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Posts posted by Dackius

  1. They will not spend the time, money, and programming, trying to figure out a new story to allow you turn her (Besides, I'm not planning on playing next money, much less re-rolling my character to turn her evil, cause I missed the oppertunity already)


    Programming her death on the other hand seems like it would be relatively simple to lose a companion.... I doubt they would give anything to us for this... but I don't really understand why she's here at all.


    "I guess I can't go back anymore" Last time you said that you left and brought two jedi masters to attack me.... What exactly is stopping you from leaving? Jedi aren't wild animals that won't touch their young because they have the smell of humans on them.


    And there should be a SHOCK choice everytime I summon her and she says "Don't make me go against my teachings" I'M YOUR TEACHER NOW, AND YOU'RE A SITH! Don't like it? There's the airlock.

  2. She is terrible. She has no reason to be with you. She really had a horrible story for joining you, and you kill sith that serve you loyally while sparing a weak, and stupid jedi?


    She can't be turned to the dark, and if you buy her gifts to win her affection, she goes on to praise you for being a light side sith.


    Worse, every choice you make to tell her NO! YOU'RE SITH, just loses you faction, and she goes along with it anyway, thank you for your help..... but you didn't help, you told her no.


    It's a railroaded romance with a jedi..... and they aren't going to pay voice actors, programers to change it.... I just wish I could push her out the airlock, cause I never wanted her on my ship to begin with.

  3. I made a promise to feed him every Jedi I come across, and I can sense he knows her weakness, and is growing hungry. She is a Jedi, she has defied my attempts to make to her Sith at every turn, and I have NO REASON to have her with me at all. I needed her to summon a ghost, and now she's a waste of a room on a ship.


    Please let me feed her Khem. It would be a very fitting story element that actually... well you know... goes with the story? I mean I have killed every jedi that I have met, and probably 40% of the sith I've meet in my story.... why does this jedi still live?


    Also, since I'm feeding her to Khem, I think it would be a nice if we got some ingame benefit from this... like Khem doing more damage.... or you could give me a single credit.... Heck, I"ll pay you for the right to get the jedi off my ship.




    That or change it so when I put her in a slave girl outfit she's not a floating bra and panties.... You're crappy story is one thing, that's a matter of preference to some people, but your game bugs are inexcusable failures.

  4. So you think healing should be limited, so you can only heal say.... as often as you could use a medpack? Then Healing has no purpose. And healing builds are no long valid for pvp in way shape for form.


    YES, ANY DPS CAN BEAT ANY HEALER in 1v1 with equal gear. ANY!!!!! I will point out again, healers get a 30% reduction for pvp on top of the already less proportional +heal vs +damage from abilities.


    2nd, Healing is not unlimited, and you're footrace example has no bearing at all on this discussion. There is no foot race, and it's a measure of how can run father in a time period. It's a measure of you can depleat the others resource (life) faster. Healers can take time from depleating your life, to restore their own... you can do (although on a more limited basis) with medipacks, etc.


    You've obviously never played a healer either, or you know that their healing is far from unlimited... especially in pvp.


    I am very curious though... have you ever actually just dueled with a healer to see who wins 1v1? Taken a look at what one healer alone can actually do against a dps?


    Their dps is a joke, and heals in this game weak. Heck, the game ever punishs them by holding the to the same standards for rewards.... Healing medals exist at 2.5k healed in one heal, or 5K healed in one heal.... 75K healing is the next medal. I'll remind you, there is no credit given for over heals. So a healer looking to get a 75k healing medal actually has to hunt down players injured and heal them... they can't just spam it on themselves without dancing in and out of the acid pit/hutt ball fire, or using other abilities, which is just asking for a DPS to one shot them.


    I am not saying you suck... although you may, I don't know .... I am saying you might not be seeing everything going on, or might need better gear if you are having trouble steam rolling over a healer. Because by your logic, Healers shouldn't need tanks for PvE, they can just heal through anything, while killing their enemy, but all know that's not true.

  5. I don't really care for the L2Play responses, but you must have terrible gear, or no idea how to play if you're complaining about healing in this game.


