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Posts posted by Ardarell_Solo

  1. Hey there, just a quick thumbsup for the new German voice actor for Consular origin story. I noticed the change in the last patch, but it became way more evident with this one that has much more lines delivered by player characters. It used to annoy me a lot, how immature and eager the old German consular sounded, especially in comparison to the brilliant German voice acting on Knight origin story. Knights used to sound so calm and composed in comparison, I always gave my Shadow and Sage characters the Knight origin story, since that is possible. The new German voice acting is still not on par with Knight's voice acting but much, much better. So thanks for that change and kudos to the new voice actor :-)

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Swtor has only lasted this long because it’s Star Wars. If it had been any other IP, it would have shuttered years ago.

    Analysts say it's because it's the only MMO with consistently voiced cinematics for hundreds of hours of vanilla content on eight classes with male/female performers and still lots of it in its expansions that also include "space barbie" changes you make to your character.

    That USP makes for a constant influx of new players, makes existing players create alts and also makes it rewarding to revisit characters you made at times. That "stickiness" is what you aim for in a business context and you can see how most of SWTOR's decisions point in that direction. This is relevant to the ongoing PvP discussion as well insofar as it shows the nature of the players this applies to: they're not the competitive/minmaxer type.

    The usual forum bewilderment how discussions there differ from what's ultimately done in the game shows that, too: Forum users tend to be more involved in and critical about what happens in the game than the majority of players that form the game's backbone from a business point of view. That explains why changes made often will and must differ from the "consensus" on the forums. Internal surveys e.g. of sticky gameplay vs. abandoned gameplay are simply much more relevant. If they weren't, "game would have shut down years ago."

    Which is still not saying the Star Wars IP doesn't help. But ask Ron Howard and Alden Ehrenreich if the Star Wars IP alone saves you from failing if you don't get the basics right. 🙂

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  3. On 11/13/2023 at 5:26 PM, RACATW said:

    Honestly, judging by the survey questions I'm not sure about that and wouldn't make that assumption.

    You don't last as long as SWTOR already did if you chose to use the same content for customer surveys and internal evaluations of user behaviour that business decisions are based on.

  4. On 11/12/2023 at 3:15 AM, RACATW said:

    1.2 million posts have been made by subscribers in the PvP forums. In the general forums only 3.6 million posts gave been made (where PvP players also post sometimes). This trend is also visible in the French forums (56k posts for PvP (JcJ) and 135k for General), and German.

    Plus if you randomly inspect the achievements of people on fleet, (especially the max level characters), you'll see people almost always try PvP.

    What I'd suggest for Broadsword is trying to retain and encourage that PvP participation and the subscriber activity.

    I strongly assume devs have used more detailed and specific numbers than that to base their business decisions on in the last 10 years.

  5. On 11/12/2023 at 12:12 AM, ZUHFB said:

    I promise, if they decided to keep ranked and just give out flairs based on rating and top3 based on counting to 96 once a year (if we're lucky) there would be ranked popping every evening. It's literally almost no effort, heck, just get an official influencer to do the counting, copy paste that list give out rewards bam. How long does this take? 15 Minutes at most? For how many subs? 50 or more? 

    That kind of comment is exactly what I meant when I said "tend  to underestimate" 🙂

  6. 7 hours ago, septru said:


    You do not need to put much resources into PvP to satisfy PvPers. This is literally the fundamental difference between endgame PvP and endgame PvE. PvE will be the same scripted fight over and over again, but PvP is new content every single time you enter a warzone. The "content" in PvE is to beat the boss, which is finished once you beat it. New content in PvE is an entirely new raid. The "content" in PvP is to beat each other, which is an endless mountain to climb as players continuously fight to be better than the other. All you have to do is reward players for climbing this mountain: reward them for improving. At the moment, the PvP Seasons reward system does not do this. Which is why so many PvPers have left the game, because there is no mountain to climb. 


    My general point is that you (and BioSword) frame SWTOR PvP as an "either/or." Either we tailor this game to PvPers or we tailor this game to casuals, but you can't do both. This is entirely wrong. You can do both.

    The amount of dev resources that go into scripting boss fights will be about the same as balancing (!!) PvP. It's an area that players and devs (of new games with that focus) alike tend to underestimate the most. You gave the reason yourself: Fighting each other is the content. But if your subjective (!) impression is, that you don't stand a fair chance, reactions tend to be much more salty than when something doesn't work quite right in PvE. That's also why it's not exactly a rewarding area to work in as a dev.


