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Posts posted by Scotare

  1. I guess if they do this, they have a good reason. If you think about it: They are patching something now instead of in three days time. So they take the bad rep with the players rather than letting the servers run unchecked for another couple of days.


    possible reasons:

    security of servers / safety of servers

    - programming

    - location

    - databanks

    - ...



    - duping

    - teleporting

    - invulnerabilities

    - credsgenerating

    - ...


    you know, stuff that can't wait, because ONE small post on twitter and it's server-armageddon.


    I really don't think they do server-shutdowns just to p*ss people off. ;)


    ^^^ evil BioWare wanted to screw you all by bringing down the servers Primetime. I really think all the crying portrays the real love for the game. It's ok all. :) I want to play too. Oh well. time for real life.

  2. I'm really having a lot of fun on SWTOR.


    It's getting really hard to view the forums lately. In game chat sometimes too. All people want to do is complain. Some people it seems are on some kind of campaign to make sure everyone knows they think the game sucks and you need to think that as well. :(


    I really like the game. Even with the problems it's having.

  3. Man it's always people crying on the forums. Their pet bug wasn't fixed the second they reported it. This feature isn't there. That feature isn't there. Bioware was damned if you do, damned if you don't. They could've delayed launch and added more. Then people would cry about a delayed launch date.


    IMHO you shouldn't come to the forums to try and have other people talk you into staying. A post like this will usually garner smart alec responses. If you're not feeling the game you can always cancel your sub and come back when things are more to your liking.

  4. reading this thread just reminds me again of why I keep general chat turned off and only play the game with my friends lol. I feel bad for those mmo noobs who have no clue and no prior mmo experience to draw from. We all started as noobs once upon a time, too bad so many have forgotten where they started.


    Been playing MMO's for years. I feel you on certain people. Not liking a recount or add ons. People tend to ruin things... However, there's a lot of good people here in game. Lets focus on them.

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