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Posts posted by Daggerhowl

  1. I'm going to ask here since I don't think that this question requires opening a new thread. My apologies to the OP, is not my intention to "steal" your thread, I hope that both issues can be discussed.


    Even when the Infiltration Shadow's ability priorities in the normal rotation hasn't changed too much with respect to how they were before 4.0, the introduction of Shadow Stride brings some changes.


    My question is regarding the use of the Adrenal. I would think that the best place to use it in the rotation would be just after Shadow Stride and before the first force breach, I would suppose (not 100% certain how the adrenal would work) that the 15 sec buff will cover the first use of force potency after the Force Breach generated by Shadow Stride, and then the second Force Breach back to back from the first use of Force Potency, it is that a fair assumption?

  2. What I would like is to have the chance to start a romance with Lana down the road.


    For example my Smuggler was with Risha at the end of the story, and for that reason he didn't take any "flirt" options with Lana in SoR and skipped the early chances to do so in KotFE. He reaches the Gravestone and received the letter from Risha where she says that she moved on after three years. Depending of the Risha's current circumstances he possibly would decide to let Risha go. He has grown quite fond of Lana, and he is extremely grateful of all what she has done for him, warming up to the point of loving her, but he wants to be certain of what to do with his feelings with Lana once Risha shows up in the story. It seems to me that the story should open opportunities to start a romance with any other of the romanceable new companions in successive chapters depending of the current stage of the previous love interests.


    Even would be more exciting if romance options open for character with LI previously assigned to other classes, for example a male consular romancing Kira, and so on...the possibilities are huge storywise

  3. I remember hearing that Kira's 23.




    Has the ages of the companions, collected from different sources. Kira is 20, Nadia is 22, Mako is 19.


    As the first and so far only known Force sensitive Sarkhai it is reasonable to assume that Nadia grew extremely shielded from the rest of her peers, something that was reinforced by the influence wielded by his father as a Senator and by the fact that Sarkhai as a world hasn't been in connection with the rest of the Galaxy until recently. This can explain a lot of her naiveness. Kira and Mako upbringing on the other hand gave them a LOT of worldly experience, explaining their attitude, way more mature than what you would expect from someone at their age raised under different circumstances.


    With that said for me the creepiest romance was Ashara, for the reasons outlined before, I completely felt disconnected of my Inquisitor when he romanced her (he was neutral). It felt to me more like a relationship of "convenience" since none of them are able to lead a "normal" life. They bonded based on that, not real love.


    The most illogical, not necessarily creepy, to pursue up to the end for me was Kaliyo. My agent grew fond of her until events with her further in the story.



    Bringing a complete stranger into the ship and then selling Imperial secrets definitely soured their relationship



    My agent didn't put too much stock in their relationship, since Kaliyo was not interested in a serious relationship anyway. I think that he would have ended warming up to Raina regardless of Kaliyo's actions (He married Raina).

  4. Trying to move forward with KotFE story on my Trooper. There is a mission where my character is asked to kill a Swamp Rancor in Zakuul, it doesn't show up anywhere and I can't move forward with the story until it is killed, I've reset the instance multiple times. Please solve it.
  5. I'm having issues with the Launcher recognizing the code that I enter from the mobile authenticator. I'm able to access my account in this webpage with no issues, meaning that I am entering the right password (that in the launcher doesn't show) and the authenticator code appropriately.


    In order to play I have been forced to remove the authenticator from my account temporarily (I reattach it once I leave the game for the night, so it is not hacked when I'm not playing) even when doing this process gives me some issues too (I need to delete and download the app two or three times to finally make it synch with my account)


    Is someone else having this issue? Any advice?

  6. Maybe they implement something like they did with Dragon Age, the Keep. There you can change your previous choices, the game pulls the information from there and then all the consequences came from the keep instead of your playthrough. I personally wouldn't retcon any of my current choices if their consequences on the expansion are not perfect, it would make an interesting twist.
  7. I was reading the guide for the infiltration shadow and it mentions a light saber backstab, which skill is that? It says using your skills to set up a lightsaber backstab.


    Shadow Strike has a behavior that resembles the "backstab" ability in other games where it appears. In order to be available you need to be behind the target.

