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Posts posted by BurnsTwoThree

  1. You are kidding me, no burst, very squishy, bad mobility, long cast times, really strong class.


    Whoops just noticed you already called him out for cheating his way to 2400.


    Yeah thats about as farm as his opinion will ever take him.


    keep the forums clean.


    Then keep the game clean. Also, you're not keeping the forums clean when 99% of your posts are garbage anyways.

  2. You don't use PvP gear until you are 50.


    You can buy gear that's purchasable with commendations but it is only good gear, it's not necessarily PvP gear in any sense other than the way you obtain it.

  3. If you can't follow simple directions from someone who knows what YOU should be doing when YOU do not, then please leave the WZ and allow someone who does know what they are doing (geared or not) to take your place.


    Deal with it.

  4. This kind of fun could be had in an open world pvp, no?


    Sounds orsum


    Not unless they do something good and make companions go passive during WPvP

  5. I am an Operative Healer and am struggling to decide on whether to drop my current Healing Proc Relic and pick up the 103 power Relic and need some further thoughts on the subject.


    Also is it possible to stack Relics?


    i.e. 2x Crit/Surge Relics


    Get the power one. The proc one has low uptime and huge ICDs.


    With the power it's always up and increases every heal.

  6. Did you know you're detected? :)


    There is speedlimit in game and it's not just for fun. It's because PC cannot load data too fast. When you use it, somebody may have low-end system (like I do) and feel huge lag + HDD hard working. Next step is to report guys who just appeared after lag.




    If they are hacking in the first place I'm pretty sure they couldn't care less if they get reported.


    This isn't South Korea where hacking in video games is a criminal offense that can affect your ability to get a job.

  7. Just say no to entitlement. lvl 50 WZs are substantially different than pre 50 and giving (or allowing you to buy it) BM gear isn't the answer.


    What utter garbage your post was.


    My Sentinel (which is a test to see how they actually do in WZ since I had one sitting at 39) with recruit gear was played exactly the same as it was at 40 as it was at 50. People play a little different overall as some classes don't have all of their abiltiies but it's not substantially different.


    Same goes for my Sorcerer healer. But he was brought up in a different time when I was level 20 and I still had to play against level 50s.


    Having to progress through 1 set of gear instead of 2 is not entitlement, it's just common sense. Especially when there's a huge gap in between Recruit-BM and decent sized gap between BM-Aug'd WH.


    Sorry I know the only players you kill in regular WZs are players with recruit, but get over it, there needs to be a change.

  8. I played a Sentinel at 50 for 3 days (recently) seeing as how it was my first character but never achieved 50 until last week.


    There's is little no problem with being rooted.



    The only root that a Sentinel or Marauder has any trouble with is against a sniper's knockback/root which is easily countered with Force Camouflage.


    I've seen both sides of the coin as Sorcerer healer and a Sentinel DPS.


    Sentinel is far too easy and should require skill to play.


    I destroy any Sorcerer/Sage Healers without full War Hero AND guard (me having only BM Weapons, Gloves and the rest being Recruit gear). The PvP balance in this game is a joke.


    TL;DR OP's post is completely off and should be disregarded as 100% false.


    Regardless I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to play an overpowered class to do any good, two days left of subscription.

  9. I'll agree with both parts(the merc and sorc)


    But you have to admit that a geared operative has a much better time at healing on the run/while being pressured

    than a sorc does

    Yup, number-wise isn't the problem (except for maybe the fact our numbers need to be bigger with current healing mechanics or lack thereof).


    I can compete with any healer number-wiseminus OPs in RWZ just because Sorcerers fold under pressure. They need the ability to be able to cast whilst under pressure. A long CD spell isn't going to do it, so the only answer would be to give us faster spells and some defensive utility.

  10. If I don't get a PT off of me, he is going to cause me a world of hurt. If he doesn't outright kill me, he has made me forget my team and focus on myself. Engaged with a PT my HPS / DPS is negative in his favor.


