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Posts posted by djungelvraaal

  1. What people do or don't consider to be new is subjective.


    Id gladly play all 8 class stories through to romance all the girls without having to play a male toon to do it. This would be entirely new to me and 8 class stories of content worth doing again as well. The value of such an update for some would be a lot of hours of replayability.


    While I understand your view on the replayability possibilities( yes, I know how that sounded) as a gay female, I would have loved same gender romances when I started playing, not too long after the game came out, that being said, I also see why it would be a bad idea to implement it now, this late.


    I have a feeling that the cost redoing some of the dialogues( the voice acting) and probably whatever you have to do to code the game to work that way, outweighs what they might get in from people maybe subscribing again just to do the same gender romances.


    I can only speak for myself of course, and I think ( like a lot of other people) that the money can be better spent elsewhere. However, I am happy that they went down that route with Lana, Theron, Koth and Arcann( did I miss anyone?)

  2. I can only speak for myself, and, for me, it's got nothing to do with" being cool and evil" I've gotten one of each class to 70( well, in some cases just 65, but you get the point)


    I just don't like most of the republic class stories, nor do I like the republic heroics, seems to me that most of the imperial ones are just quicker, but that might just be in my head.


    I also think that these particular things matter to me because I'm mostly a solo player, I'm here for class story, and for heroics, with the odd flashpoint thrown in.

  3. I do think they changed their mind, as you described it. If they had been talking about the promotion and not the act of getting the reward and described it as last chance or final chance, then their intent would have clearly been to bring them back again later. I don't think they had the intent then, but have been recycling anything and everything they can in this game for the last 2 years. Another poster suggested that it's possible since so much of the staff is gone or working on different games now, that the people that are left may not be on the same page and aren't aware of how these items were marketed the first time.


    As much as I enjoy a good argument or debate, I do agree (with my opponents) that there really isn't anything stopping them from bringing things back. It hurts their reputation in some customers' eyes, but I'm sure the EULA has them covered from a legal standpoint. People can un-sub if they want, but they shouldn't be calling up any lawyers unless they want to throw their money away.


    Whoever said that it might have something to do with them having different staff, since staff have left, or are working on different games, could very well be on to something on one hand, on the other hand, that is pretty sad if it's true, since it shows just how lacking their communication is;)


    Yes, I agree that it's probably hurting their reputation in some customer's eyes, on the other hand, it could also get some people who haven't subscribed for a while to do so, if even for a short period of time, making up for at least some of the loss from the people who unsub because of well, whatever reason really. And I also agree that calling lawyers might be a tad much.

  4. I've read most of the posts in this thread, I might have missed a few, so if I'm saying things that several people have said already, I apologise.


    I'm one of those who have Shae, but not Nico, and while I like that I am getting Nico, I can completely understand the players who feel that they're getting screwed over, I might have felt the same way.


    Those of you saying" It was a one time thing, exclusive, never to come again" the last time these rewards were available, the argument on how to interpret exclusive can go on forever and a day, but, couldn't it just be as simple as they intended it to be a one time thing, exclusive, when they say, release Nico( was it three years ago?). Well, things change , and that goes for companies too, they can change their mind, 3 years is quite a long time. Had it been that they released him last year, called him exclusive, and then give him out now again, yeah, that would be closer to it being lies or whatever you want to call it when they said he was exclusive, but three years?


    I could be completely off the mark on this, it's in fact very possible, but I do think that they can change their mind, does that mean the community has to like it? Of course not.

  5. Does it count as necro when it's a thread like this one? Haven't been subscribing for quite a while, hence no forum posting!

    Are you guys still here? Luna, I see you in other threads, but obviously haven't been able to say anything, yes, yes, I lurk when I can't write! But the rest of you , where are you?

  6. I do wish more ladies would speak up. Lana's F/F relationships and other SWTOR companion pairings are really popular out on the greater Internet and I would hope that Bioware would see that and realize that actual lesbian and bi women play this game and WILL be happy if they introduce more options.


    At your service! As one of those ladies who are into other ladies. I can of course only speak for myself, not for all the other lesbian or bisexual women( not quite that full of myself lol) and, yes, I would appreciate another option alongside Lana, I don't actually need it to be a lesbian comp, I would be quite happy with them being bi, so the straight guys could get the option to romance them too.


    That being said, I can understand the people who want companions to be straight, bi, or gay, not "whatever the player wants them to be" for story purposes.


    Took a subscription break, so it's been a while since I was writing on the forums, hope I made some sense though!

  7. As someone who barely does GSF, I have to say, the times I do GSF, people are in general quite helpful, and not half as toxic as gen chat, or any given wz chat. I don't quite have the hang of gsf yet, but I am trying, and I have found the community being helpful, and patient with me, but that might be because I inform them that I'm new, and that I try my best, meaning, I don't self destruct on purpose like a lot of people do.
  8. I have a question, one that I should know the answer to by now, but, eh, I don't.


