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Posts posted by daarthshatner

  1. You devs were warned over and over again, but still haven't listened.


    PVP is massively broken. The resolve bar is totally and completely HOSED. I sit there perma-stunned half the match unable to move, yet somehow this is acceptable? There is no leaderboard, so the masses don't see my greatness. This is unacceptable.


    You instanced everything, so there is no reason to ever do world PVP or track down the players I hate and camp them until they rage quit. This is unacceptable.


    I could go on and on, but let me put it this way: Your time to fix PVP is very limited. My patience has limits.


    Lets not make this 500,001 lost subs, mmkay?



  2. So what you're saying is that you need macros to make up for your shortcomings?



    EXACTLY. L2P OP, you pathetic WoW peasant.


    Macros and add-ons are a huge HUGE, god-awful time sink. I can't stand sitting around writing and changing macros or fussing with add-ons for hours, just to keep up with all the wannabe PVP'ers in WoW.


    Macros and add-ins should never be added to this game. They detract from the learned-skills that separate the men from the noobs (like the OP of this thread).


    Part of PVP is deciding how, when, and what abilities should be used and not used in a fixed length of time; The ability to automate these decisions takes away from the skill required to be great at a game like this.


    The only reason for macros is so that experienced PVP players can annihilate casual players, and to keep up with other PVP players. They do not add anything meaningful to the game in any way shape or form.

  3. Personally (and this is just my opinion), I would rather then ignore every single one of those complaints and focus on building Open World PvP. I find it much more entertaining, as opposed to structured PvP, which can get stale relatively quick.


    Agreed. Warfronts / Battlegrounds etc. are a tired and outdated concept. I want to kill noobs en masse in the world, not in some crappy instance.

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