    Is it a PT's job to completely remove a team's support by himself?


    If a PT isn't soloing a healer then the PT should seriously reconsider playing this game. You're doing something wrong if you cannot solo a healer.

  11. Actually, in your case, troll players are trolls regardless of what forum they troll on. Rating is meaningless right now. .


    Their guild got caught bug abusing all the way to 2400

  12. Well I've played two MMOs. SWTOR and WoW.


    Pre 1.2 SWTOR had me incredibly addicted as PvP was fun and very balanced but needed some fixes as abilities weren't working as intended and OP/Smug DPS were hitting far too hard especially with Biochem. Servers were dying too fast to really want to stay on the server. Good PvPers quit the game left and right because of no RWZs or Arena style PvP within a decent time period of release.


    Post 1.2 the game has gone to crap, servers are dying left and right. PvP is no longer fun or intuitive especially for healers who aren't Smugglers/OPs. Games are decided by who has the most FOTM. Skill has become the lowest priority for RWZs.


    So I'm gonna have to take WoW.



    Subscription runs out on 7/18/12, looks like Round 2 of leave the game and wait for it to not be horrible.

  13. most other developers would be goaded into doing something if they lost 400k subs following an extremely hated patch like 1.2 was- not only did BW do nothing about it, they made everything people hated in 1.2 worse with 1.3.


    They are sticking to their conviction, and they're doing it when they know they're about to lose another 400k subs, and likely the majority of their pvp community.


    This about sums up the current situation.



    He was talking about deception specced Assasins - not EVERY class - just that one.



    Good job taking it out of context OP


    Even out of context do you really think these guys have anything else to say that would make them actually look like they have the slightest idea on how to make PvP in SWTOR fun again?


    They dropped the ball in 1.2 and the trip downhill just keeps getting faster and faster from here.

  15. Just came back to TOR after a couple of months and i'm working on hitting 50 as fast as I can. I was wondering what a good PvP server would be? Sith of course.


    Any of them seeing as how there's 3 servers to choose from.

  16. Oh come on Allison.. I don't want to be rude or anything, but I'm guessing this has been reported already by hundreds of players. The bug has been there since day 1. It happens when someone kills you with an attack that has a CC (ravage for example, or force leap). I've been making tickets since the first time it happened and the response is always the same (we've forwarded it). At least implement a workaround for the time being if you guys can't fix this bug. Characters have to be reset completely upon resurrection. All controlling effects have to be removed. /stuck doesn't do anything at all.


    It's probably because it is being caused by multiple things and they still have no idea what's causing it.

  17. This and its sad. Had to fire one dev team. Another resigns. EA stock plummets 50% since dec. Seems like you guys are doing a good job right?


    ^ That about sums it up. Also lost 500k~ Subs in a 5 month period.


    And yet, each and every day, I see Merc and Commando healers doing it better than Ops/Smugs and Sorc/Sages. Can you explain that? Are these players somehow able to rise above your classes mechanics? Are they just cheating?


    Any class can do "better" than another number-wise. It's when you put those classes into situations where healers should realistically be fine to you know.... heal? and they cannot even stand at the feet of what and OP/Smug can do cause other heals just roll over.

  18. Think I just played with the most epic team ever

    Darkness Assassin-Force Mystic armor,stacking alacrity

    Madness Assassin-7.6k health

    Sorc-20k pve armor

    Marauder-Never gives predation

    Tank Jugg-23k health 84 valor and doesn't use taunts/guard

    Operative-Doesn't call inc and tries to rambo 3 enemies on our turret

    Pyro Powertech-Full Warhero and only does 200-300k damage

    What an awesome team,I just dont know how we lost!!


    All in one team? Nice.


    I just came across a Valor rank 94 Sentinel who didn't know that he could pass the Huttball.

  19. Playing this doesn't just involve killing stuff. Sometimes you have to do things like prioritize targets, position, and cooldowns to not die yourself. The pyro is one of the least forgiving classes in this respect.


    So basically having common sense?

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