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Posts posted by abigbat

  1. This may seem absurd, but the lack of hood options has really put me off the game. I realize it's an entirely superficial issue, but I came into TOR greatly looking forward to having a mysterious hooded Sith character.


    I initially rolled a Twi'lek Sith assassin, levelled him to l17 before discovering that Twi'leks can't wear hoods.


    I then tried a female Sith warrior, then discovered that warriors don't get hoods unless through PVP gear and such - late game rewards.


    I finally rolled a Jedi consular but really can't be bothered levelling another character right now.


    All characters, regardless of class or race, should be able to wear hoods, at the same time as masks if applicable. I realize there are concerns with clipping and character identification (I am a game dev as well), but customization options are crucial in MMOs, especially one with such a defined history and recognizable universe.

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