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Posts posted by TonyDonovan

  1. EA rushed release im sure. Because to release the game bioware did seems like an unfinished product in my opinion 70% of what ive done has been the most fun and best experience with any mmo ive played which is a lot as im sure with all of us and the other 30% is just bad some bugs some problems just seem so obvious and things that we all know they knew about in beta pre-release even in their own testing im sure they knew all of the problems were seeing i blame ea for most likely pressing the release date and one could say "forcing" bioware to release the game before even they knew it was fully ready but when ea says sell it they had no choice so it gets sold.


    in all honesty i will stick around for awhile see if they can release some actually usefull patches for some very obvious and im sure known bugs and gameplay issues but if it doesnt start happening 5-10 patches in i will have no faith in it to improve the last thing they need right now is to release a buggy crap content patch with the things they need to deal with now, i understand its not easy and they are pressed for time but this patch seems like something to take my mind off the buggy stuff so they can further prolong fixes yes im happy there is going to be more content no i am not happy it will probably be buggy and soon it will probably just cause more problems on top of the old ones further ruining that 30% of the game that is just plain bad


    all in all i love the game im gonna sit it out and see what happens



    EDIT: obviously they feel the same way about not release a buggy crap content patch seeing as it has been pushed back don't get blinded by it it will be fun but if some boss goes invincible at 2% because i attacked it while he was channeling or on HM decides hes gonna lunge for 40k damage to the entire group or i finish this instance and cant loot the chest because i pressed respawn during the fight i and im sure all of you would not be happy and seeing as how they havnt mentioned fixing these things (correct me if im wrong) i would not be surprised if this happens

  2. TBH it doesn't help that much when leveling ( especially if its your first toon), it can be ok for companions if the one leveling lines up with your companions gear ( yeah that synthweaving ain't helping my Trando to well there).


    I'm not sure how much fun you find in something pointless ( I know its a game its all pointless) but leveling something only to find out its not even useful for getting prepped for Raids isn't most peoples ideas of fun.


    I don't think most people are expecting the best gear in the game to come from crafting, however it should at least be on par with stuff you can get by doing some dailies or doing a bit of PvP.


    The problem with crafting professions is that it doesn't fill a step anywhere. TBH the level 50 schematics are less useful than the level 25 ones because at least with those they require little effort. It leaves a really bad taste in your mouth that you took the time to level something that you will get absolutely almost no use out of until it obsolete.


    TBH with how things are setup, they could of just as easily stopped crafting at 300 and the professions would be just as useful.



    this just in this guy wants to craft things better than pvp and pve end game gear buff for him he wants getting other gear to be useless aswell

  3. this just in crafting must make better end game gear than end game gear thus making end game gear bad *** do you want from bioware OP crafting items? it helps while lvling it helps your companions something extra to do for fun if you dont want to do it dont do it
  4. No. I just use my current spec. Why do I need to min-max everything? When I feel like PvPing, I use my current spec. Do some flashpoints? Same spec. Questing? Same spec. It works just fine.


    I think people overestimate, you don't need to min-max every single little number. Although, I know to some gamers, even a single point off is somehow a life-ending decision.


    This is a big reason I could never like WoW. You are EXPECTED to min-max, you are EXPECTED to use the same cookie cutter builds and gear setups because they make things so easy to switch around. People say dual specs and cheap respecs promote diversity. It does the opposite - it promotes cookie cutter builds and setups.



    it is not about min-max every little stat you cannot tell me your dps as heal spec is anywhere close to your dps as dps spec i tried to lvl heal spec from 1-30 not changing it a bit because i want to main healing end game its what i want to do but lvling got slower and slower questing got slower and slower when i swapped to dps spec i lvl much much faster i recognize a huge difference, always having a companion is not like having another player in your party at all times as they will never dps or heal like another player, my companions are geared and this much is clear to me i see no option unless i want to lol around the game healing a companion for literally twice as long as it would take me to lvl to 50 dps spec, as far as what WoW does i dont care i dont play wow this is not wow



    and unless there are like 5000 trees to spec into and 9000 different sets of gear there will always be a "cookie cutter" build and gear set in every game for dps and healing that will never change there is always an obvious better option than something else