    7 hours ago, septru said:

    My general point is that you (and BioSword) frame SWTOR PvP as an "either/or." Either we tailor this game to PvPers or we tailor this game to casuals, but you can't do both. This is entirely wrong. You can do both.

    The question though is if it's a reasonable allocation of resources. I'm pretty sure the way PvP has been handled in SWTOR in the last 10 years didn't fall from the sky 🙂

    • Thanks 1
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  7. 5 hours ago, RACATW said:

    How is a total lack of tweaks or updates to PvP whatsoever, and a lack of any interaction at all with PvPers beneficial or productive to the game?


    Because it shifts development resources to the areas of the game that are most played. Anything done there will have a much greater effect on how satisfied the majority of players are with the game on average.

    • Like 1
  8. On 11/8/2023 at 5:29 PM, Brittaany_Banks said:

    Look I get it. You are adding a reward for content that is rarely played outside of gaining achievements, so thank you for that BUT this reward is honestly a slap in the face. Reason being is a columi gear piece which is dropped from the easiest operations can be deconstructed for 8 OP-1s and you get 4-5 of them, as well as OP-1s from the bosses and if it is a weekly 65 OP-1s from completion of that. Rakata relics that can be dropped from the same operation deconstruct for 15 each and can be baited to drop from the boss by replacing your relic with a 306 rated one.

    I understand the desire to keep the amount low so that these chapters don't wind up becoming the defacto best way to upgrade your gear but NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is going to farm nothing but Master Mode KOTFE and KOTET chapters for their Rakata upgrade process. I think at least 15 OP-1s is an adequate reward for completion of this content.

    No, because OP-1 is group content reward and chapters are solo play. It's pretty neat they still let solo content drop group rewards, but it has to be less then. SWTOR is already very much tailored to solo players, but for the aspects of the game that are still centered around group play to remain relevant at all, there needs to be a reward advantage for playing in a group. Otherwise the game loses any incentive to do group play whatsoever in the long term.

  9. On 11/8/2023 at 5:21 PM, hemeen said:

    The people who hated and quit SWTOR pvp is where you need to dig very deep. People leave beacuse theyre unsatisfied, not because they somehow categorically hate the game, they wouldnt have installed it then in the first place. They shouldve done this years ago instead of rolling with a very strange positivity propaganda, nice to see that they atleast put in some effort with a survey now.

    That's one of a variety of possible sales strategies. Imo DNA of SWTOR doesn't work with hardcore PvP audience in general, so I'd tailor PvP around players who dig SWTOR DNA in the first place, because that's the players you got now, and design PvP so it enhances their experience. The amount of work you'd need to put in to satisfy or hardcore PvPers (or NIM raiders as well for that matter) just doesn't pay off, because the target group is so much smaller than the amount of people already playing what SWTOR offers these days. A solid business plan will focus on securing their sticking to the product.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  10. Came back for the new FP and daily area (which is really done well this time, kudos to the devs!) and played both on Vigilance Guardian, which I had chosen as my secondary combat style for my Sentinel Main (it has now actually become my main specc, for the reasons I stated in opening post). Either way I just HAD to do another test on Watchman - and it still bores the hell outta me. Force Melt being the top priority as the blandest dot ability imaginable and infinite Slash spamfest. I've tried so many other speccs in this and numerous other games and I'm all the more bewildered how one of the most elegant and fun to play speccs for years of SWTOR could deteriorate to the pinnacle of boredom as of now.

    A suggestion regarding Force Fracture: That rotation is pretty repetitive too, admittedly Force Fracture is a more interesting ability than Slash though (functionality, animation and sound).
    Force Fracture build just lacks a tactical item that boosts it like the Spiteful Saber tactical does to become viable and maybe stops the repetitiveness. Something like this:

    "Force Fracture has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown on Blade Barrage or give you the Mind Sear proc (you could make it so it alternates between the two effects). Both blade Barrage and Twin Saber Throw apply the the double amount of additional Elemental damage that Force Fracture does regardless if dots are ticking on your target or not."

