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Posts posted by DisruptionFL

  1. Asking if a game is in "maintenance mode" is the sort of thing you do when you've just learned the concept but don't quite understand its meaning. Stop using words you don't understand.


    I know what it means, don't be condescending. They only thing they've talked about since since their big "expansion" is bug fixes. I just wonder if something has changed behind the scenes since they released 7.0 was released. I've been playing this game since 2011 and I'm used to their normal silence, but they made it sound like this expansion was going to be massive, but I'm not seeing it or hearing about what's coming up.

  2. Maybe this has been discussed somewhere, but will there be any more story updates? 10th anniversary year and almost half the year is gone with no info. Their expansion was basically 2 flashpoints and a bug generator. I hope they really do have more a lot story planned soon because what they gave us was weak. :(
  3. Same for me as well. It auto-renewed my sub over an hour ago, but I login and I'm preferred status. Login on the website and it says I have 29 days of subscription left. I emailed support, but being that they're only available 9-5 I wont be playing tonight.

    Not cool swtor! I can only hope they're able to resolve the issue tomorrow :(

  4. Before my cookies run out and can't post, I would just like to know what happened to the sound effect on this, when you dismounted you used to hear a yoda like laugh, but it appears to be gone.


    The sound effect is still there, but it's rare. The same with the coins falling behind it as you move. I remember people complaining about it when it first came out (idk why), so they removed it from every time you mount/dismount to few and far between.

  5. Charles tweeted this in response to Sitara.




    You can see it by following the link in Sitara's comment just prior to yours.


    Thanks! I looked at the link but didn't notice the comment on twitter. "one of our next patches" Maybe we'll get a Christmas miracle?

  6. Hi Sartonous,


    Thank you for the report. Our team is planning to fix this bug with the Alliance banners in our next patch 6.1.1.


    Thank you.


    Dear "CommunityTeam",

    Any chance this will get fixed with the NEXT patch? It has been 5 months since this post and i would really appreciate the banners not blinding me and looking like trash. Thank you.


    A player who would like to spend a lot of money in this game but is waiting for this specific annoying bug to be squashed.

  7. This was posted on 28 April. It has been 78 days and four updates, counting tomorrow's (which has nothing regarding this issue), and still no fix. If it is such a difficult fix would it be possible to simply disable the affected banners until such time as a fix can be deployed? While for some this issue is only an annoyance for others these banners are causing lag and issues with cutscenes.


    With every patch comes more bugs, but this one is the most annoying for me. Will this ever be fixed? Is it really that complicated to fix a lighting issue? or is there only 1 person working on swtor? just a singular part-time employee?

    Just curious.

  8. Banners are still broken after latest update. I stopped my progress in kotfe until it's resolved and wasn't even able to start empire version of Onslought because of it. :( Is there a chance it will be fixed anytime soon?


    I also stopped my kotfe progress (because its in almost every cutscene). The patch notes for tomorrow, 6.1.2, make no mention of this being corrected. :mad:

    This is the line from the patch notes of 6.1.1 "The brightness of the Banners in the Odessen War Room has been reduced for players that rejoined their respective Factions during the Onslaught expansion’s story." However it's ALL banners in the war room no matter what part of the story you're in kotfe or onslaught (at least for me). I wish they would fix this already. I wonder if they've forgotten about this issue? It worked fine for years, but it seems like with all spaghetti code (i'm assuming), once one thing is fixed another thing breaks. -_-

  9. Hi everyone,


    As mentioned in my previous post, our team is aware that the last patch didn't fix the Alliance banners bug.


    Our team is currently working on a resolution. Unfortunately, I don't have additional information to provide you. I'll inform you when I know more.


    Thanks for your patience.


    The 6.1.1b patch notes don't mention this issue. I logged into one character (republic) and the banners looked almost normal, but on another character (empire) and they were so bright you couldn't even see the design. If these banners weren't in just about every cut scene then it wouldn't be so much of a big deal. Will these war-room banners be fixed anytime soon?

  10. I don't understand why they don't fix these bugs. especially when they make so much money from the cartel market where we buy outfits for us and our companions, but then they don't display properly in the cutscenes. This should be totally fixable since it worked initially for a short time.
  11. I'm loving the Alderaan Stronghold, however it would be nice to log back in at the same location that I log out, like with other Strongholds. With Alderaan, I keep logging in by the spawning location, even if I logged out in a different part of the Stronghold, which is very irritating. Please fix this little issue.


    Otherwise, keep up the good work guys!


    If they can't do that it would be nice to at least have quick travel options, mainly on larger strongholds like Rishi and Alderaan.

  12. :(


    No fix for those shinning banners on Odessen ....


    Won't play Kotfe/Kotet until this is fixed already 5 toons on hold I can't get forward in their story :(:(


    They know that these banners are still a problem, but it wasn't fixed today. It's in so many cut scenes and my eyes hurt looking at them. Also waiting for them to be fixed before continuing the story.

  13. Um an update happened, that's what. And so far none have been game breaking. Just little oddities that are QOL features. So KUDOS to BW for that!!


    The only thing I'd like them to fix is to allow the conquest pop up to be moved around in layout editor.


    Yeah i know the update happened but it didn't fix the issues that they said they would. That's my complaint. Also, the bounty hunter event is messed up. They just said don't participate in it because progress could be lost... so yeah "kudos to BW for that!!"

  14. Odessen War Room banners are still too bright (they said they'd fix with this update) This wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't shown in every cut scene while playing kotfe. https://imgur.com/NY53VY5

    Alderaan SH droid transports still disappears (they said they'd fix this with update)

    They've added an annoying addition of a conquest pop-up that you can't disable.

    And i've heard of multiple other complaints on these forums. What happened??

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