  5. i guess im the only one that feels this way aparently re-speccing is there so you can fix a point mistake and that's it apart from that its useless is all i'm hearing, i for one do not enjoy being stuck in the same role my entire life in a video game i am a fan of RPG's and this is an MMORPG a game that is constantly changing and evolving, not skyrim in which its obvious what you pick your stuck with if they offer the ability to respec at all in a way such as they do i do not feel like they want to you stay in your spec forever it does not seem that way. it would be nice to get a devs input on this lol i want to know what they're thinking


    thank you though guys im not trying to argue just a good discussion

  6. if you removed talent tree and made everything available everything would be hardcore op, i guess im just stupid but a commando cannot wake in the morning and re-learn all his skills because that is real life this is a game not reality if they want you to make your decisions and stick with them do not offer the ability to re-spec at all if your all saying its supposed to be a real mmo were your supposed to stick to your decisions then it shouldnt be in the game at all?
  7. If it does reset every 7 days then i am happy about that and did not know so thank you for the information that is fair. I only respec healing to pvp when i plan on queing for pvp all day long and respec dps for pve when i plan on lvling all day long i do see what your saying i shouldnt just be doing everything everyday but i also do not see the harm in playing the game how you want considering it hurts nobody and helps everyone. i do not think i t should be free and if it really does reset every 7 days then i have no arguement at all and i agree with that.


    Thank you for shedding some light on the situation! any other opinions?


    as far as the companions go if i stay heal spec and try to lvl healing a companion its going to take 10 times longer to level we all know this

  8. did you read this in any official post or news? just wondering to see if that's an official statement or simply how you think it should be, like i said well all have differences in opinions so lets hear them!


    Thank you for your input im open for discussion

  9. ok... so they want me to be restricted to one thing for all eternity? i do not necessarily think what your saying is true but you may be right, i feel as if you should be able to play your character how you want when you want to make the game more interesting, exciting, and new from day to day i do agree with paying i just don't agree with how much im paying.
  10. I play an imperial agent operative and i enjoy healing in a pvp setting and dps for leveling for obvious reasons, i understand it is very common for a game to incorporate a system in which re-spec will cost more each time, but i do feel like it gets to be a little excessive to the point where i feel severely punished if i want to play my class in more than one linear way (aka spec) throughout the entire game. it did reset after about 75,000 credits back down to 850 but is quickly going up again. Given i probably re-spec more than most i feel as if it should be capped at 50k tops maybe even 35k something along those lines because it tends to put a large dent into my available credits.


    Please Discuss does anyone else feel this way or do you think this is acceptable? Everyone has a different opinion i would like to hear yours!

  11. i feel like they are ok considering each world will leave you up anywhere between 100k to 300k if your short on money its most likely because youve respecced a lot which was my issue incase anyones wondering my costs for respec reset at 74k or something like that i dont know for sure but it went back down to 850. best day of my life
  12. Hello, try to make friends in game and join there guild once you get to know thema part from that you will not know what the guild could potentially be like. As far as the level your stuck at goes you should not have to grind at any level in this game they do a good job of that. Maybe you missed a class quest or a quest chain or 2 in your main zone. there are zones called heroics 2 to 4 which means it recomends 2 to 4 players at early levels you can do this with your companions depending on which ones. as you level you will need other players to do these your class quest should take you onto new planets aswell so you shouldnt run out of quests.



    there are some bugs that stop people from progressing through conversations but this is unlikely your problem but you never know. i would like to help you more i play on saber of exar kun if you happen to play on that then i can help you ingame if not then im sorry post here for further assistance.



    Good Luck, Happy Questing!

  13. create a ticket or 3 or 5 in game if no one ever responds you obviously tried and thus have an argument if you are banned, point out the email is unprofessional and seems illegitimate if they do respond im willing to bet they can change your name on the spot and even if you don't read the eula you agreed to it, like signing a contract with your eyes closed the whole time its your own fault don't blame bio-ware i agree its kind of dumb and shouldn't be a big deal but rules are rules get over it and get it dealt with and don't even act like you or i could code any part of this game in any way you don't like it don't play it there are more ways to solve your issue than raging on the forums
  14. through cyclone or whatever its called lol and your other cc along with a healer or tank companion you will not have much to worry about with sustain plus you can still heal without being heal spec obviously just not as well youll also have a shield soo that absorbs a lot of damage that is buffed through lightning spec like i said its probably just an easier spec to get around the learning curve anything will work just giving you my opinion. best of luck Happy Hunting!



    i do agree with this people will love you although questing will be much harder/slower

  15. through cyclone or whatever its called lol and your other cc along with a healer or tank companion you will not have much to worry about with sustain plus you can still heal without being heal spec obviously just not as well youll also have a shield too that absorbs a lot of damage that is buffed through lightning spec like i said its probably just an easier spec to get around the learning curve anything will work just giving you my opinion. best of luck Happy Hunting!
  16. They are mainly working to fix bugs within the game given the game is a few weeks old this is going to happen they are timed late at night and if thats the only time to play then im sorry you are unlucky or playing in a different regions servers and its your own fault the patches are to make our gameplay smoother and more enjoyable as the game actually gets a couple of months in the patches will slow down to the desired weekly patch they want to implement its a brand new mmo give it time neither you or me could make anything like it dont be so critical on such a large project that is already a great game and just be happy they are improving it already
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