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Posts posted by Gurgintius

  1. I am looking for a casual (but committed) guild, on the Imp side, that is raiding week nights Monday through Thursday between 8PM and Midnight Eastern time. I have level 50 Bounty Hunter (DPS), Agent (Heals), and my latestest addition Juggy (Tank).


    I am looking for a group that enjoys all PVE aspects of the game, leveling, FPs, and Ops (including EC and TfB).



  2. I appologize if this topic has been discussed already, please point me to the thread...


    Has anyone done any research into changing out the Cunning Mods on HK's weapons for +Aim mods?


    My understanding is that he has sniper abilities which is why he has the cunning mods in the first place, (I could be wrong though). But does swapping them for Aim mods make any noticeable difference? Currently I use HK to run Dailies with my Healer. I have upgraded a few of the mods and he is my most destructive companion. He makes mowing down Black Hole NPCs a fun time (I love his saying as he is engaging targets). I can solo Sec X area (not including Heroics) without too much difficulty and my Healer is not the best geared.


    Just curious if more Aim stats will make him even more leathal or have an unexpected and adverse effect?

  3. Uhg...


    Why is it that no matter what BioWare does, there is an army of people who have to complain about it?


    This is the way BioWare chose to release this new companion. If you don't like it, don't get it. But why come out here to these forums and complain about it? It's not like the software is bugged to the point HK-51 is not obtainable. They just didn't deploy it in the manner which some agree with. Too bad for you. There are always going to be parts of a game that people are not going to like. But really, we are asking for the programmers to change something purely because some people don't like it.


    Now, I hope you have a great time playing the game you want to play it. My HK-51 and I will have a good time playing the way I like to play it.

  4. I am not sure that alts are a requirement. Sure, there are many benefits from rolling them as previous posts have mentioned. But, if your play style is to only run one toon, period, then that is your play style. There is no fault in that. If you haven't found the end game content to keep you interested, well, that is what it is. BioWare would love for you to re-sub. But if you don't they won't need to file for bankruptsy.


    After all that, your original question was, are there any more players like you? Sure there are, but why do you ask? Are you looking to do a head count? Are you looking for someone of like mind to run with? Do you need help getting gear, participating in HM FPs, or Ops? The mere fact that I have 4 alts does not prevent me from helping you and your one toon participate in end game content. Are you max geared yet, I won't pretend to know what that is these days, something like all Black Hole or Campaign gear (maybe)? Point is, whether I am a Soloist or an Altoholic is irrelevent. I will be more than happy to assist you in any way I can, as many other players will as well.


    I am not trying to be rude, although it may sound that way a little, I am just trying to understand your question. The way this thread progressed, it should have been labeled "Why I run Alts!" While most folks here have given great reasons for running alts in SWTOR, you have no desire to do so. So, what exactly is it you are looking for? There is no need to run alts, just a need to be entertained (that's why we 'play games' online). If you are no longer entertained doing what you are currently doing in SWTOR, either you need to change what you're doing in SWTOR or go find something else to do. If GW2 is fun for you, then great, go play GW2. Those of us who find SWTOR to be entertaining (whatever our play style is) will still be doing this, until it's no longer fun.

  5. Hey, who doesn't love returning to their ship to find out their Hyperdrive has been cleaned and now opperates .00000324455% better. (numbers not quoted)


    Do you really want the droid who thinks all organic life needs to be exterminated working on your Hyperdrive or ships weapon systems?


    How's this for your next space battle: Laser aren't working, proton torpedos not launching and detonating in the tube, and the hyperdrive clucks out so you can't fly away! All the while the voice of HK-51 laughing over the intercome.


    I'm still waiting for Scorpio to no longer have a use for me and stab me or crush my skull when I talk to her next. I can only emagine the fun HK would have.


    Instead of having a permanent 'home' on your ship, how about he randomly jumps out from around corners wielding a vibroknife? That would be fun! Oh, let me just run up to the bridge real quick and shoot over to Ilum. (Break the door threshhold) Out pops HK swinging a blade. Good times!


    BTW (BioWare) WHEN AM I GETTING MY HK-51!!!!! You've been teasing us with him for too long. :rak_02:

  6. My two cents on the topic...


    If I missed the answer to this in a previous post, I appologize.


    If you are looking at having the best gear stats while leveling, I think Cybertech is the best crafting skill to have. With not to much effort, you can keep your gear with blue mods and armoring. Mods upgrade about every 2 to 4 levels while armor upgrages about every 1 to 2 levels. Make sure you also have scavenging and underworld trading to have the mats readily available.


