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Posts posted by AutoCocker

  1. I hear ya OP. Account creation 6/29/09. Yup, I have been here since closed beta but my account runs out today. Sadly 5.0 was the final nail in the coffin for me (haven't logged in for 2 weeks). I just can't justify paying money for this game anymore. Not going to say I didn't get my money's worth though. It was fun while it lasted.
  2. Think Pirillo said it best,


    "Carrie Fisher is no longer with us. I feel that my daughter has the "Hero" who's also known as a princess in entertainment. Because so many "Princesses" in entertainment are just that."


    Rarely are they seen as a hero or princess outside of the entertainment industry like Carrie Fisher was.

  3. The fact of the matter is that no new end game content is ever going to be developed for swtor again. TOS/RAV came out two years ago and since that time there has been nothing developed except for one boss thrown in on Ziost. The rest of the game has been absolutely nothing but story and cartel market items. And now that the story is done, don't expect to see another one of those either. The resources aren't there for it.


    So we are stuck with more rehashed content as the new push (aka Uprisings) along with a RNG grind and of course Cartel Market items. This is not going to change. Anyone else notice how Cartel Packs have been getting cheaper as of late? 200 per pack for the latest ones as they come out etc? This is due to the fact that the sales are down. If they were up you bet your arse they wouldn't drop the price one bit. Hell they would probably raise them.


    Sadly this is the reality of where the game is and will continue to go. Like it or not 5.0 was devastating to a vast majority of the player base. I have watched many active guilds completely disintegrate over the past couple of weeks. I myself have enjoyed this game since closed beta. Up until this point for the most part I was ok with where swtor was going. I accepted the fact that updates would be slow and that chances are the devs would never use the term "New Op" again (hence why in streams it's "new group content"). However with no new events in years, rehashing old content for a second time around and throwing RNG on top of it all; Thanks but no thanks, I'm out.

  4. Been gone for at least a year I think.. (since whenever it was they jacked up the companions to where you couldn't gear them out anymore)


    So I came back to try out the GC stuff and so far it's just sending me to the same stuff I grinded until I could stomach it anymore the last time I was here.


    Is the only new content the new chapers? (sorry, I don't care much for story dialog, I wanna group up with people, kill stuff, take down bosses, and improve my gear)... I have single player games for when I want story content. I'm here for the MMO... not the single-player components of this game.


    Better off holding back from this title. There is nothing new other than the story from when last you played. They added Uprisings, which are like 10 minute mini flashpoints but that's about it. No new end game and gear is all RNG now. Trust me, come back again in a year to see if anything has developed.

  5. This will always be the case with a 2 faction system in any game. To this day I am still amazed that mmo's do not copy Dark Age of Camelots (now a 15 year old game that's still going) 3 faction system. You always had one power house faction however it allowed the two smaller factions to join forces to help one another topple the larger one. Even the reward system for pvping (new skills earned etc to encourage it) was ground breaking. To this day I have never seen a single mmo implement a pvp system as successful as this one.


    As long as new MMO's continue to build around two factions their pvp system will always fail.

  6. I like the changes they are doing with the January patch. However with no new end game content on the horizon think I am done for awhile. Sadly swtor is kind of at the end of its life cycle. Nothing left to do and I don't believe they have the resources to add more end game content even if they wanted too.


    I have killed everything in this game and in every mode multiple times over. Uprisings are a nice little breath of fresh air but not enough. Time to move on.

  7. Doubt we are going to see anything worth while. They have already made it abundantly clear that they are sticking with their new RNG system. The only thing that "might" change it is mass cancellations. I use the term "might" however due to the age of this MMO and the chance that it is probably already written off into maintenance mode. Rumors have it that EA already has another mmo lined up that we should hear about later this year. If true then don't expect much more out of this one.
  8. Because any threads criticizing EAWare's actions almost inevitably end up deleted or moved to try to sweep the situation under the rug. That's why people keep making new ones.


    It's actually kind of funny and sad at the same time. Even though this has everything to do with the game they keep moving all the threads to off topic. Hell the first page is nothing but complaints. I hope EA enjoys reporting one last time that profits are doing well for Q4 because I doubt you will hear a peep about this game come Q1.

  9. Veteran Uprising Que is bugged. If you que for only one uprising after it pops you cannot que again unless you log out. The que will show up for a second but then drop itself automatically.


    P.S. Side note if you do a warzone or zone to another area you can then que for uprisings again without having to log out.

  10. This was their intention the whole time, so they can bring the metrics to the masses and tell them "You see, no one likes to do operations, so we can't "afford" the time or resources .


    Now that's what I call "FUN" and "EXCITING" and it's not just a job, it's the "TRILL OF THE HUNT" for the gear you will never get.


    100% this. Like it or not the game is going into maintenance mode. They don't have the resources anymore for new ops so at least this way they can claim no one wants to do them anymore. Here's some RNG to keep you chasing the carrot with an occasional small scale update. Hell the ops team got moved to Andromeda months ago.

  11. Only thing I can think of for that kind of distance is Freighter Flyby. Yes if you look up a freighter does come down to drop the nuke and yes it does have collision detection.


    Couple years back my group was on the first boss of SnV. Gunslinger dropped a Freighter Flyby right at the same time the tank gets thrown straight into the air. All we hear from our tank in mumble (on top of all the laughing) is "Freighter just ran me over!".


    It launched him clear to the other side of the map and he died due to fall damage.

  12. Sadly it's best to just shelve them for the time being. Even tank spec has taken various hits over the past couple of patches. Adrenalin nerf, missile heal nerf, range nerf, dps nerf and with 5.0 skill procs don't work along with jet charge being bugged....ugh...


    Add on the fact that absorb shield relics are canceling out sorc bubbles and vice versa. Honestly 5.0 pretty much broke all of the specs at the moment.

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