  8. Even when Project is not useful in the rotation for "tank and spank" fights where sustained damage is needed, I've found it quite useful for some scenarios (that appear more frequently in PvE than what you would expect)


    1) Dealing with CC'ed mobs too close: Force in balance AoE effect can break CC in mobs that are too close. My parses show that, starting my rotation with Project instead of Force in Balance, followed by Sever Force, Force Breach and then Double Strike when procs of Force Strike/Find Weakness are not up, my DPS in the duration of these specific fights (usually strong/elite trash that die quickly) is equivalent than the one that I could have output starting with Force in Balance in a mob in that health range, without the risk of breaking cc. Perhaps the explanation comes from the extra damage that having Twin Disciples up makes up for the boost in DoTs that Force in Balance provides.


    2) Spike damage in key mobs: Fabricator Stun Droid Adds are strong mobs (silver), however, its stun effect can nullify Healers in key moments where the Tank needs to be taken care off. I've found that Project gives me the spike damage that I need to dispatch them quickly.


    Just an idea, my Guild is just starting in HMs, and all these assessments were done with Columi gear in all slots but Implants and Earpice (Rakata) and Relic (Black Hole +Power relic)

  9. You shouldn't be so afraid of every alert your anti-virus gives. I also have one and says its safe. Depends how you set it. You'd be surprised how many times things come up as a potential virus.


    Will do, I was really interested when I saw the demos and I was terribly dissapointed when I saw the warning, but I didn't want to take the risk

  10. Hello


    I a relatively new level 50 in Ops, we just starting last week on normal. My gear obviously is not top notch. A piece of Tionese gear, and whichever stuff you could get from daily commendations before 1.2 release, plus the first PvP relic accessible to me (not a hardcore PvPer) and the shard relic. My Crit Multiplier is ~ 71%, crit is ~ 31% Acuraccy ~ 98%

    We one-shot the bosses but when I saw my parses my DPS was painfully low. I checked the parses in the opening post and the proportion of the total damage of my abilities is similar to what he showed, that hints me that I am playing my rotation relatively tight, but my double strike (highest % of the total) is hitting by WAY less than his. Is this a gear issue? Or there is something in the rotation that I can do to boost the double strike damage that I am missing (I was running that time the PvE balance spec recommended in the Jedi Shadow Handbook without Project in the rotation, I respecced yesterday to one that doesn't have the project buffing talents)

  11. ...if u wanna get best gears in game and feel superior or.. not getting embarrased

    why not try to accept the fact and improve your game?....


    I want to improve my game, I find it fun and interesting and I strive to do my best every single time. Gear is the tool that will help me to do it better. I honestly would love having end game gear without any distinctive look so I dont stand out in the crowd.


    If you are trying to get the "best gear" and "feel superior" or "not getting embarrased", I think that you need to revisit your priorities in real life, just sayin'.

  12. ... We're figuring out fights without having to look at a log...


    This is essentially what I am preaching as well.

    Even when is not an "operation" scenario, I was having a hard time with the final boss of one of the chapters in the Consular Class' quest, essentially because I got there too fast and was way under the recommended level.

    Out of frustration (mea culpa) I went to Youtube and looked how other people were fighting that boss. I found that 1) They were at the right level to face the boss, 2) They were doing pretty much the same that I was doing. However, I didn't give up and went back to face the boss. This time I realized that there were elements in the room that I could use to my advantage, and that no one of the posters of the Youtube videos, either used or even realized being there. Once I made smart use of these elements the fight became doable and one-shot the boss with pretty much 75% of my health up. I didn't complete the challenge using "brute force" DPS, I just thinked and looked around, instead of giving up or keep banging my head stubbornly trying to use what the videos of Youtube were suggesting.

  13. First.... WoW has no bearing on this game. The constant comparisons with WoW is rather annoying. As founders were here to make a new game better... TOR isnt WoW nor will it ever be WoW.


    As the main tank in a nightmare ops guild and raid leader I would love to have this tool for the obvious reasons of seeing and judging personal performances of my fellow players. That being said so much can be decided by seeing whos damage can do what. Who can burst and who cant then assign assignments to those players correctly. People that advocate against this can only be worried that their performance isnt up to par... most of them being pugs. Im not worried about my guilds performance to that degree where I will gkick for bad performances... the tool would be used for analyze data for my guild... not pugs.



    I don't agree.

    At the end of the day, people asking for "information" what they want really is "shortcuts".