    It's easy enough to pick up Modable gear either on the Galactic Trade Network, or from a social vendor. And since gear is now adaptable, you can get the primary 5 pieces from the first Social Vendor you meet on your Capital World for pretty cheap. It may not be the most stylish, but it matters more what you put in it.


    Finally, by crafting Armoring and Mods, that only leaves Enhancements to pick up either on the GTN or from Planet Comm vendors. Enhancements only cost 2 planet comms each, while Armoring usually cost 7 planet comms.


    The other thing to consider is the speed at which you level. Even with just an overnight (18 - 20 hours) rest period, your XP meter should be in green for a solid 4 hours of game time. This is long enough to ding a level per day (of game play). Meaning, is it worth the time and credits to invest in grafting armor (whether from Synthweaving or Armormech) or getting 'purple' slot pieces? The difference in stats from 'purple' to 'blue' is only about 2 levels. Meaning that a blue level 32 mods is pretty equivilent to a purle level 30 mod. But the time and resources need to craft 'purples' is more than double what it takes to craft 'blues'. So, are you willing to sit still for two days while you craft 'epic' mods or are you going to continue to level your toon, at which point you should be past the level difference between the two items.


    Once your reach level cap, different priorities apply.

  7. Thanks for update 1.3! Game play is headed in the right direction.


    To second what a few others have said, here are some suggestions for continued improvement.


    1) Group Finder


    a. While it’s great that I can “Take a shuttle” from anywhere to the instance. It would be nice to take a shuttle back to wherever I was before. I understand that many FlashPoints require a conversation outside of the instance in order to actually complete it, obtain rewards as well as earn the final few social points. We have to come up with a way for us to be able to port back to where we were before we ported to the FP Instance. I agree with others here, it does slow things down to have to take my ship back to the planet I was on, then work my way back to wherever I was before.


    b. A hot key for the Group Finder would be nice (although not high on the priority list). I only hit the button once and then go about my business until my time in the queue comes up.


    c. Group levels need to be reworked for those less than end-game. While the current grouping helps to get more people into FlashPoints faster, being eight levels +/- from another member in the group is killing the XP gain while leveling. Also, the available instances vs. current toon level spread is too great. As a level 31, I was thrown into Mandalorian Raiders which is a level 25 instance. An hour later I walked out with ten percent more XP than I started with. Had I just been questing solo, I would have picked up about thirty percent XP in that same time period. The same problem occurred when I was placed in Boarding Party (a much more level appropriate instance) but had two level 39 toons in the group. Only ten percent XP gain by the end of the run. My suggestion is to keep the group levels and the instance levels to within +/- 5.


    d. A timer for approximate time in queue would be very useful. Either displayed when we open the Group Finder (a hot key would be needed if this choice is deployed) or in its own window that we could position somewhere on our GUI. If I am only going to have a 5 minute wait, I may just take care of some house cleaning, crew missions, etc. If I know I’ll have more than a 30 minute wait, I’ll embark on questing and actions that take more time to complete. It is a bit annoying to head out to a planet to quest and as soon as I get to the start of a quest area my queue pops.


    Keep working on it BioWare. I love playing and can’t wait to see what comes down the road.

  8. If we have to chose, a Group Finder for Flashpoints should be launched first, and sooner rather than later. While cross server would be nice, we'll patiently wait for that to evolve at a later time. Being able to continue questing while waiting to que for a Flashpoint is a must. I have spent over an hour (with my LFG flag) on the fleet trying to put a group together for normal mode FPs. Either the higher level players don't want to assist, or the at level players are off questing somewhere else and don't see the request.


    Should the group finder have an option for Hard Mode or Normal? I believe this is debateable. Once you reach end game, do you have any need to random into a normal mode FlashPoint? Maybe instead of having a selector for Normal or Hard Mode, it just looks at the player's Codex entry. If that toon as already complete the normal mode, and is at level cap (assuming this will grow over time), it automatically ques the player for Hard Mode FlashPoints. If the player is at level cap but has not run the FP in normal mode, it ques the player for normal until they have unlocked the HM instance.


    I feel for the next evolution of the Group Finder, Heroics would be better tham Operations. I am not sure I would want to run an operation with seven "Random" players. These require a little more organization to complete and should probably be left up to guilds to organize.


    Just My opion.


    Thanks for listening!


    :wea_02: Gurgintius

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