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Posts posted by NerfGatherer

  1. The last updates deleted my game files, I had just directly transferred them over from ST launcher files. I had no installation files from steam, just added old launcher files to my directory for steam SWTOR. This last update forced a verification and deleted them all. Bit annoying but since steam is nearly the only launcher out there that works properly for large downloads these days I'll live. Is there any reason this might happen again? Should I just do a clean reinstall with steam? looks like there is still 5 gs or so of data left.
  2. Hi all, sorry if this has been answered before.


    I was sent a guild invite and I couldn't work out how to inspect it from the invitation, ie. guild level, player types etc. I've ended up accepting the guild and now I regret it without actually checking it out first. Can someone help me out with what I should have clicked?


    Thanks for your help!

    Well you can type /who guildname and see how many players are online . If you like well organized and active guilds that does it all, and play on Star Forge, I'd recommend checking out Je'daii Reborn(pub side) and Revan's Rapture(Impside)!
  3. Strange, today it certainly took a while for my one time pw to show up. It should send a new one if you try again 15 minutes later like one time pw. :(


    You are unable to change the email address to a fresh one? https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Can-t-get-swtor-to-send-validation-email/td-p/6604064 "




    "If you have tried an email NEVER associated with an EA Origin or Swtor account before and it doesn't resolve you will need to call CS (Link to Numbers) to sort investigate and assist getting this resolved.




    Most cases I have looked at the email address was already used elsewhere with EA and it caused a conflict in the system and doesn't work."

  4. GSF is the greatest of its kind! Though its a bit easy now. I almost miss the days of dying futilely on the bastion and harbinger. Though like most things the imperial players whine incessantly about premades and hacking. So much more pleasant experience during the day when imp v pug teams happen more as a pug. That said with the exception of a couple old school players most who have been around for a long time aren't raging about new people playing. It's quite an improvement over satele or harbinger.
  5. Stock rycer/starguard gets me in top five spots a good amount of the time. The problem is the exceptionally good players out there in pairs or 3 or 4 makes life difficult. Plus there is just so much to know and understand that takes experience only hard won by aloooot of games. The sheer amount of strategy and awareness many players havent even guessed at is always very apparent.


    Playing on and off since it launched im still figuring out new things, and how to emulate strategies that once frustrated me to the point of "omg hackers,unfair,broken,etc" . It doesnt take that long though to catch up(maybe not equal, but to a point where losing feels like winning) to the very best, but like all indepth pvp people expect to jump in on top. Playing against much better players and asking experienced people questions helps alot. Plus lvling with GSF is great, multi tasking crew skills/gsf/class missions/heroics/GTN marketting good way to get alot done at once .

  6. So make arguments based on those queue times, not on sheer number of servers in the game. Improvements to both hardware and software could both explain being able to handle more players on fewer servers. Harbinger was still having issues right up until the merge - do people really think the only reason for Satele Shan's stability is that hundreds/thousands of players stopped playing on that update?


    I don't do Warzones, so I don't have first-hand experience in activity levels there. I have heard that lowbies basically never pop on Star Forge anymore, which is indeed unfortunate, and that is a case that could be made for a diminishing population. As I write this (about 18:50 EST), Pubside Fleet 2 on Star Forge has about 150 players, and Fleet 1 is red - another way to make such an argument. I do play GSF, which does often have just one 8v8 going at a time (at the moment, there doesn't appear to be a match going on at Star Forge) - another argument for a diminishing playerbase.


    I'm not blind to the shrinking playerbase, and I never said that it wasn't happening. My only claims were that a) you can't measure that based on server count, and b) you can't attribute that to any one metric. Conquest likely is a factor - one of many. It's also been over four months since the last significant story release (5.6), and we have about three weeks to go before the next story update. Population in the game in general has been on a decline, for a number of reasons. To imply that we went from 200 servers to 5 because of what happened with Conquest in 5.8, or even GC in 5.0, is simply ludicrous.




