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Posts posted by JudasMagnus

  1. In every negative thread, 90% of the posts consist of the community flaming the TC.


    Outside of swtor.com's message boards, many other message boards (GameFAQs, Reddit, etc) perceive this site's community to be horribly one sided, and a laughingstock.


    Part of the blame when this game is fully abandoned will be in the community's hands, for being so hostile and hateful to those that aren't mindlessly praising the game.


    The more you mindlessly flame, the more people that leave until you'll have to have server transfers yet again.

  2. Lotro is the worst game ever what like 200k people play that game and it's f2p lol.


    Lotro's design keeps a interested player interested for a very long course of time.


    Swtor's design keeps a interested player interested for a very short time, once they lose the desire to "re-roll," and have nothing but flashpoints/ops and warzones to do at endgame.

  3. With swg I was very happy, had my 90 Jed, Coh, 5piece, all buffs and etc

    And after work I would just login and relax in the cantina

    Whenever soe had "new content" I'd worry there would be new stuff I'd have to grind,

    Ie: deathtroopers blackwing which ended up as 100k on bazaar lol


    But why would people want more content? I think tor has enough replayability already.

    And some people want to raise level cap??? Are they crazy?

    Been a crazy grinf to 50 as it is, now we Gota go back to each char

    And level em or people will look down on us and say "oh, well your not even max level..."


    People actually look forward to expansions? Or do they just say they do to fit in? In wow id get

    So much anxiety with each expansion I had to quit

    With new expansions, makes all ur current gear useless so gotta spend forever

    Grinding out the new stuff...

    Its like a game that never ends, no sense of accomplishment cuz as soon as u get geared, new update

    Makes u grind again and it's a vicious cycle.

    With no satisfaction, and no destination.


    Content is needed because of this game's design: It's a theme park MMO, the other is a sandbox. Theme park MMOs need content pumped out constantly, sandboxes really don't.

  4. I am playing Watchman spec, and I just realized, Riposte is off my skillbars and I haven't been using it for a LONG. time.


    I want to ask if it's worth using as Watchman, but it seems the obvious answer is "yes."


    So my question is, is it so good that it should be mandatory to be used? Like, will I see a HUGE increase in DPS if I start using it again as a Watchman Sent?

  5. Worst: Belsavis

    Best: Quesh


    Belsavis drags on too long, too many non-instanced caves in which you can only get out by wasting time fighting trash or get killed to respawn, or waste your 30 minute CD. Also, I refuse to do Belsavis dailies. Ilum and Black Hole dailies are boring, but at least they can be done a LOT faster and less annoyance.


    Quesh for best, because the story quest on Quesh is usually interesting for all classes, and it just gets done fast.

  6. Alright, here's the situation:


    I have characters on The Deadweight server, which can be transferred to The Fatman server.


    On the Deadweight, I have a level 31 legacy.


    On the Fatman, I have one character that's level 32 with a level 1 legacy.


    I don't want to delete the level 32 character, but is there any way to override my level 1 legacy on the Fatman with the level 31 legacy on The Deadweight?



  7. Anyway, TC does have a point. For most of you, PVErs, I understand the Fleet is great for you all, because it makes getting a group for flashpoints/ops easier. But for the PVP community, they'd like to see some incentive to get out of the fleet, and get some action going.


    That's partially the game's fault for not making any incentives for players to rally up groups and raid the opposite faction's bases on planets, though. But still.

  8. I didn't mean it in terms of lore. I assumed it was a given that there's Republic vs. Empire in the Old Republic era.


    I didn't intend for my original post to come off snarky if it did, I'm not trying to be negative, but just trying to gain some insight on what the point is.


    And before making this thread, I was thinking it just as Valkirus said. That perhaps the 2 faction system has just become a standard.

  9. Hi,


    I'm almost in full Columi, and I have all these leftover Tionese crystals to gear up a companion.


    I want to gear up the companion that would help me, as a Jedi Knight (Sentinel), get dailies done faster. I don't like doing dailies, but they're essential, and want to get them out of the way as fast as possible.


    I used Doc for leveling up to 50, but is it better to use a DPS companion now, to clear the mobs faster?


    If so, which companion will yield faster results? Kira, Rusk, or another companion?

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