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Posts posted by Mythicrose

  1. So this is a thread about a review of a different game, in a different language, but posted in the english forum.


    Yeah.... Besides, critics are just expressing their own opinions.


    TOR has had its fair share of negative reviews. Like TOR, TERA (and any game) has it's own pros and cons. As far as questing goes...there's not much deviation from MMO to MMO. They all follow the basics of go kill X, collect Y, kill X to get Z, escort, etc. TOR just glosses it up with voiceover cinematics.

  2. People actually care about the results of 10-49 WZs? You do know the game is NOT balanced around these and the rewards are plithy in comparison to what's gained by queing at 50, right? Sure you can get your valor up but it's not like you can save comms for BM gear or anything.


    If anything, 10-49 is just a bonus way to level up toons. You can't take the results seriously.


    Definately agree with you. Also, my lowbie Pyro PT eats Marauders/Sentinels in warzones.

  3. Here's a Marauder Myth :


    I hear that there's a 1% chance when undying rage is used to summon Chuck Norris in to the warzone. Chuck Norris counts down from three before obliterating everyone in the warzone and forcing an automatic win for the marauder's team.

  4. I chose Marksmanship sniper for a reason--I wanted to feel like a sniper.


    That changed entirely with the Legacy update. I was no longer even remotely deadly. My damage was approximately 1/7th of what it had been.


    In fact, when at level, even surviving became touch and go when facing large groups and ridiculously difficult when facing common elites, let alone bosses.


    These three segments seem to be the most relevent in your post. The only real nerf was cull's weapon damage (but it also got an energy decrease). Improvements were made in all three trees. Nothing in the marksman tree would've been changed to your detriment. The most recent mini-patch actually boosts that particular tree's damage.


    That said, stating your damage is 1/7th of what you were doing seems a bit unrealistic. It's also not surprising large groups could give you a hard time. Snipers only have one 60 second CC, and it only works on droids. Packs of several strongs or mixes of strongs with elies will test just about any one leveling up. Your choice of companion, companion gear, your gear, your damage rotation, use of stuns/mez/interrupt, etc. also can greatly affect the outcome when facing such mobs.

  5. Undying rage is main complaint people have about marauders. It's not particularily difficult to counter if roots/knockbacks/stuns/mezz are available but many people can't seem to figure that out. But it's almost too good of a defensive cooldown (especialliy if the marauder gets healed to full or force cammo's away after making a kill once popping UDR). So here are some proposed changes that I'm sure will not be as appreciated by the marauder crowd but would partially mollify the whiners. Take each as change as mutually exclusive, not a conglomerate.


    1. Reduce the duration to 3 seconds at no cost to the user's health

    2. Make it cost 4 rage.

    3. Change the maximum damage reduction to 25,30,35% to be more in line with other defensive cooldowns

    4. Change it to a passive ability with X% chance to cause a killing blow to fail

    5. Change it to a 5 charge/stack ability that reduces damage from 100% to 0% as a charge falls off. No health consumed on use.

    6. Increase the cooldown to 3 minutes.

    7. Change it to an enrage ability to increase damage by A,B,C% when health is at X,Y,Z% (strong near death, weak at full health)

    8. Rename it to "Like a Boss." The marauder gets to one-shot anything at 20% life, like a boss, but in return dies immediatey. not useable in pve. (Alright, less of a "serious" change than the others)

    9. Remove the ability altogether (not that such an action is warranted).

  6. How in the hell are you getting 5+k hits? Seriously, I would love to know this. I am MM and at best my high since the patch was 4300 . My damage i seen during play is anywhere from 800 to 3k. I think I seen my SoS hit for 1200 once in a stream.


    You don't give us much to go by here but here's some general advice for pvp, getting BM or better gear is a start. Get your crit multipler up to at least 70%. If you are comfortable with your accuracy rating and crit rating, get more power mods/augments/enhancements. Shatter shot and stims/adrenals/relics should be used. Doesn't hurt to waste some time to collect the cunning and aim datacrons at the very least either (not really needed, but every little bit helps right?).


    Play with Tibbel's spreadsheet on the sithwarrior website. I'll give you a good idea what you need accomplsh to achieve 5k crits.

  7. If anything, it's just people that want more of a chance against Marauders/Sentinels in pvp as we're the only class that cannot be force lept at or interrupted while in cover. We potentially have the better defensive arsenal to deal with undying rage. Diversion (if spec'd) is extremely useful against marauders and so is Evasion. Pending spec again, a short cd on legshot is nice, additional knockback with ambush is nice.


