than let's say, a behemoth like Bioware, wo can put out an MMO that does not introduce constant "gamebreaking" bugs that require constant downtimes?


    ...how come small companies like trion can mnage their servers in such a way, that the weekly downtime takes a fraction of the time the behemoths Bioware and EA take?


    ...how come that there are many small companies out there who can shedule downtime differently in europe and the US, so that it's not hitting some players during daytime, every time?


    It's not funny anymore, I'll grant you that. What has to happen?


    Bioware should start testing patches before rolling them out. Currently it seems that "gamebreaking" bugs are fixed and the fix is rolled out in a hurry, untested, because the issue is so urgent. Judging by the number of such patches released, I'd say the subsequent lack of testing leads to more "gamebreaking" bugs being introduced than being fixed.


    Bioware should accept the fact that they caoont offer US-servers only worldwide. What you say? They have european servers? No they don't or they'd patch them at night in europe. They have US-servers physically located in the US and they have US-servers physically located in europe.


    But it's such a great game!


    No, it isn't. I don't PvP, but from what I hear, PvP is vastly inferior even to other PvE-centered MMOs out there. Daily quests are a chore, they always are, but they're just horrible in SWTOR. And to make matters worse, depending on your group, you need the equipment from daylies for hardmodes, so you can't avoid them. Equipment dropped in FPs isn't all that great. Frankly, the endgame is what pushed me to leveling my alt. How many times will I enjoy playing through the questlines that are not class specific?


    So, if the game itself has weak spots, service and operations should not annoy us or we'll stop overlooking those weak spots. Currently, servive and operations frustrate us, making us remember all that we don't like about SWTOR at least once a week.


    That's not a good thing to do. Still, I think I'll enjoy levelling alts for a while.

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