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Posts posted by Ricoyle

  1. Just gonna mention (sorry if it has but I'm not reading all of this) that Rift had a similar exploit when it released PvP rifts and they did nothing to resolve it. The servers had similar faction imbalances and the results were almost identical.


    Ofc a hell of a lot less people cared then because SWTOR was just around the corner.


    Oh well. Korean grinder TERA is coming in May for those who can't put up with this.


    Personally I'll stick around and hope that Bioware begins to address the growing list of issues.

  2. Basically my guildies are less mature than they think they are and I didn't want to play alone :p


    Loved Ord Mantell as the starting world and really looking forward to levelling a trooper on live at some point.


    I also think that the force users have the ability to be RP'd more interestingly on Republic side (seriously, play an Inquisitor for a few levels and tell me you don't always make the dark side choice).


    I blame Malgus' presence in the trailers tbh. They needed to make some more ****** republic people but only managed a scarred trooper, 2 dead jedi masters, a smuggler who only killed two droids and setalle who actually gets a little pwned both times she faces Malgus.


    Then you have the story - it's more political intrigue and less running about screaming that we are all going to die on the Imperial side.


    Balance issues will be dealt with so I don't worry about those.


    Armor some people mention but I think it looks a bit cack for both sides tbh. Warrior/Knight and Trooper having the best of it IMO.


    I really hope it evens out a bit.

  3. I play PT Pyro.


    It's ace - takes a little setting up but the Incendiary Missile -> Rail shot and auto shots whilst running -> flameburst -> (rail shot if procced, rocket punch if not) -> flameburst -> autoshots works well with some incredible burst. I don't know what you DoT haters are on about - I have three shot people in WZs and WPvP.


    Just remember, you are more mobile with a greater range but you still need to use rocket punch whenever its up and keep up combustible gas cylinder and incendiary missiles at all times.


    Rail shot will do the rest.


    It's a great 1v1 spec in PvP and great for "tanking" in pvp but it lacks a little utility in group PvE. Depends what you want out of it I guess.

  4. Good Afternoon Everyone,


    We have a brief update from Stephen Reid in regards to this isssue:


    You can read the post in its entirety, here: Warning on high population servers. As always, any further updates will be viewable in the Developer Tracker as they become available.


    Thank you for your patience and understanding.


    Epic thanks.


    This along with server cap raisage will alleviate most of the issues people are struggling with. (The latter already having some effect? Queue times are definitely shorter tonight.)

  5. I thought they were starting to raise server caps today? Would it kill them to take a look at the servers with estimated queue times of over an hour (actual wait time = over 3 hours)?


    Today has been the worst queues as expected.


    What it hasn't been is dealt with. At all. Queues are still massive, new servers are added with no recommended flags, guild transfers aren't even being looked at.


    I did hear that some D/C'd people arent being sent to the back of the queue but these could be isolated incidents.


    Overall I'm getting used to the idea of queuing, i'd just like to have to do it for 2 hours less each day that I want to play.


    One more thing, I now have 5 different characters on 4 servers. All are full. Rolling new toons is a possibility but it's massively immersion breaking to jarringly go from one characters story to another, especially as I've put a lot of time and effort into my level 32 main by this point.



  6. I'm not going to QQ about the 3 hour queue that I am again sat in.


    Instead I offer suggestions about how you can alleviate some of the ill feeling in the community. Obviously raising caps will help but that's not the root cause of the issue.


    a) A grace period for disconnects to get back in without having to return to the back of the queue - at the moment if you d/c on Legions of Lettow you are basically condemned to queue more than play that day.


    b) Recommended tags on servers for new people. Obviously guilded individuals or unguilded but with a lot of friends on a particular server will still roll characters on the busiest servers - these games are considerably less fun solo - but others might be dissuaded from rolling up if you put tags on empty servers or even prohibited/danger tags on the ones where you can expect a long wait (although at peak that's over half of the servers and nearly all of the PvP ones).


    These should be reasonably straight forward fixes - I know that your devs have a lot on their plate right now but a few fixes now could save you a lot of cancelled subs in the long run.

  7. I'd like to see you write the post after 3.5 hour in que and then getting the error.



    They need to get things done now, or atleast tell us they are working on it.




    The game itself is amazing - immersive, diverse and a whole lot of fun. Can you really expect people not to be a little upset when they've waited 3 hours to play only to get one of the myriad of errors that are prevalent and then, due to lack of a grace period for dcs (which no one even considered pre-launch) being sent to the back of that 3 hour queue?


    The game is great, waiting 6 hours a day to play it for 2 is not.

  8. Stephen Reid tweeted that they will be looking at the server caps on the 20th but until then if you want to play you should **** and reroll.


    Looks like we are going to have to put up with this until the middle of next week.


    I'm not sure why they havent put a grace period in but with problems on my connection (being investigated by ISP) I really could use just a minute or two's grace period.


    Back into a 3 hour queue after playing for 20 mins and before that another 3 hour queue.

  9. I donot think it will be worse on launch day. My local Gamestop store only has 10 copies on preorder and are not going to have a midnight opening even. The great majority of the players who will be playing TOR are the ones who have preordered.


