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Posts posted by Dragusin

  1. I LOVE the new addition. It makes TDM much more entertaining. You can sit in their capital ships and plant mines and rail gun turrets and instant kill anything that spawns.


    Wondered how long it would take someone to exploit the LOS issues with mines and drones like this.

  2. You have 2 spawns and it isnt like most groups are going to split and camp both


    Really?? There are 3 satellites in Domination. A decent (not even good) team can hold two with bombers and guns all day long. Like this won't happen now to an already FARMED team that has been pushed back to their caps.


    It will only take 4 Gun ships ... two at 14k from each spawn point to totally shut down the other team. Two fixed spawns will be easily camped. One gun Ions and the other rails. Spawn dead, spawn dead. I've not even put two Bombers in the mix yet.


    This is a BAD idea.

  3. Yes we should. Two players who are either unaware of, or relatively inexperienced with, ion aoe, both describe a situation where that would explain everything.


    Ion AOE it is!


    Hello all, Org poster here. I did not respond to this post because the people responding were your typical L2P posts and didn't deserve a response. They had NO knowledge of my skill and I don't need to defend myself here.


    Some fun facts: I have over 900 matches played atm. I have Maxed Gun, Maxed Flashfire, Maxed pike on one Reb and some maxed ships on my Imp. I fly all my toons each day to complete the daily so I often fly Nova's which aren't maxed and often get top kills/damage/medals.


    So if you'd like to see how un-experianced I am come to JC and fly with or against any of my toons: Dragorin, Dragusin, Drags, Dragz, Jazrella, or Jazmean.... I'm on most evenings.


    Now back on topic. Since I created the thread I was going to start recording my sessions but gave up because I wasn't seeing this issue a lot (it's not everyone who tries to cheese) and didn't want to go through all the trouble if nobody else was seeing this happen. (Now I just kill Gunships on site and don't give them the opportunity.)


    I've paid a lot more attention to what's happening and I think this is all Lag related. Just like missiles, were sometimes you can get the shot off after they went around something and sometimes you lose the lock before you see the visual of them moving behind something.


    So I've done some tests on my Gun ship, I've tried a number of times to duplicate the issue. I have hit people where I shouldn't BUT never a stationary target solidly behind something. I've clipped edges and of course Ion AOE can be fun.


    Also my org post wasn't ONLY about satellites. You can't ION Aoe an asteroid (or can you?) and I have seen the Rail gun animation .. you know that long white line you see fly across the battle field... go through solid objects.. but again that's just the animation not the damage which could be some of what I've seen and the damage I've gotten I'm caulking up to Lag and the way the server and client record hits and misses.


    If more people where seeing the issue I asked about I'm sure this post would have seen more traffic. So my answer is not ION AOE but LAG and Server communications. Who fired first vs who got behind the solid object first.


    People need to talk about the issues posted here and stop calling people BAD when you have no clue as to what kind of pilot your dealing with.

  4. I don't have a problem with Gunships overall. Except when they snip me through girders, satellites, asteroids, etc. I'm seeing more and more of these cheaters. And to make it worse the game I was in last night that really piss me off was against a premade that was kicking our asses at all satellites. Fine, I can deal with those types of games (switch to turret killer and farm what rep I can)... but really you need to cheat too??


    Two gunships were sitting on top of a satellite and you'd think they would be easy targets. NOT, they were tanks and even with burst I couldn't kill one without dying to another, or the scout protecting them or the turrets. One using Ion to slow and the other rail gun to kill. So I got tired of playing that game and just started zooming in and killing the turrets and high tailing it out to recharge my cool downs to come back and take our more turrets. Only to have them kill me when I was hiding behind stuff. They so cool.


    If my ship is showing gray with lines because I'm behind something then they should NOT be able to hit me. Just like I can't lock a missile onto them. This isn't a Lag issue. I was full stop behind one of those big white tower things on the one map in the clouds and died to a gunship on top of the satellite who one shot right thought it from the other side.

  5. What about 0 kill / 0 assist complainers? Can we still hate on them?


    NO, But if they have 0 kills 0 assists 0 damage 0 objective and 0 medals. Then ask them if they are new and need some pointers. If they don't respond then Yes.. they are farming the daily and go ahead and hate on them. Otherwise. help the newbies out man.

  6. There are achievements for 65% and 75% hit ratio. If I shoot at a ship and hit it but don't see any damage number (they evaded) does that count as a Hit or a miss for the achievement? Not that I'm going to get this anytime soon as I think my best hit ratio so far has only been 44%. Just curious.
  7. Wish we had some GSF pilot guilds/organization on The Covenant. Watched some Black Squadron streaming Friday night and was tempted to switch servers and join them, I'd fit right in. But that'd be expensive and I don't want to re-roll and new character and have to start the ship hump all over again.
  8. Hello,


    I'm a returning player. Back in the MSN days I used to run one of the top 3 X-wing vs Tie Fighter squadrons and would like to find a guild with voice chat and pilots who are interested in flying every night. It's all I do now. My current main is a Sage(Telekinetic) that I started new when I returned and have already made it to 55. I have other toons I play but my new sage has the best ship load outs so far.


    So are there any guilds out there that could use another pilot to fill out the ranks. I'm pretty good. Not the best but far from bad.

  9. Howdy folks,


    Thought I would pop in a clarify a couple of things. There are a couple of ways to break a lock-on sequence when no missile has been fired yet:

    • Skilled piloting, such as maneuvering outside of the opponent's secondary firing arc, or trying to break line of sight by zooming around or inside of asteroids or other objects.
    • Activating a defensive maneuver type engine ability (such as Koiogran Turn, Power Dive, Barrel Roll, Retro Thrusters or Snap Turn).


    Once a missile is in-flight, the only way to avoid being hit is to activate a defensive maneuver type engine ability (the same list as above). This will 'evade' the missile. Visually, the missile will still complete its journey towards your ship, but it will not explode and no damage will be done to you.


    As an added bonus, when your ship is actively executing a defensive maneuver, enemies cannot lock-on to you. On their end they will hear an error buzz when they attempt to right click to lock-on.


    Hopefully this clarifies a few things!


    Then you have a bug. Because I lose lock a LOT when the person in front of me has not maneuvered out of my inner ring and has not executed a engine ability.


    I also miss fire a LOT. I get lock on and release my right click only to have no missile fire at all and have to start the whole process up again.

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