    ...But yeah...I've noticed a few more snipers cropping up on Davik's Estate anyway as I pvp on one of my various alts.

  8. I have an ability that allows me to cut down all the clueless enemies (that bring my HP low enough for me to want to use it - many times I don't even bother cause I don't need its safety). It's not hard to prevent a marauder from using undying rage at all; or even plan for it and minimize its impact.

    However, be assured that I'm not gonna hold your hand and teach you how to counter my class. So either get better and learn, or keep getting killed.


    The easiest way to prevent a marauder from using undying rage is to watch him blow it on a team mate, wait 6 seconds, the proceed to kill the marauder within the next minute and thirty seconds.




    Edit : This ability will continued to be complained about until Bioware shortens its duration, increases its cooldown, or removes it completely. The ability is only marginally useful in pve and other games have shown that such an ability isn't needed for pvp. I'm not advocating for it's removal or change but merely saying it should've been a pve tank ability.

  9. Another operative nerf ? Nah....sorcs are too busy bit..err...complaining about marauders now. I could see a bug "fix" yet again tampering with tracer missile or HSM for commandos seeing how vocal that community is. Maybe there might be a change to marauders/sentinels damage. However I do believe a good portion of the complaints about those classes would cease if the marauder/sentinal cheat death ability was removed (or rather shortened in duration) or if the whiners took the time to learn how to counter it properly.
  10. Doesn't the companion bonus toolip say something along "Unlock all companion conversations" or something? If that's the case, you may need to boost your affection with others that Kaliyo has one or two butt-in conversations/interactions with. I've had my agent's companions at max affection level (and completed all conversations) for some time.


    However, my Warrior only has max affection with Jaesa and Vette. Jaesa has her icon/bonus unlocked (though it doesn't stack with vector's) whereas Vette has not. I'm suspecting there is still a conversation/interaction she has with one of my other Warrior's companions that I've yet to max out affection with.

  11. I still have an infected character that I primarily just use to run slicing missions. As such, he will remain infected until the disease is removed by Bioware. I could potentially (and amusingly) start the chain reaction to reinfect my entire server down the road if the disease isn't removed without doing it myself.


    I though the event was fun for the most part. Unlocking addional quests on a daily business was alright, but it would've been nice to know before hand and the exact duration of the event. Several people in my guild didn't didn't do the dailies ritually and were some-what bummed when they realized they wouldn't have enough time to acquire the contaiment officer garb.


    I'd also suggest putting the Jawa vendor (or any future even vendor) in each faction's fleet or planetary hub zone. The jawa did promote open world pvp on Davik's Estate, but it negatively impacted those that just wanted to get to the Jawa in safety to spend thier DNA samples. I also some-what pitied the lower leveled players that attempted some of the quests and have to compete with (and agaisnt) level 50s.

  12. agent is best because you become in essence... Batman

    and everyone knows, Batman>everyone else


    ....depending on one's choices throughout the entire Story. The Agent's Story certainly has the most varied ending. It'll be curious to see how Bioware proceeds in an expansion (if there is one).

  13. Luke would destroy Goku. He takes about five episodes to fully power up. Luke isn't going to wait five days, he'll die of boredom. lol :p


    While there is that....Goku has already proven mortal and died several times (just to be wished back to life).

  14. It was a title in early Beta. Not sure why it was removed, but several titles in Beta were removed (social titles, world completion titles, etc) before live hit. There was a thread on the PTR forums long before the website wipe that had a compilation of titles. Hand of Jadus was among them. Defender of the Empire may have been one as well, but not sure.
  15. It doesn't matter in the laughably easy Ops, but my Sorc easily out-DPS my Sniper and even my Merc is doing allmost the same DPS as my Sniper.


    I'm just comparing characters I play myself, and my Sniper is the most useless DD in an operation, especially when skilled as MM.


    You're entitled to berate your own characters and express your opinion on the class. Seeing how you wrote down you had energy issues as MM, I'm more inclined to believe you're not executing your sniper's potential the same as your sorc's (that you seem to favor). If snipers (MM or not) were useless for pve as you contented a few posts ago, the top guilds clearing content sure as heck wouldn't be bringing any.

  16. Useless buff is useless... Marksman is not viable for PvE-operations due to their bad energy-regen and Lethality-Snipers are still 100-150 DPS behind Sorcs in raids.


    If anything they need to buff Cull, Weakening Blast and Corrosive Grenade.


    I'll disagree with you on marksman being useless in pve. My guild was within top 10 clearing HM EC with two marauders, and two of us snipers as marksman spec at the time. A little extra damage to MM's main abilities is welcome.

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