    I'm aware that Conquest is one (of many) things that can impact the game's headcount. So can the slow release cadence in general, or releasing content that players don't care about (like two years of a story that was widely lampooned as being very non-Star Warsian). And yes, Conquest is not as easy as it used to be, which translates to many as not being as fun as it used to be - but it's also not as bad as some people claim it to be.


    You have many people in this thread and elsewhere on the forum claiming that it's literally impossible to get any points at all now, which is demonstrably false. Top scores on Small, Medium, and Large Yield targets on Star Forge this week were over three, four, and five million points, respectively. My guild had three non-officers hit Personal Conquest Goals this week, including one player with over 34k points and another with over 20k on each of two characters. An officer capped on four toons - something that, again, many in this thread would have you believe is literally impossible.




    Improvise, adapt, overcome, etc. Yes, you can no longer just send ten alts through GF LOs six days a week, or set up 250k-point craftbombs on 20 toons. But the playing field is level - it's not as though you, personally, have a disadvantage that other players don't. Conquest is indeed in a rough spot right now, but people are still playing it. And it's not as though it's going to get any worse than it is now. New Conquest is here to stay, and it's better than it was two weeks ago, and it'll get better still in a few weeks more. Whether you accept that or not is up to you, but it's reality. I've accepted it, others in my guild have accepted it, and members in those guilds still making well over a million points have accepted it.




    Conquest has already been expanded (note the lack of scare-quotes). Relics of the Gree had Gree dailies as objectives, as well as the event world bosses on Ilum (bugs with that objective notwithstanding). Total Galactic War had the GSI weekly and crafting a Dark Project as new objectives. Death Mark introduced hunting a Bounty, doing a KotFE chapter, and an economic objective. Whether or not any of these objectives are to your taste isn't relevant - they're there now, and they weren't before.




    Again, you're the one "plugging your ears", to say that "Bioware is not going to change anything". They've already announced changes that are coming in a few weeks. They may be changing other things on top of what they've officially announced - neither you nor I could say. But to claim that they're doing absolutely nothing is completely disingenuous, and is a disservice to the developers that are going in and making changes, whether you personally agree those changes are enough or not.


    BioWare does have stated goals in mind for Conquest, and they have been open about sharing those goals with us, on these forums and in interviews with people like Vulkk and Sam. They also know that players are unhappy with some of the changes they've made in pursuit of those goals, and are actively changing things to try and accommodate the wants and needs such players as much as they can within their own set parameters.


    Pre-5.8 Conquest is gone. There will be no rollback. New Conquest is here to stay - and is still being actively worked on. If you want to roll your eyes and say "it's not enough", that's your prerogative. For my part, I prefer to just get used to the changes, and adapt.

    YES EXACTLY. Also, the truth is developing a new conquest system cannot be BAD as it can and will be improved in some if not many ways. DESPITE how much we all hate change period. Also disproves all the nay sayers and such who think there isn't serious development in this game. As if it is in limbo, when it is not!

  7. I played on SF last night for the first time, pubside. Experience was extremely terrible. No one on my team other then the person I was was was able to pull 1k dps in the 3 games. These other players on my team dying 10+ times. It's been a while since I witnessed a new level of dying simulator. I would honestly not be surprised if they didn't put any DCDs on their bar.


    Of course this is just the first time on this server and I heard it's normally not this bad but I never seen players like this on SS. The team we were facing aren't good players at all there is no excuse to die 16 times to 1mil damage.


    #confirmed hottie^ prob a pub though, because that sounds like the bergeran converts on impside SS.

    also the SF fleet RPing ended? My god /s was horrible there, never seen so much dungeons and dragons in one place before!

  8. I live in the US on an island with subpar internet. 400-900 ping? I see 22k, which has nothing on 56k in mmos way back when. I dont love running into invis walls of lag, but I still manage to do very well and play around the moments of insanity that is going above 2k ms. I can't help but laugh at this too as aussies play all sorts of mmos in this exact situation, but of course forums are the perfect venue to vent at shady moves by the link in the chain that is customer service. How anyone wouldnt completely despise the consumer, theirs even, especially in mmorpgs idunno. No offence to us, we are all vegan americans at heart with special little snowflake tattooed on our skulls.
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