    I recently started switching between heals and dps on my BH, and I can't for the life of me, find a way to save my quickbars in a way that I have one setup that puts all my dps abilities in the slots where I last had them, and one that does the same with my healing ones, I'm tired of moving my abilities around! I'm not even sure that made sense, but I hope someone understands what I mean.



    I have indeed saved different setups, but, my abilities don't stay where I want them to, just the way the quickbars are placed on the screen.


    Any casual who can help out?lol

  9. Just popped in to wish my fellow casuals a happy new year!


    Also, I've discovered a few things about myself when it comes to SWTOR( better late than never)

    I used to play WoW, and I loved the pvp, however, ever since I started playing this game, I've pretty much stayed away from pvp, it's just not been for me here, the other day, I all of a sudden was having fun with it( queued up for the points) as a healer no less! And this is coming from someone who's been playing this game on and off since not too long after launch, but just I only this year leveled my first ever healer , and, who would have thought, that that's what was needed for me to find pvp fun in here.


    Although, some things never change, just like in so many other games, people don't really peel for their healer... and of course blame the healer for them dying when they run in on their own against 3 people( nevermind that they didn't have any healer in range of them)

  10. Can I join the club???


    Welcome indeed!


    Also, I'm sorry beforehand for replying to everything in one post, but I suspect that no one ( including me) wants to really see a full page( maybe not a full page) of posts with my name on it lol


    *Snip*Would be funny if that channel already existed and people are on it. LOL:eek:


    I will join as soon as I can, well , if I can figure it out, and if I can't, it's all on me, since your way of explaining was excellent!


    *edit* joined one one toon, and now, I'm gonna put the rest of my toons in that chat:D




    Thank you kindly, it's bookmarked!

  11. Me, I'm still running around on Tattoine seeing just exactly how much sand a person can suck down. Finished the available missions around Mos Isla and am fixing to head out into the less civil areas now. Have had a few surprisingly satisfying conversations because I'm exploring full dark side this time. Note to future self: Vette does not appreciate being bathed in a giant please-don't-eat-me bug's goo-blood. :jawa_cool:


    Well, it worked didn't it, Vette?


    I'm well on my way to snowball my way to the next command rank, not sure I should admit that, but , oh well:p

  12. I usually have around 8-16 hours a month where I can catch up with my alts, and I read this forum oodles more than I play. The biggest challenge with the forum is the tedium of sifting through the malcontent posts out of the well-reasoned posts in matters of game mechanics, because sometimes even a malcontent will make a good point— they just have a crappy way of making an argument that invites communication, in my opinion. :rak_angelic:


    I completely agree that sometimes a malcontent will make a good point!:D

  13. If you managed it like I did, it was with a LOT of flailing arms and sincere hopes of not cutting my arm off with either of TWO lightsabers going vrrrrrooo vrrrrrooo vrrrrraar in a flurry of button-mashing and mouse clicking. :jawa_biggrin:

    Were you spying on me? Because that's just how it was, with a bit of "What does this button do again" And still not quite understanding what "that button" does after having pressed it.

  14. yeah no one seems to know FOR SURE, I wish someone who did this can chime in. :)


    Well, considering you paid for the expansion, and to level to lvl 70, it would make no sense if you'd get stuck at 69.

  15. Never really felt too invested in any of the others and quiet obviously my Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are my favorite classes to play in this aspect too. :p

    I really like Kira, sadly, I don't really like either the Jedi knight, or the Sith Warrior, but, that's because I suck at melee lol, still not sure how I managed to get one of each to 65.

  16. He is. He's just one of those characters that makes me think though. "What would I do in his shoes?" "What would it be like to be caught between a dark council member and my character?" Etc. And, if a character in a game can get me thinking, it's a good thing.


    Kaliyo... when I'm playing a character that is just all about wild abandon, no morals, and general mayhem, I will play with her. However, that's not how my agents usually end up developing. Hmmmm... Maybe it's time I try a loose-cannon agent from hell. LOL


    I can completely understand what you mean about Quinn, and I'm not sure what I would have done in his shoes.


    lol, well, as an altoholic, you should! I've always liked Kaliyo, good thing too, since I like playing the class that drags her around everywhere for the first 50 levels( or at least, can drag her around if they want)

  17. I would say, my favorite (American version :p) companion on the agent alternates between 2. Believe it or not, Quinn is one. Without being all spoilery, I like the conflict in his story-line, and the conflict that he goes through with it. The other is Vector. I just find his character fascinating, and the voice acting for his part is stellar.


    I think Quinn is a tad annoying, but I do like Vector!

  18. I have to make an admission: *taps mic* "Is this thing on?"


    "I... loathe.... Kaliyo." There, I said it. LOL


    For me it would be, "I spent Friday evening incinerating Kaliyo."


    Awww, she's my favourite companion!( also, the spell check here, doesn't like british spelling, just letting you all know)


    Although, I can completely see why people don't like her.

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