    That way the rotation would become less repetitive and with a proc you would use Blade Barrage and Twin Saber Throw not only in the last two GCDs before Force Melt becomes available and the dot isn't ticking anymore but with proc you'd actually use them rotationally.

    That'd be fun to play and could get the build a bit closer to Slashfest dps wise :-)

    And I still think Spiteful Saber shouldn't be allowed to be the max dps tactical item. It's just mindunmbing to play (except you like cowbells ;-) ...

  11. No offense, but I'm not looking for insight on how to play the specc 🙂 I've known Watchman rotations inside out in all forms from 1.0 on and had top Watchman/Anni and partially top overall dps parses in several expansions and have also written a few guides on the specc (including Dotsmash, when that was a thing). Character name is El'ethon, if you care to know or are looking for reference. Not saying this to show off, but to undermine that I do know just how boring exactly the current rotation is in comparison.

    Let's take a look at the spec's current top parse as of today by Keetsune: https://parsely.io/parser/view/731139/0
    If you look at ability usage you see Slash listed in top position with 111 Usages out of 242 abilities, meaning 46% of actual abilities used is the base class' blandest filler ability.
    (Not counting off GCD stuff here, except for Overload/Deadly Saber which actually is a rotational ability, unlike say Adrenal or Valoruous Call/Zen. Even if you chose to count everything you press, it'd still be 111 out of 280ish which it still roughly 40% even counting pocket Sarlacc 😉 )

    You have 5 Slashes in a row at 14:49:31.545, 14:50:17.351, 14:50:51.783, 14:51:25.533, 14:51:59.817, 14:52:33.822
    6 Slashes in a row at 14:49:41.616
    and several instances of 5 or 6 Slashes that have just one Merciless Slash among them.

    What's probably even worse is that Slash also does the most damage (not even counting the burns it ticks, just its own damage) with a whopping 21.8%. Saying that all the nice things you learn as Watchman like Merciless, Cauterize, Force Melt, Overload Saber are just sidekicks to your main ability Slash that every Knight knows from the very beginning.

    And this is for a specc that had rotations that used to keep you on the edge of your seat several times in 4 GCD cycles (yes Merciless/Annihilate once had just 6secs cooldown when fully stacked - meaning you could use that awesome signature ability with its satisfying animation and sound much more often instead of spamming boring ole Slash). The rotational interplay was absolutely entertaining and the payoff if you got things right was enormous - both dps wise and regarding what it felt like to perform it. At the same time specc was still doing more than ok if you couldn't manage to get the necessary procs consistently, which again was absolutely achievable with dedicated training. I'd also say that when you had learned how to do that by heart, your muscle memory allowed you to watch your surroundings excellently. Which also has to do with the fact that 4 GCD rotations have a unique internal rhythm to them compared to the pure priority system we have now.

     But how did all that come to be?

    We have had this Slash spamfest ever since Merciless CD was lengthened and we got Watchman Vital Shot (also know as Force Melt/Rend) as our "spectacular" new ability when other specs got stuff like Vigilant Thrust 😉 There was just too much room in each rotation cycle that had to be filled somehow. Consequently devs have been tampering with filler stuff ever since, imo not very successfully. One of the strongest arguments against shorter rotation cycles, i.e. shorter CD on Merciless/Annihilate, was that the then 2 GCD long Blade Barrage (then called Master Strike) didn't allow to get all the other important abilities in the rotation and play them on cooldown. Mind you, that's no longer a point since we have one GCD Blade Barrage.

    So today you could easily implement a rotation like this:

    Force Melt
    Blade Barrage


    Force Melt


    You could go back to Merciless/Dispatch-ViciousThrow shortening Cauterize's new default 12sec Cooldown (which would go back to be a 6sec dot that REALLY hurts and not just tickles) by 6 secs on a high percentage and Slash doing it on a mid percentage. In the old days Merciless and Slash completely reset Cauterize's cooldown, meaning you could actually reapply it too early, thus clipping the dot. So you had to memorize the GCD you had Cauterize in last time or actually track the dot on your target. Both was indeed a bit distracting from playing the more difficult mechanics in the game. By designing the proc to instead shorten the remaining Cooldown by exactly 6 secs the earliest time you can reuse Cauterize it is in the exact spot of the 4 GCD rotation you had it in before. That way you also prevent multidotting with Cauterize's hard hitting dot which resulted in potentially too much burst on multiple targets.