    They are more worried for getting the result as fast as possible than about thinking how the group will get there. Without that kind of "information" people is forced to strategize, try different things, think out of the box. Possibly the strategy that ends working for your group and leads to a boss kill (that we all agree is what matters, isn't it?) would be completely different than the supposedly "unique" one (enter TankSpot). First kills will be rewarded to smart teams, not droid ones.

  14. Oh look, another "****, WOW is that way" post. That's new.


    Good to see politeness from adults on these forums.



    Good that you recognize my politeness....


    In case that you are trying to charge your comment with a mild dosage of sarcasm, I haven't insulted anyone, and I am wishing him well in a game where recount epeen and not solid story and smart encounter design has been the norm and not the exception since Ulduar. He, in the other hand attempts to use "casual" as a pejorative tag to people who only want to defeat the challenges in game their own way and not handcuffed with the best class/spec according to some number crunching

  15. If you argue against combat logs and damage meters in SWTOR you stand for everything that currently wrong about this game.


    SWTOR is notorious already for having the most casual player base to date. This thread does nothing but illustrate that further.



    If you weren't among the 8 players that cleared the two operations available in Nightmare mode by the first time, you are "casual" like the rest of us, common mortals (nothing wrong with that btw.)

    If what you consider being "wrong" in this game can be solved with Recount, I think that you are playing the wrong MMO.


    <=========== Here is the door to WoW, go back there and be happy.

  16. OK, I said that I wasn't going to post again, but geesh!


    I like to think that I am a well rounded PvE player, my DPS by recount is enough for my WoW Guild be clearing some Heroic DS modes and we cleared DS normal the second week after release. No, I'm not being carried, usually 1-3 top DPSer depending of the fight. I am not argumenting against Recount because I am afraid of my performance.


    I would support Recount in the following scenario. Imagine an area in Courscant/Dromund Kass, with some "training droids" with simplified mechanics (like the ones that you face in Tython at the beginning of the Consular/Knight leveling for example) and you can face them either alone or with groups. Nothing that you do there can be considered "progression" or give you achievements, gear, titles, anything. In that scenario Recount can be allowed and used as a tool to test rotation, specs, gearing choices, etc to face the "real deal" (Operations) where you are not able to access that recount, doing fights that not simply measure your DPS/HPS but your awareness, strategic thinking, team coordination, etc. That would be a reasonable way to keep the fights interesting and challenging in what they should be and not in what the "droid" players would want to be.

  17. To reiterate:


    ...It would be nice if someone actually offered real suggestions instead of parroting the same opinion: "recount is bad because it emphasizes damage and we all know fights that emphasize damage are poorly designed fights" over and over again...



    It happens because people don't seem to understand how much a recount will put pressure in the developers to keep "droids" players happy. For me would be more fair kicking a player because s/he is not able to do "the dance" like you named it, than because he was not able to be "droid" enough.


    Suggestions? It is not about suggestions to "solve" a problem, at the end all boils down to how BW will approach their game in the future. Without a Recount there will never be the need of tossing a DPS race in game. That would free the developers to really show their creativity, bosses with low health but with a plethora of interesting abilities that will force you to use ALL the tools in your arsenal properly, not spending 5 minutes using only three of them.


    I will not keep posting :(, I feel like I am beating a dead horse...

  18. Damage meters is clearly necessary, if you want competetive OR progressive PVE/PVP. There is actually no way to calculate either if your spec is right or if you're using the right compination for the time being, a damage meter would fix this.


    + It would add a fun aspect of raiding, instead of just clearing the same instance over and over again. This would buy some time for the Ops developers to develop more content due to the lackage of the current one.


    + would paint out the one who's dragging the group/ops down, if you're wiping because of a player, you want to know that, not waste time trying out different tricks and tactics.




    This is a perfect example of how misleading can be a recount in any game...


    ...if you want competetive OR progressive PVE/PVP..


    No, you don't need DPS for competitive PvP, all is about reaction time and knowledge of the class you are fighting, so you can react appropriately and nullify his attacks. The window that you have to do effective DPS is extremely short, it favors burst damage, that is "diluted" so to speak during the full lenght of the fight.