    Healers suffer a 30% reduction to their heals for just BEING in pvp. Healers Heals, also do not scale with damage... Example. Primary stats + Power give MORE damage, than they do healing, and the abilities themselves do not heal for as much as the damage abilities do damage.


    You explain an example for how the DPS does 14k damage to the healer, and then healer stuns you, heals for 2k, 3, and a couple of 1k.... You were out of the stun at the 2nd heal, so what where you doing? Also, the heal is not hurting you while he's healing himself.... So, you should still win without a problem.


    The only way you should be dying to a healer is because they aren't actually a healer, but are a DPS specced person that has a heal, or potion, or you are fighting a healer while a DPS friend is killing you.


    Trust me... even bad dps beats a healer 1v1... Healing only stalls for time, but will never kill you. If the healer could kill you while healing themself, it's a massive gear difference or a terrible playing... either way, a change to healing would have lead to the same result.

  6. So, I know EA Merged Mythic and Bioware... but Ilum looks alittle too much like a bad version of a Warhammer zone.... complete with the driving around aimless forever trying to find something to kill or do after you own all the objectives.


    Actually, atleast in warhammer, healing was rewarded, and the objectives gave rewards for completeing... so Ilum is actually alot worse.


    There is no reason to actually fight, the "Buff" is buggy and doesn't apply, or doesn't apply correctly about half the time. Leaving your base seems pointless as the lower population player, cause you can just stand by your 1 shot kill cannon, and pull people into it's range to get kills, while the other side sits outside having conquered everything in the zone for no reason, cause it has no actual effect.


    Please tell me you guys learn from the past, and present in this case, and realize this system doesn't work and is not fun. Tell me there is some goal or plan to improve it.... although I use the term improve lightly, as I honestly feel you are better off scrapping this and starting over completely with something new.

  7. tionese crystals serve almost no point at all. Since they purchase nothing on their own, they really don't serve a point when the accompanying token is attained at a fraction of the rate.


    Mini-bosses should drop schematics or something useful. A single crystal (which as I explained above are useless/pointless) is an insult the players, and don't justify the increase in difficulty, which in some cases is equal to or harder than an actual boss. Besides the insane amount of enchancements alone is excuse to flood the game with schematics dropping from these bosses with little noticable effect.


    You're already working on crafting, but I wanted to try and point out that many of your higher level recipes require you run HMs (sometimes even multiple times) to get the chance at the material to craft an item of significantly LOWER quality than the items that drop in the instance. Extremely disappointing. Crafting invovles the player's imput and skill ups, and time, and credits to tryand attain gear.... the same as an instance. You should always be creating gear one stage HIGHER than the place you had to attain the materials.


    Itemization on end game gear is terrible. You build a beautiful customization system, only to trap players into end game gear with no choices. You should look into some sort of commendation system, even if you have to create a new token, or add more armor/mods/etc for daily commendations at a higher price, so players can actually build gear they want.


    PvP is in terrible shape. Aside from being riddles with patch errors messing things up, Ilum really doesn't have a reason. Riding around in a huge waste of space fighting over objectives that give no award is boring. Sure they give a bonus when you have them, but if that's all they get, it's not worth going out to get them when anyone is defending them... as seen on my shard where you can get 3 kills if lucky in 2 hours of riding around. Look into giving some incentive for players to play other than a daily quest to kill there..... otherwise WZ are just a better option with credits, legacy, valor, and commendations, while Ilum has only valor (and even then it's really one decent for the dominating side).


    Mercenary Commendations are also another useless currency it seems you have talked about putting into the game, but I have searched places for hours and never found any of these chests, and when asking in general, it seems everyone's heard of a friend's cousin's roommate's ex who found one once, but no one seems to have found them theirselves.


    Finally, you should look into allowing relics and shields to be modifiable. Dual wielding classes get to put a weapon that is completely modifiable and allowing for complete customization in their off hand, while shield/focus/etc classes are stuck with the gear they are given.





    And while not a suggestion, I would also like to point out Alacrity SUCKS.