    Nowaday I'd also add a failsafe mechanic that apart from the percentage based chance to proc Cauterize CD reduction by itself gives you stacks: 2 with Merciless/Dispatch-ViciousThrow, 1 with Slash. At 4 Stacks the 6s reduced CD on Cauterize is guaranteed. Every proc, no matter if by ability chance itself or 4 stacks, resets all stacks.

    In addition Force Melt has a 15 sec Cooldown here and will thus move through your rotation on the filler spots in GCDs 2 and 4, adding more dynamics to the rotation.

    This is a hybrid form of playstyle: a short rhythmical rotation with clear priorities. It would also give Watchman a bit shorter dots, making target swaps and burst a bit better - which is absolutely needed, since devs also still refuse to dump that stupid Merciless stacks rampup problem with Watchman that is no longer justified by superior overall dps.

    Even if you don't go for that faster and more entertaining playstyle there must be something more meaningful you can do with all the filler GCDs in the current rotation that come from way to long a Cooldown on Merciless Slash than having players spam Slash - for the love of the Force 🙂

  12. Beats me how any class designer would think "Hey let's set up a specc that has players use the blandest filler ability of its base class three times more than anything else". Slash-fest is not a rotation. And by no means an engaging playstyle. It's a mind numbing exercise in boredom.

    I mean this is a tab target game with very little positional or situational combat, no active aiming, blocking, parrying or countering. So performing a rotation according to situation is the only engagement left. In comes Watchman doing  Slash - Slash - Slash - Slash - Merciless - Melt - DST/BB - Slash - Slash - Slash - Slash - Slash....

    How can anyone think that's fun?

    Even if you let a tactical item like Spiteful Saber pass through QA, you can't ever design everything else to have this come out as the goto choice for highest dps. Should have become a meme playstyle if anything at all.

    Specc needs some interaction in its rotation that's more than "do I get enough crits to have resources for enough Slashes (and activate my simple off-GCD-dot)". It needs some kind of interaction between the specc's core abilities to be tracked/looked out for. Something that actually gives players a feeling of meaningful interaction with the rotation that makes a difference if done right.

  13. The state of Watchman on live and PTS are a typical consequence when a rotation has been made too long and therefore too filler heavy. Instead of streamlining the core rotation they are now desperately trying to do something with filler abilities in the talent tree system. However, that way you just don't end up with smooth rotation that has a reasonable skill to effectiveness curve.

  14. This is a great point when you combine it with the developers introduction of something called "Crystal of Nightmare Fury", if you check the link there is a lot of good information on what it does inside an operation instance. :jawa_tongue: As well as the several years during which the majority of the current operations were 5-10 levels below what players were and as such were easily clearable with half, or less, of the intended group size. The professionals (developers) in this case, who have access to all the player data and statistics we can only dream of seeing, seem to all agree (across hundreds if not thousands of online games) that has some sort of player organized sale run or boosting feature. :jawa_eek:


    So looking at it from a broader and more long term perspective, the developers seem to think it's perfectly fine for someone who wants to, for example, roleplay a dread master but doesn't enjoy raids to buy the Dread Master title from a bunch of players who likes raids. You thinking that's unfair is totally fine, but trying to claim that few such cases have some major impact on the community is just reaching and more importantly, impossible to actually prove or measure :jawa_angel:


    That's all pure polemics.

  15. I'm not dictating anyone anything, I just believe that there are several good reasons to respect the way professionals have designed a game's reward system. If you believe in paying for stuff that's all yours and you're certainly not alone with that. Let me be totally clear: Everyone can have their own opinion and act upon it. They just have to live with what other people think of that opinion and the behaviour that's derived from it.


    More clever people than me have shown how underminig a reward system is bad for long term motivation of a player community as a whole. Which is why this

    it doesn't impact you in a negative way
    is not true, if you look at it from a broader, long term perspective. Of course one singular sale run doesn't do anything to a player who's not even involved. But the possibility of doing them changes the game's environment as a whole and thus for everyone. It's certainly easy to call BS on that and ridicule it, as it's not so obvious. That doesn't make it less true or relevant.


