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Posts posted by Jadeneye

  1. It's sort of funny, assassins seem to be the class I see the biggest divide over, some do consistently phenomenal and other fall flat on their faces.



    I wonder if they just have a really steep learning curve, or if they're super gear dependent, or what it is.


    Gear certainly helps, but it's more skill than anything else. They aren't a 1 button class, they require a bit more subtle approach. A person that knows what they are doing with a shadow will rip the enemy team apart. If that person does not know what they are doing, they will consistantly be at the bottom of the scoreboard.

  2. How stupid are most of you?


    It's a good video, and the purpose of it is to clearly display the malfunctioning system of diminishing returns for killing the same enemy multiple times. Why ban them for making an effort to get hard evidence?


    I'd actually like if this happened on our server. At least I'd have some chance of completing the daily. Alas, this is not the case and the Empire prefers to stand at our exit spamming aoe.

  3. Then they probably should not pvp. No offense, but people are acting like its the end of the world. You are outgeared, you get spanked alot, you perservere until you are also geared and then you start to be competitive. Its the same for everyone, the people that want to be and are competitive, do not quit - they just keep on fighting.


    Most mmos are like this, people are acting like swtor is the only one.


    What exactly do you propose to do about the situation?


    People moaned when they were getting farmed by higher levels, now they are moaning because they cant beat people who are better geared than them - of course you can't thats the whole point. That's why people pvp in the first place - to obtain gear to make them more competitive.


    That would be a good point, if we could actually get gear. We can't. Most servers (not all, just most) can barely complete their WARZONE daily, let alone the ilum daily. Not saying the dailies are our only source of gear, but they do help, alot.

  4. I'm sorry but if you roll on a pvp server/zone you have to expect your going to end up in some sort of fight, fighting is ment to happen none of this care bear trade of daily/ weekly between factions. Rebs on the station asking is it safe to go to llum, serious why don't you all talk to each other and go on mass to llum.


    Regardless if you go 'en masse' with all the Republic in Ilum, you'll still be outnumbered by quite a large margin on most servers. What's happening right now isn't fighting, it's punishing the Republic for bothering to even go there. Then again, I don't believe punishing the Empire is a good idea either.

  5. Yeah that's great that we can take bases back by flying to some other point and all, but really, we still need to kill some of you for our objective completion. And seeing as you guys are in love with our base, you won't leave it.
  6. The Red Eclipse EU is in the exact same state. It was fun for the first 10 minutes. Then the hordes of Empire players arrived, instantly pushed us back to the base. So I figured, what the hell, i'll mount one of those turrets to push them away from our base. Wrong. 1 charge, or 1 form of stun/slow, instantly removes you from the turret and puts a cooldown on it. Who came up with this?
  7. What exactly, was the thought behind putting a turret there, when if you get charged once, or get jumped once, or get "cc'd" once, you are instantly pulled off the turret, and it has a recharge time. At least give the person sitting in that turret immunity to everything for the full duration of the channeling blasts. Please don't tell me i'm the only person who feels this way.
  8. If people will quit on a false rumor good riddance.


    I was thinking of not responding to this. But ok. Even if turrets don't give valor, and I have yet to see anyone post a picture of whether they do or don't, this still doesn't stop 120 imperials from farming every single republic player at the spawnpoint without them having a chance of getting out. Furthermore, this will only increase the gap in gear difference for Warzones.

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