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Posts posted by Darsolaran

  1. Tykesson attacks English Launguage.

    Tykesson hits English Language for 1,232,332 damage.

    English Grammar is attacking Tykesson!

    Tykesson crits English Grammar for 3,343,449 damage.

    English Language has been slain!

    English Grammar has been slain!


    Best line ever. Made me ROFL so hard lol

  2. Warhammer online was 100x more polished than this game on release. Here are my complaints..


    That sentence right there states you have no idea what your talking about sadly. I played the Beta for WAR for about 2 months and went right into launch. The game itself wasnt very buggy but my GOODNESS was that game so horribly unpolished it was not even funny. The maps, characters,ui,PVE,PVP (at start) was no where near ready for launch.

  3. I can understand your pain in the dumping feel of the spec. With me the slow ticking of damage is not my way. But when it comes to pvp it doesnt matter how difficult a spec is to learn or master when I havent seen any players come close to my damage/objective score using watchman. In world PVP I can see the watchman having no equal. But in terms of WZ I dont see the hub-ub where you arent fighting just one ac at a time.
  4. My name is Orochi in game and i currently play a 37 sentinel. This thread is not created for discussions on how "gimped" or "borked" the class is. Any sane sentinel knows better. I have been playing the sent during the beta through various builds and have almost excluzively used combat. The power to locking enemies with crippling throw and master strike and a 100% crit rate for Blade storm being the main focus points for my build.


    PVP has been a blast playing sent and i have had major sucess with sent in pvp from lvl 25 and on. Past this level I have very rarely been below top 3 in dps unless I am tower ***** in Alderaan.


    I have seen many posts coming up stating how powerfull watchman spec is and how it can do more damage than combat. After playing combat spec for so long i really dont see how this is possible looking at other sent damage in WZ aftergames and asking current spec.


    So which spec is better for PVP?


    Anyone have any opinions regarding this matter?

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