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Posts posted by bsmolke

  1. DPS trees give buffs to damage that healers dont get (keeping in mind that the only healer class i believe is OP is the op/scoundrel) while the healer does not. yes they get boosts to healing and they can self heal which is all well and good, if this self healing kept them from healing the whole rest of the team, which it does not.to be able to heal yourself and the rest of the team while under pressure from DPS who's damage buffs from skill trees match or exceed your healing buffs is without a doubt OP. I'd be fine with not being able to kill them if it meant hindering their healing to the rest of their team, but it doesn't even do that.


    From another standpoint, lets look at 1v1 just for the hell of it.


    sorc healer vs. any competent DPS, the DPS wins or the sorc has to run away and focus heavily on healing himself back up due to lengthy cast times he cant heal the team nearly as efficiently as he should.


    merc healer vs. any DPS, the commando/merc is dead. well, the merc's have always been in 3rd place for healing, and have the least defensive abilities of any class ive seen, so no way their healing for crap while under pressure.


    Operative healer vs DPS, the Operative actual has a very high chance of winning any 1v1 fight even as healer, seeing as they can just put up HoTs, slice you up, get down to under 30% stun you, heal back up for free, and repeat. keep in mind that this is without any damage buffs like the DPS get, meaning operatives can basically facetank and be perfectly fine. This alone makes the Op class live up to its abbreviation as OP, as no healer should be able to tank, and operatives can tank in their sleep.


    Now as for balance, i think the sorc class has it perfect. they can put up big numbers, but when fire starts coming their way, they have to kite away, LoS, heal up and come back, meaning by focusing them even without killing them, you've accomplished the goal of stopping them from putting out mass heals. (mercs i wont even get into cause imho i think mercs need more Defensive CD's to even be on the same scale as sorcs let alone Op's). The operative on the other hand as i said earlier can facetank your dps throw up some HoT's on himself, heal the whole team, then just spam the free under 30% heal and come out no worse for the wear. that means to actually accomplish your goal of stopping any heals from the Op you HAVE to kill them, and even then youve spent the better part of 3-5 minutes chasing this guy down while it takes him maybe 30 seconds to get back on the field healing again, less if its CW or attackers on voidstar.



    in short, Operative/Scoundrels are definitely OP, you can see this clear as day even by just comparing the healers against each other without even bringing DPS into the equation. All the people saying L2play or "ur just bad DD" are the ones playing the Ops facetanking their asses off all the while having the time to type emotes at your futile attempts to kill them.


    Completely agree. I find that Merc and Sorc healers seem to be in a decent spot. Unsupported and they will die, but supported they can put up so great numbers. On the other hand Operative healers seem to be able to kite indefinitely and when they get low they e-stealth, dodge, or combat roll away while their HoTs heal them back up. With so many instacast HoTs they are far too mobile and difficult to disrupt. When you do manage to disrupt them, they have far to many mechanics to escape.

  2. No.

    If you want the top end stuff, you have to earn it, not have it basically given to you.

    If you can't, or are unable to raid... sorry about your luck.


    Sorry, but I really agree with this. If you want top tier gear, you have to do the content. I'm not trying to be a snob, I myself am trying to get involved with Ops more to get higher gear.

    If you choose to not do specific content, or simply "can't" due to a lack of time, then you are making the choice to focus on something else. The people that focus on that content should get the stuff specific to that content. It's a choice.

  3. Wookiee: lame.

    Droid: What? No. Lame.

    Mon Calamari: I agree!

    Jawa: What?? Really? God, no.

    Rodian: Eh.

    Sullustan: I approve.

    Trandoshan: Eh.

    Quarren: Cool :)

    Duros: Yes!


    1. Selkath: bloody awesome, extremely original

    2. Ithorian: exotic, exciting, a classic.

    3. Nautolan: popular, exotic, interesting

    4. Duros: slick, pretty awesome

    5. Togruta: beautiful, exotic, interesting

    6. Mon Calamari: exotic, a classic

    7. Bith: classic, exotic, exciting

    8. Kel Dor: stylish, exotic

    9: Vurk: what's cooler? Exotic, interesting

    10: Nikto: classic, exotic


    That was an example of how to overuse the word "exotic"

  4. I think you might get more enjoyment out of games by playing a bit more in moderation. It sounds like no MMO will ever truly satisfy you because you burn through content so much faster than they can make it. Some things that you complained about are actually things my friends and I enjoy, like the voice acting and story lines. Is it a perfect game? Absolutely not, but I still enjoy playing it.
  5. Tank here.


    I use the LFG tool from time to time, but it's frustrating especially when you get an under geared group that doesn't know the fights. And then when I try and explain them, they don't want to listen and start complaining when I ask DPS roles to do the extra things during the fight like activate this or that.


    Getting a healer your compatible with too isn't easy. I was paired with an ok and 2 DPS that were absolute window-lickers. Since fights were taking so long healer would sometimes go OOM and then it's a wipe and the DPS blames healer/tank. I've also had great groups where things go smoothly, and we have a great run, it's nice to see someone type "Great heals, great tank, thanks!" after a run, but it doesn't make up for the crappy groups.



    It's a thankless job tanking or healing in PUGs. I'm not threatening to stop playing my Vanguard soon, but I'd really like to see some incentive thrown at tanks/healers because of the lack of love we get from groups.

  6. Tie it with a class if you like.




    I'd love to play as Hutt. Probably a Jedi one. That would be amazing. Of course it'll NEVER happen.


    This is seconded by probably a Jawa and Droid. Followed by the least realistic of all, Yoda's species.




    (name unrealistic ones only! meaning basically species which aren't recolored humans. :d_wink: )


    I thought I was the only one... I would laugh every time I charged in as a Hutt Jedi... many lulz would be had.

  7. If you didn't read the patch notes, then I can Only expect that you would have realized that saving 1000 WZ would mean you would only get 333 back with the pre 1.2 exchange rate.


    The fact you got 1000 back should have been a bonus.


    There has NEVER been a 1 merc to 3 WZ exchange rate. Just 3 WZ to 1 merc.


    BW might have sketchy math but they never hid it.


    This. The OP is reading incorrectly and ignoring these posts. You can get more WZ now than before, stop complaining. Read patch notes. I got stuck with a bunch of useless currency and I'm not whining because I realized I should have looked up what was changing.

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