    + It would add a fun aspect of raiding, instead of just clearing the same instance over and over again. This would buy some time for the Ops developers to develop more content due to the lackage of the current one


    If BW is not able to develop new content at the required pace so the average player ends clearing the current content at the level of boredom, it is THEIR fault, not ours, and they should feel the pressure of losing subs if that makes them to stop being lazy (that they aren't at the moment)


    + + would paint out the one who's dragging the group/ops down, if you're wiping because of a player, you want to know that, not waste time trying out different tricks and tactics.


    If a single player is wiping your raid it means a fail in his/her role in the fight according to the designed strategy, and that is not shown in the parses. You don't need Recount to know that a player broke a cc, an offtank did not taunt the boss from the main tank on time, etc. unless the raid leader is tunnelvisioning him/herself checking recount.

    The only way that a player would be "dragging" your group down is in the mindnumbing DPS races, where a DPS mark is needed to beat an enrage timer. These types of fights show a lazy encounter design and were developed precisely because there was a Recount implemented and people wanted to show their epeen in it

  19. If you need to meet a certain DPS mark to "beat" an encounter what that reflects is bad encounter design.

    A Boss fight should be more about team work, strategy, awareness and fulfillment of a role, and not about standing there repeating a mind numbing rotation. If a Recount is allowed in SWTOR it won't take long until you'll see the cries: "My class is not doing enough DPS and I am not being invited in raids, change that or I will stop my sub!!". That litany will remain growing and it will end affecting how Bioware approaches their encounter design in way that would allow each class having its turn in the spotlight. That will end being achieved with uninteresting bosses that will be there only to raise your epeen, the famous "DPS races" in WoW.


    You will see then these dialogs


    "I did 60k DPS in this boss"


    "Awesome!, did you killed it?"


    "No, but I was top DPS"



  20. Following up from the other thread, I am 53, Statistical Consultant in Medical Research and I have 4 characters in The Ebon Hawk: a Jedi Knight 22, a Smuggler 20, a Sith Inquisitor level 11 and a Bounty Hunter level 12, all unguilded.

    I have no complaints about the community in The Ebon Hawk, but I would be willing to start somewhere else with like minded people like the posters in this thread. On the other hand, if there is already a Guild created with this goal and it is up and running I don't see a reason to "compete". As far as such Guild is willing to do the required tweaking so it fits the profile of the posters in this thread and not the oposite, we can gain from an infrastructure already in place. I don't PvP though (it is not too much of a stretch saying that indeed I'm even against it, but I respect personal choices in that regard)


    I was 18 when the first Star Wars was released :D, and I remember that I went to watch it with a girl who I was dating back in the day. I was so inmersed in the story that she got angry with me when I didn't talk with her at any point during the entire movie :p

  21. It's been great to see just how many people are out there! Some people have suggested we start a guild. I have a couple of suggestions for potential guild names:


    1) Galactic Geezers

    2) The Older Republic

    3) Corellian Codgers

    4) The Bunion Brigade

    5) Oldspice Smugglers

    6) AARP'ers


    Anyway, just some thoughts :)


    LOL, that would be AWESOME. I am using a different approach SWTOR compared with how I approached WoW, specifically in WotLK and Cata. (my raiding Guild wanted me to rush through leveling so we could start raiding ASAP and fighting for Realm Firsts).


    My most advanced characters are in The Ebon Hawk Realm (a smuggler lvl 20) but for a Guild of like minded people I wouldn't mind to start over whatever Realm is chosen (I'm not too much into PvP though)


    <Oldpsice Smugglers>, priceless!

  22. 53 years young here, still avid WoW player (a ilvl 397 Rogue with some current heroic mode bosses under his belt) Working as Statistical Consultant in a Clinical Institution and having a blast in SWTOR as well (in fact I am enjoying so much the leveling in SWTOR that I spend more time on it logging in WoW only to raid Dragonsoul with my Guildies :p ).
  23. At any rate, before a TOR Recount could become reliable, there are some big issues currently that need to be solved first and they have been recognized by Bioware. Client-Server delay for specific classes, abilities not working appropriately, etc. Dealing with these issues on a timely fashion can make a HUGE change in the output of a particular class. If they allow a Recount now, perhaps there will be a class/spec combination that produce the best output under the current conditions but that could change once the fixes are in place. There is not even a way to know if there is need of nerfs/buffs for certain classes yet. I hope that BW will strive for balance.
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