    In my opinion anyone participating in stuff like that is contributing to a community based game deteriorating. If you and anyone else choses to still do it, well, agreed: it's a free country. I just take the freedom to call people out on that. Accordingly you're all free to not care about that either. ^^

  16. do you have any statistics to back up your claims that "everyone hates it" or are you simply attributing your own opinion to everyone else? Lets just settle that boosting is a thing in lotro, eso and bdo, naturally in the case of the first two to a smaller degree due to the very small player base but in BDO there are loads of different forms of boosting, not just raid and although aspects of it is against ToS that hasn't stopped some groups from running it for years without any punishments. In the biggest MMO games WoW and FF, boost, in particular, raid boosting are very common, not just for the cutting edge/curve but for other achievements, gear, vanity items and several hundred other things.


    It has no impact for anyone else, neither in a negative nor in a positive way, I understand that there are some elitist players that want to gatekeep the rewards from the hardest content, that's fair and understandable, but it's not realistic that everyone will have that opinion. And since next to all endgame PvE content can easily be seven manned, gatekeeping due to the difficulty seems... dare I say a bit naive?


    edit. just notice you are on Tulak Hord, thought i would just highlight that your server has the largest amount of sales groups and they all seem to prosper, so probably a high amount of buyers as well, so you seem very lonely up on that high horse


    I'm way to bad a player to be elitist, my friend :-) I don't want to rewrite the whole thread, as the arguments why it is bad for players are already in there and easy to comprehend if one is inclined to do so.


    Of course sellers and buyers like the system, otherwise there wouldn't be sellers and buyers. But that doesn't prove it's a brilliant idea the same way as my claiming "everyone" hates it ;-)


    Let me be a bit more precise on that: I've discussed sales runs with a lot of people in a lot of different games, especially in the guilds I've been in, sometimes also considering if we should do it or not. What I meant is that the people I thought had good knowledge of said games, a supportive and constructive attitude and a way better understanding of how online communities work than I do, tended to come to the same conclusion: Bad idea. Point taken that this is still subjective, but I think that when you look at how reward systems in a game are designed and assuming that people who designed them didn't do it half-heartedly, it has repercussions to undermine those systems. In a positive fantasy you might even get players to help each other reaching certain goals that are not yet attainable to them instead of selling them the reward. But that's probably an old f***'s unrealistic humanistic ideals.


    I still think that decreasing the chance of that happening is not a brilliant idea and I will not ever participate in it and will always be happy if it's prevented.


    I remember how SWTOR player community was, before these things started happening on German Servers (you're right, that those are especially active on that, which is just because German players suck at the game in the first place ;-) ) and I can assure you it didn't help one bit. There's numerous reasons why some things became more and more meaningless and the game's experience arbitrary, but, as in any other online game, it has a lot to do with the people actually playing the game. It takes a lot of experience to get designing the framework for online communities right in the first place and, maybe even more so, how you act in that framework as you go along. Both determine the game's experience as a whole and thus for every single player much more than you might think if you look at a game just in terms of its coded content. It makes a big difference what you do with posts like the OP or not, if you comment on it or not, if you just let it pass through.

  17. guess you haven't tried out many other MMO games or multiplayer online games considering boosting and sale runs for vanity items is basically the case in all of them


    A lot and some have it, and everyone hates it. They are explicitly forbidden und prosecuted in BDO and unheard of in LOTRO afaik. Yeah you have them in the likes of WOW and ESO, but that doesn't make the idea any better. You have all the reasons why it messes up a game's environment laid out in this thread. I hope devs will someday act on it.

  18. I agree with much of what critical posters wrote here. I wish that (like in some other MMOS that are well maintained) people responsible for game development and player community would prevent this from happening - even if it takes some effort to track this ingame (it is possible though, if you really mean it) it should definitely not be possible to post something like this on the official forums of the game as it has a negative impact on the game and its players.
  19. Seems your post is nothing more than a pandering ego-stroke to a bunch of professionals who should be doing more to properly describe the product they've been working on for many, many months according to a plan that has been in place for even longer.


    ...says the person that puts their own oh so high cognitive capacity as a measuring point for everyone else although their writing clearly shows that neither the stage in which development and communication currently is and none of the broader design choice has been remotely understood.


    It amuses me when people accuse other people for the exact same thing they've been doing and can't see it, because they are equally self centered to take their own perception and thus subjective reality as the only reality there is.


    Special snowflakes everywhere.

