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Posts posted by Teirdome

  1. Thanks for doing this Pedia!


    I've heard they're changing the diminishing returns on Expertise. Do you know how much? (First compare with Live to see if there is a difference, then post a couple expertise/percent numbers after removing gear would be awesome).

  2. I think the OP's concerns are more far-reaching than BW seems to realize.


    The current "luck-based" PvP reward system is fundamentally flawed, because even in average to optimal conditions the 25% chance to receive a commendation leaves the player upset far more often than not.


    Is nobody at Bioware familiar with Loss Aversion?


    This means that even if we doubled the rate at which people received commendations from bags (25% to 50%), the player will--overall--feel worse off over time because every disappointment-filled bag hits us harder than the comm-filled ones can make up for, relatively speaking.


    The solution is simple: each bag contains 1 commendation, and each piece of gear costs 4 times as many comms. This change would keep players consistently happy because they will never feel like they're being cheated relative to their fellow players. The fact that this change has not already been implemented is quickly approaching ridiculous.


    I've had full BM for a long time, but BW's lack of attention to such a simple problem is still incredibly frustrating.


    This is such a well thought out response. Genuinely well done my good fellow!

  3. I still haven't found a source that says you'll be able to buy Champion gear with credits. Just ones that say you'll be able to buy gear about the same level as Champion. The only thing I expect to change is there will no longer be those annoying 12k HP Sages on your team who die 15 times in a WZ because the BMs only target them.


    Oh, you still have to buy it with credits. That's a game currency you earn.

  4. I looked around but couldn't find this. What blaster did you get that had an Enhancement with 46 Expertise? I'd love to backfill some orange gear with these...better than Centurion gear while I farm Champ armor/Battlemaster rank.


    Thanks in advance.


    I think he meant the level 46 blasters on the PvP gear vendors next to the daily pickup/turn-in that have the expertise mods in them. I'm not sure I would take this approach, but it could work.

  5. Scoundrel PvP isn't really viable until level 31 for Sawbones and 36 for Scrappers.


    Sawbones need Emergency Medpac and its compliment skill to the right in the tree.


    Scrappers need Shoot First.


    It's unfortunate that you have to wait that long for the class to truly blossom, which is why many people have requested Shoot First be moved to a lower level (24 is the most frequent request for whatever reason). My suggestion if you're going to do PvP under those levels is to use Sab Charge frequently, it's likely your highest damage ability.

  6. I also use it primarily as a minor instant heal in my rotation. However, I have noticed that it removes most Bounty Hunter (and likely trooper) debuffs, with the exception of the flashy grenade thingy.


    In PvE it seems to remove most debuffs just fine however.

  7. If you're a PvPer, I would suggest going 28/13/0 for the extra survivability and occasional damage dealing.


    The other thing I would suggest in PvP is to avoid casting Underworld Medicine. Make a habit of only using your instants as much as possible (while not letting your group die of course). This will reduce the chance people will spot you as a healer and greatly increase your survivability. Let them spot that dummy sage who is constantly channeling in the backfield.


    I find that I can run around giggling like a crazy person just throwing Slow Release, Triage, and Emergency Medpack when I get an UH proc. The mobility is truly a blessing. Don't be afraid to toss in a Blaster Whip, 15 energy for an Upper Hand is worth it.


    When I have to heal more than just maintenance, (assuming 1 Upper Hand already) I like:


    Underworld Medicine -> start moving -> Emergency Medpack -> Triage -> Slow Release Medpack


    That's 4.5 seconds of movement without an obvious heal being used. Some people assume that you're not a healer in that time and break off.

  8. I have no problem with their tank spec on my sawbones scoundrel. It's my favorite class to 1v1 because just my hots keep my health high enough to never need to stop and cast. Their DPS specs don't have the interrupts to be anything more than annoying either. I'm much more afraid of DPS Operatives.


    Their utility is nice in huttball and no stealth ganking squad is complete without one, but I wouldn't put them any higher than "slightly above average."

  9. What's wrong with a smuggler being able to swap out Dirty Kick for Force Choke balance-wise? They're both stuns, and it lets the smuggler be more unique. I'm guessing these new skills will only be PvE anyways, like the abilities you can use on non-lucent, non-elite mobs.


    I'm also looking forward to playing a Pureblood Sentinel who struggles between light and dark side. Being encouraged to not just min/max light/dark is awesome.

  10. End game relics do not require light/dark either. It's only during leveling you'll really be punished.


    The plus side is that you can also use any color crystal you want (though those restrictions will be going away in a future patch anyways).


    I went neutral with my Scoundrel because I wanted her to be a profiteering ginger kid, but that didn't mean I had to be evil all the time.

  11. A ton changes in PvP at 50.


    Suddenly you aren't facing people who queued for a warzone at level 11 because their quest said so.


    Most players are now at least average skill and understand interrupts.


    Specs are finished and now Sages/Sorcerers rule the roost at healing (they aren't even good healers until level 30 imo).


    For me, the real issue with Sawbones healing is that we only have one viable cast, Underworld Medicine, and greatly lessened utility. If that gets interrupted, your targeted healing output falls to the floor until your target gets under 30% health. We do have 2 good stuns. However, they're short range and much riskier than the Commando/Sage alternatives.


    All that said, I'll continue to play my Sawbones for a long time. I enjoy the mobility and my attackers have to listen to me giggling as I kite them.

  12. If the "Kills" stat was correctly named "Assists" or "Defeated" I don't think the OP would have an issue. Instead he's getting hung up on semantics. Currently it means AoEed (that's why Shadows/Assassins are always top kills) so it's not like the stat is meaningful on live anyways.


    The DPS e-peen stats he should actually care about are the ones not immediately visible: killing blows, largest damage dealt.


    I'm glad that as a healer I don't have to waste a GCD doing damage to get the 10 kill medal anymore. Instead I'll actually be awarded for healing your selfish, squishy butt.

  13. This sounds like you're having some confusion caused by the UI. My guess is that your problem is that your companion's skill bar is on top of your personal skill bar. Hit Escape and open the settings, then navigate to the UI tab. Scroll down about halfway and look for the "companion bar location" drop down. Select "Left" (or right if you prefer) then hit OK.


    I hope this helps!

  14. Dont worry guys, with 1.2 you can extract the Mods from the PvP-Zorro Stuff, and put then im the Gear you like.


    Dont waste your favorite orange stuff yet.


    It's an exciting change, hopefully just a couple weeks away. I've been collecting as much orange gear as possible in anticipation. I wish some of the awesome social gear was available in Medium. Oh to be a sneaky Sand Person chucking medpacks like Jimmy Fallon chucks dollar bills.

  15. It's not a Scoundrel gang, but I roll around Ilum with 2 Shadow friends and it's highly effective. Generally the empire has 50 people outside our base and we have 18 on planet. The empire zerg on my server is terribly stupid, so we'll all pop a squishy almost instantly, then burn down another and vanish. We very rarely get caught. It does take vent coordination, but given the horrible population balance it's effective and fun.


    It's equally effective as a stealth gang at the center point getting armaments. In particular, the armaments that spawn in the little ditches are the best to jump people at because the terrain keeps people from spotting red names and coming running.


    Some might call it cheesy, but watching 50 red ants frantically searching for you is damn fun.

  16. Right before I hit 50 (on my sage though), I bought 1 of the champion gear bags. You don't need to be 50 to buy it, but you need to be 50 to open it. And sadly, it's unique.. so you can only get one. And then stocked up on merc/warzone commendations.


    Is this still true? I thought that with the last patch BW changed vendors so you can only buy gear you can use. This locked all under-50s out of being able to buy a bag before 50.

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