    Each server has a population cap, which is normal and to be expected. The problem is the assigning guilds to certain ones and then allowing new non guild players to create characters on them. They ether have to allow free transfers or lock the servers on creatining new characters.


    IMO they need to start raising the caps on the 4(?) servers with an "estimated" (also known as wild guess that's buried in optimism) queue of over 90 mins. No one is going to pick these servers to roll on anyway unless:


    a) their guild was placed there

    b) they have a lot of friends already playing


    I don't see the harm in working to lower the queue's by 30 mins to an hour when there are still some servers with capacity for no queueing out there.


    Also - please just create a new server and designate it Italian, Spanish and Czech or something then migrate guilds that want to onto this server. The unofficial business is to blame for the issues on LoL ToNS and BW and it needs addressing soon. The queues are crazy and its the middle of the day. Come 7pm we are all going to be sat in 5 hours queues again.



  10. I'd also like this to be implemented. My connection at present is a bit dodgy, that's not BW's fault ofc but when I do get d/ced after queueing for 90 minutes it makes me a little bit less likely to continue playing this game after my free month.


    It's a simple fix to implement and one with almost no down side (unless the queues are only diminishing due to unwanted dcs).



  11. Between 2.5 hour queues on LoL and the ridiculous disconnect (9000) bugs I have now been queueing since 3pm (GMT) to get back into the game.


    Thanks for the last 5.5 hours of frustration and disappointment.


    I've already rerolled once just so I can play but without my guildies its a pretty hollow experience and now even that server is full with over an hours queue.


    I don't really like to be here moaning because the game itself is wonderful, conditions in game are stable and everything is set up for a wonderful time playing SWTOR for many months if not years. This out of game bugs/queues are all that I think are real issues and they aren't going to be going away.

  12. As I stated in the title - after waiting 25mins to get in to the server I got some error of the kind "you lost connection to the server". Now I am trying second time - this time I guess I'll have to wait for 40 mins. And that's most of the my free time for the evening. Here comes the question to BW - what's the point of the preorders and this staged invites when you can't balance the servers? Why do we payed for early access when we can't actually play?


    I just sat through a 90 minute 850 person queue, got the dc 9000 error message and now have a 1250 person queue.


    I wouldn't mind sitting in the queue but this is a disaster.


    Can we please get some sort of transfer system sorted please? I'll happily pay to move my char when the queues die away in a few months but just sitting in consecutive queues because the login servers aren't coping is scandalous.

  13. Level 25 in 2 days. Why can't you be bothered with starting over... it only took 2 days?


    You want someone who has played solidly for 2 days to repeat the process? Bear in mind that many guilds have recruited specifically for certain classes so what you are asking is for a complete carbon- copy of the last 48 hours simply because Bioware slightly messed up it's server deployment by not releasing the list early enough for the "unofficial" crap to wash over.


    I'm not on Tomb but on Legions of Lettow which is also massively overpopulated - half of the guild is on and levelling fine, having taken time off work to ensure they get gametime, the others are frustrated and wondering if it's worth the trouble.


    I'm not sure that there is an easy fix for this but I do hope that the "reroll or just play at a strange time" response that we've had so far isn't all we get.


    /Back to queueing

  14. 4 English PvP servers went to queues of 90 minutes last night.


    I'd like to see them close access to them unless you have a guild on the server but I realise it's not going to happen.


    Yes, yes we could reroll but when people have put 24 hours into something they don't respond well to "ohai, we're rerolling." especially when one of them is the GM.


    The queues will get better in a couple of months (I hope to god) but for now I think we will see it get worse.


    Ofc if Bioware want to give us free server transfers for a limited time I think it might solve some of the issues.

  15. Ah well.


    Look they got through a lot of people today - I've heard 500k people being bandied about.


    They got through a week of pre-order codes today and plan to do an even bigger sample tomorrow. For my sake I really hope that they manage another three weeks of redemptions tomorrow, much later than that and I'll start to feel a bit hard done by.


    For now I suggest we all calm down a bit - yes everyone is excited and yes its tantalisingly close; this game that some of us have been following for years but ultimately it is a game and the point of it is to be fun. Don't ruin it in a stress induced computer destruction because you had to wait another 24 hours.


    Of course if you redeemed in October then you are screwed and should go right ahead rage quit.

  16. Aug 14th here and no invite although if you've followed the other threads you will have seen that they didn't make it out of July yet.


    Am I disappointed? Yes.


    Am I surprised? Not really. I never really thought that I would be in day one even when it was back at the 15th. I am hopeful that they might make it through another three weeks at least tomorrow but if they don't it's not the end of the world, evening of the 15th onwards is my hardcore playtime - anything before that is a bonus.


    That said - if the servers really are coping easily and are a little underwhelmed in parts I think that BW need to evaluate the number of people in each wave who are actually logging on once accepted because it really can't be all of them. I suspect this is what they are doing right now until the next wave of invites go out and us August types potentially get a look in.


    Chin up people - it could be worse, you could be a Septembrite.

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