  20. So which "new abilities" are you referring to exactly? The ones you assume will change everything?


    I'm responding to your post which was just a whine about other posters. If you're going to whine about other posters I'm going to answer you.


    I'm not waiting until Nov to discuss major problems with what I'm seeing now based on testing I've done, posts I've read and the streams I've watched very closely. In development terms, November is going to be here very very soon. What "new abilities" are going to make up for the guardian that doesn't take focused defense or the sentinel that's trying to pvp with blade blitz instead of guarded by the force (or vanish)?


    On level 65 and 75 it says "New ability granted but there is no choice to be made and it is not discipline specific". I'm sure though it will NOT make up for Blade Blitz and Guarded and I hope it won't. Is it really so hard to see that every other class you will be pvping will have the same thing happen to them? Devs explained very well that they're taking defensive ablities out of the game across the board. From my gaming experience I say this shifts the key to success away from which button to press when to a more movement and tactics oriented gameplay that many other MMOs have implemented (or tried to do so) long ago. You're basically whining about balance lost an account that you don't yet know what will be on the other side of the scale once that has been designed.


    Yeah I'm "whining" if people don't take the chance to improve things. Assuming they're not five year olds who are only stomping their foot in anger but are clever enough to understand what the procedure layed out in front of them is, how it's about to evolve and how you best play a part that does what we all want: Make the game enjoyable on the class discussed.


    And if all that doesn't help try imagining you're working on this and what kind of feedback you'd be inclined to work with given you have limited resources. Some of what has been written here really makes you wonder what people were thinking when they wrote it...

  21. You're making guesses and assumptions.


    No, I actually read the OP and listened to the livestream about 7.0. Again: What you wrote has its place somewhere else but not in a thread that's about constructive contribution to a development process in stage 1. And it is - again - making points that are not what isbeing worked on atm. Balance is logically the very last thing to happen after you established class mechanics, ability interaction etc. etc.. If PTS state in late November hasn't alleviated what you're afraid of, it might make sense to discuss what you wrote, but for the purpose the devs have communicated for this iteration of PTS it's simply irrelevant.

  22. Declaring one's own personal experience on the base that is a long experience to be valid for everyone else is a bit immature, to say the least. Granted for a lot of players who do this it might have to do with passion for their class and the game, it is not helping the cause. This is the first time in about 10 years players have been given the chance for feedback in a very early stage of development. That's a very good change of procedure on Bioware's part in my opinion. A lot of posts here unfortunately do not yet reflect any understanding as to how the state of what we find on PTS differs from previous iterations and hence how we as players deal with it in a constructive manner: We don't yet know what the new abilities mentioned in loadouts are, for example. They will propably be core parts of new rotations. The opening post is very clear: This is about gathering information about the feel for the class, about essentials. Talking about balancing and stuff is like discussing the taste of a cake before even the dough is prepared. I'll be waiting for the icing to do that and that will be a lot of PTS iterations later.


    I've seen the lack of construcive attitudes ruin several development processes and I can thus only emphasize: Don't get carried away - especially if you're passionate about SWTOR. Stick to the facts and describe your findings matter-of-factly instead of attacking people working on the process. The more constructive feedback is, the better it is to work with and the more benefitial back and forth processes of changes we can work with will be. Going hard enrage on stuff that isn't even the point at this stage is just not wise.


    I also think it helps to look at the whole concept of cross class combat gameplay, it opens up a lot of possibilities, especially with one-click presets. If you can even switch what is now different classes for different bosses or even during PvP, the specs are naturally going to be a bit simpler. If the gameplay experience is rewarding or not is absolutely not a matter of how complicated rotations and defensive CDs are. In fact a lot of recent MMOs work with a lot less abilities but a lot more engaging encounter design, which is more fun in the end imo. Good thing, if SWTOR grows to live up to that challenge as well. (On a side note, every other MMO I've been playing recently has much shorter PVP TTK than SWTOR, no matter the group composition. Engaging enemies in the open field without working with your environment a lot means instant death in BDO everytime e.g.)


    Either way, if development is a collaborative process of developers and players as offered here, both parties will decide how good things will work out in the end. Regardless of how long someone has been playing the game, regardless of they're PvE or PvP, regardless how skilled they are: Everyone who claims they want the game to improve should test their own writing on wether it will contribute to that - or not...

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