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Posts posted by KingofFlares

  1. Affliction is recruiting DPS and healers. We have a 16 man team that run twice a week and an 8 man team that runs 1-2 times a week as well. The 8 man team run on Tuesdays and Sundays with the 16 running on Wed and Thursday. With our 8 man team we are filling additional spots with our alts from our wed/thur and we give those spots to mains if they are not going in the wed/thur runs. If you are curious to know more our website is affliction.swtorhost.com or you can hit me up with a forums PM or in game.

    Is there any raid groups that run earlier than 11pm?

  2. - Marauder with all 69s some 72s and underworld relic all augmented

    - Merc Heals with also all 69s and some 72s all augmented

    - Merc dps with all 69s all augmented

    The Marauder and Merc heals are 4/5 tfb hm, merc dps 2/4 tfb looking for ops group. Times are weekdays anytime around 9pm server, and weekends whenever

  3. Is any army in the LotR or Silmarillion story which could defeat SW's army?


    I think SW's army got


    Much more advanced technology




    The use of Force, especially battle mediation enhance the army even more


    Superweapons like the Death Star



    I guess unless they got some really powerful magic, otherwise they are no match for SW's army.

    We have 10x more subs , Zerg Rush

  4. Every time I load up SW:TOR there is an option to delete my prize main character that ive been working on for months. Bioware should add a option to make that character undeletable. There also should be an option to perma bound equipment and weapons to a character meaning you can't sell, trade, or destroy it.
  5. Is there gonna be new and unique raid mechanics that exist in the star wars universe.

    In the next patch you should focus less on tank swaps and more on mechanics that defines star wars in the 1st place


    1.Have epic cinematic moments that can be triggered by a certain class using a certain ability, for example for Jarg and Sorno when Sorno jets up on the ledge some classes can leap up and 1v1 him that was epic. You should let Warriors do the same for large operation bosses like rancors I wanna see my marauder leap on a rancor's head and repeatedly slash him like starkiller. Make some mechanic involving different classes and how they can use their abilites to bring the boss down. Tanks for example in tanking a boss each tank class has to use a different strat to do it. Juggs can leap up, force push the boss into a position, or sunder away a part of their "armor" showing the armor falling off piece by piece letting the dps get new vital points and the heals and range dps can get on the new obstacles created by the armor gaining elevation. Maybe there is a rising pit of lava and we need the armor pieces to avoid death. Assassins can use their charge ligthsaber attack to shock the target and electrocute his armor and disable the locking mechanism and have the same effect as the jugg. Assassins can also lead a boss into a trap during the last few % of hp and vanish a ability that changes the boss fight compared to other classes by leading them into the trap and force sprinting out, make it a very fast acting trap. Juggs can just leap onto an ally. Powertechs can burn the armor away instead, or they can perform a rocket punch that sends the boss flying and renders them immobile for a few secs. These are examples of what you can do to set swtor away from other mmos.

    2. Have a clone army fight. Like the infernal council except they have the exact same skills as you and gear. Your gonna have to use teamwork and learn how to combat your own flaws with your team,

    3.Have at least a boss that is powerful, but the same size as you. Not 3-20feet bigger and taller. Mkae them a reknown warrior or something with intense power maybe split into illusions and you have to find the right one.

    4.A Gigantic boss. Like a huge and epic boss where you climb all over the boss and take down the legs then jump on the boss and gradually make it to the head or even a raid base on being INSIDE the boss and having to fight his minions or bodily organs. Then have the last boss be the boss your inside the whole time.

    5.Space operation. Make an operation where everyone gets on their ship and start out assaulting a space station, or gigantic space worm(not the boss fights) then land on it with precise escape pod trajectory and thrust them into combat with adds(guards and such) immediately.

    6. New gains from the puzzle bosses. Such as you have to create a perfect clone army of your group. Have the Op leader do it and answer questions based on the members in the group. Make it so you have only 5 secs to answer as to not cheat by asking the group, this encourages the leader or whoever to know about the groups class, gear and abilties. Then have the group take their clone army to fight the actual puzzle boss.

    7.A speeder boss. Have upgrades to speeders and have us zoom around in speeders chasing after the boss with our members on the top of the landspeeder or multiple speeder groups. Then allow melee to close in and hop on the enemies speeder and deal damage to them.

    8.Instead of using tank swaps to encourage 2 tanks have a group split or tank adventure during the boss. For example while 1 of the tank is busy distracting the boss have another tank go through a tunnel or climb a mountain pass with some other members of a group and have it so that the hazard only lets a tank guarding a healer can survive. After the tank reaches his destination he can attack an object(tunnel-gas explosion, sinkhole etc) mountain pass- boulder to drop on the boss. Which would knock the boss into the 2nd phase.

    9.Have a "boss" battle where you are on either a battlefield or ship battle. Have the healers having to heal/fix a turret, or powerful ally to full hp as he has been injured. Have the tanks having to aggro the other faction/ship into firing their attacks at the tanks which are behind a shield. Have the dps attack the enemies ship parts/tractor beam generator/ power coils. and once the dps cut/destroy to enemies object and the heals fully heal the powerful ally have the ally jump onto the the enemies side and wreck havok providing a distraction for the group to enter into the real bosses secret chamber and kill him before your ally dies as it will attract the bosses minions.

    10. Just think about ideas and use them to make swtor a unique and fun experiance

  6. We were clearing EV and KP in under 40 minutes each in Hard Mode while we were still gearing up in it, whenever we go back to get people's alts gear it is even faster. The only thing that ever kept people held up back then was the fight stopping bugs, especially in EV. They are not hard in the slightest, as long as you have the correct gear required and half a brain you can breeze through them. I'm not saying Rift's entry level raids were any different, they were easy too, but at least they had fun and interesting mechanics instead of a simple "don't stand in aoe" and "kill the boss before 5 minutes is up".

    It is literally impossible to do it under 40min maybe a hour, but each boss fight takes around 4-5min, with 5 bosses making it roughly 25min for the bosses alone, not including soa takes 8-9min instead of 4-5 and loot discussion, trash clear,and generally walking to the next boss. say the time for the bosses is 30min a perfect run. then u have 20min of adds or more. sorry to say ur calculating wrong

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