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Posts posted by PacificaSolaria

  1. Our guild has two people that can set the invasion for a planet. However, they sign online late in the evenings. Our guild also has several morning players including myself.


    If we start doing our personal conquest goals will the points we accrue be retroactively applied to whatever planet our guild winds up invading? Or are we better off waiting and doing nothing until the guild ship is actually on a planet?

  2. They finally fixed this according to the patch notes.

    The Inquisitor Mission "Inheritance" now once again offers Kallig's Lightsaber. Kallig’s Lightsaber is now Bound on Legacy and has no Modifications.


    Did anyone get his saber in the mail for those of us who completed the quest in the past and didn't get the saber?

  3. Yes, having to click more times to loot when grouped is irritating. Aside from that, has anyone noticed that you are getting fewer credits than promised?


    For example, I turned auto-loot off. When I looted, it opened a window to show me what was available. It showed 240 credits with my name under it. When I took the loot, I received 80 credits. There were three of us in group, so I imagine it divided the number by three. But the other two players did not receive 80 credits.


    Did they get their 80 credits when they looted the body? I may be wrong but it looked like to me the game was only picking up stuff earmarked for you. So those 80 credits are still on the loot stack just like the green, blue and purple drops until your party members pick them up.

  4. Returning player here. I have a level 50 toon, I plan to take to 65, is there any place to buy the Veteran gear you see on token instant 60s? It seems the gear itself is bound not bound to legacy so I can't swap it to my old character. I'd love to have the gear if nothing but the cosmetic look.
  5. So I wanted to buy some packs to see how high the droprate of the bronze items (aka Chance Cubes) are, to get a feel if I should buy more packs from this shipment in the future, and I already regret it.


    They promised that the droprate of bronze items would be reduced but my small sample shows otherwise. Two packs had both slots filled with a Chance Cube, the other three had one new item and one chance cube each.

    Anyone who already has all the old items and only wants to collect the new things will have to get multiple hypercrates I imagine. :(


    7 packs isn't really a large enough sample size to know if they really improved the drop rate. However, I'm with you. Who wants to spend hundreds of dollars to get a large enough sample size to see if they told the true. :(

  6. What annoys me now is not the time it takes to patch etc but WHEN THEY DO IT! Afternoon in the EU so if things do go wrong ppl cannot play when they have got back from work/study.


    It's always afternoon some where. I get the impression patching starts your afternoon because that's when it's morning for the patch team.

  7. I've been getting this on and off. It generally does down for 10 mins at time before reconnecting. Only 2 gigs left to patch.


    Curious though, how many of you are using bitraider and having this issue? I currently have bitraider disabled on my install.

  8. then l2p. This has been the best change in existence of this specc because it finally leaves us with force charge as a real gap closer, and not as something we nee to spam because energy. This change made this specc viable for pvp.


    You do you know you're replying to a post that was written in Oct of last year? I'm sure he's adjusted to the change since then.

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