  8. Why did they hide? For the same reason Obi-Wan tells Vader "You can't win, I have the higher ground" in the 3rd movie, while the first movie Darth Maul has the higher ground and simple force push would end things, but the EVIL guy doesn't seem to want to kill Obi-Wan.


    The movies don't follow logic, or even really remember the past well. They were written quickly and to make money. I am sure GL put alot of thought into so many concepts of how things could have happened, and then lost track of things while writing the script and having it passed around to editors, etc.


    The problem really is they were so busy pleasing the fans and making the Hero's look cool, so people wouldn't claim Yoda was better than that..... that the forgot to do a convincing job of showing Yoda lose... looks like he was winning when I watch it. I mean they should have had him break a leg or something to explain the limp and rapid decline in ability in the later movies... explaining why an immediate combined attack couldn't happen.


    Sadly, this is too much conversation put into a movie where some dies from losing the will to live and having no injury, but something losing all their limbs and left in a pool of lava isn't even a major health concern.

  9. I am 400 artificing. Aside from the many bugs with the crafting system (completing items causes a no artificing mission pop-up among others) I have lately had some extreme distress over crafting and reverse engineering.


    I have been attempting to craft a good sheild for my friends, and my companion Khem.


    I started with the "Hyperaccelerated Shield Generator" and after creating 3, managed to learn how to create the "Overkill Hyperaccelerated Shield Generator"


    Wishing to make a shield for a tank, I was naturally annoyed but this discovery but felt obligated to press on for the sake of discovery, and gear for crew and guildmates.


    I have bankrolled my speeder funds, and done repeated dailies just to buy mats. I have crafted and reverse engineered no less than 70 Hyperaccelerated Shield Generator since my discovery, either one at a time, or more often in groups of 5. I have yet to learn the Redoubt or Overkill version.


    As I understand it, each player should be able to learn all 18 versions of a schematic, but I am not sure that is true anymore..... I have no idea if it is just one item that is bugged, or all items, or I have just hit the most extreme case of bad luck, but I would love if someone could help with my problem, before I spend another 400,000 credits and still have no answers because as a player, there is no way for me to confirm a bug exists... I can only confirm one doesn't.... which is impossible if there is infact a bug.


    I don't know if others have had similar problems, or if the game is built so I have to find all the purple patterns from the the Overkill version before I can get a new blue version, but I just don't have the patience to deal with what seems like yet another bug in your game.

  10. - Social armors should not be "light" "Medium" or "Heavy"... this punishes players who's main character can only wear light armor, or Medium, because they can't access all the armors.

    - "Set Piece" gear defeats the purpose of customizable armor... unless the "set bonus" is another modification/interchangeable socket that can be put in all gear, players are forced end-game to end up wearing all the same outfits, which defeats the puprose of your customizable system... Changing set bonus to become another mod lets people play the game looking whoever they wish without losing anything.

    - Please look into fixing the colors on some armors, as the "Hood" feature can often result in a hood with different colors than the actual chest armor it is attached too. Ex. Traditional Shadow Silk Vestments. The vest is black/red, while the hood is almost a grey/orange.



    Off the wall suggestion/question - Why did you have 3 types of armors? Light Medium and Heavy? You have healers in each type, and you tanks in each type. There doesn't seem to be a justification for this at all.... and the fact all three armor uses collect the game "upgrades" and get different results from them is aggravating.


    There does not seem to be any significant difference in the abilities or the powers of the classes in the different armors either, so again, taking more damage doesn't seem to make sense.


    I assume someone there is some sort of thought that went into this, and my own ignorance is to explain here, but it seems strange that heavy armor can heal, used ranged weapons and attacks, and there is no clear difference in dps. So while other games the lighter armor was balanced against being able to use range, or heal, or have more damage... it just appears heavy armor can do all of this just as well or better in this game.... so why ever play with light?



    A final suggestion, look into lowering accuracy of ranged attacks against a lightsaber. I am not tryign to say they should never hit (although that is the theme of the movies, and even you're previous games have made jokes about it: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself." ―HK-47 to the Exile on how to kill Jedi) but it does seem little unfair that Jedi seem to be extremely kitable by anyone with a blaster. This is just one minor suggestion, but the imbalances in the classes need serious attention.

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