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Posts posted by divinedoom

  1. I see people changing others quotes and usually they say fixed or some other line but sometimes they dont and they change it to look like the other person was stupid. Is there anyway to tell without going back through the post to know if they changed it.


    tldr: how can you tell if people change the quote?

  2. For all the people who present the argument that gear from group content should only go to the players (and not their companions) who were in the group content, you should ask yourselves a simple question:


    1. Are you only going to use that drop in group content?


    If you use it even once while you're out in the world, whether leveling or doing a level-cap daily, your argument falls apart. You make claims that someone rolling Need on gear for their companion is cheating someone in the group out of something, when the reality is you, all 4/8/16 of you, equally contributed in downing the boss that dropped the gear. You aren't in there to gear up other players, you aren't in there to intentionally sacrifice your own gear progression so another player can upgrade themselves. You cooperate to down the boss, and your cooperation ends when a piece of loot you want shows up. You start cooperating again when the group decides it wants to down more bosses. After it's done, and you're back out in the world, that loot you received doesn't benefit that group anymore. It benefits you, and it benefits only you. So the "group contribution/group distribution" argument simply doesn't hold water. That loot only benefits one player, and that's the one who won the roll on it.


    From earlier in this thread, since it blossomed to 40 pages while I was busy working today:



    Unnecessary hyperbole that doesn't actually make a logical argument.


    MMOs are all about cooperation. If you wanted to just play with yourself and your companions then there are better and cheaper single-player games out there. And when you join a group, it is pretty much a given that you are there to cooperate with all these other people towards a common goal.

    Yes, and that common goal is loot that drops from bosses. But that loot only goes to one player at a time. The group doesn't benefit from it unless it's non-slotted gear that the player immediately equips. Even then, the group only benefits from the upgrade for the length of that content. Once the party breaks up, that loot is right back to benefitting one, and only one, person: the player who won the roll. So your attempt to make an ad populum appeal falls apart.


    And that extends to the loot because that never would have dropped just for you. It dropped for your group. It did not exist in a vacuum and all of a sudden you just stop cooperating when it comes to the rewards that the group earned. That's just being selfish. When you roll Need for a companion you're saying that noone else in the group matters except you.

    That loot dropped because of the group, it did not drop for the group, and that's an important distinction. You aren't going to hand out copies of the loot: one piece drops, and it only goes to one person: the player who won the roll. When you roll Need for a companion, you aren't saying no one else in the group matters besides you, you're saying that piece is an upgrade for your character, which includes your companion.


    Using your logic, no piece of loot should ever go to any player, because once that group breaks up, it's no longer the "group's" loot. It's benefitting one player, and one player only.



    Only you can control your gaming experience. If you wind up in a party with a person or people who you don't like playing with, you can put them on /ignore and leave the group. If this is something that makes you not want to play as much, that's your choice, and impetus for it lies solely with you, not with others. Take responsibility for your own actions.



    You think if an orange piece drops that it's an immediate performance gain? Most of the time, it doesn't have mods in it, meaning no one's going to bother equipping it until they get to a GTN node and acquire some mods, or have a crafter friend make them some. You say if someone rolls on something for their companion over a player they're cheating every group that person will ever join, I say look at the logical conclusion of your statement: any time any single player gets a piece of gear another player in their group wanted, they're "cheating that player's future groups from the performance gain".



    You're starting to sound like a proponent of Socialism: "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." I don't say that because I helped a group down something that everything that drops in the FP or Op should be mine. I do, however, say that my right to roll on something for my companion's upgrade is equal to a player's right to roll on something for their character. We both contributed, we both see a need for a given piece, we both roll Need on it, and an impartial, RNG-based system decides who gets it. Nothing could be less partial!


    I'm not in a Flashpoint to help the other players' future groups. I'm in a Flashpoint to get upgrades and see content. I cooperate with those players to the extent required to have a chance (not a guarantee) at upgrades. Once the group is done, unless it's a guild run (in which case this particular discussion is moot), I won't be grouping with those players again on anything resembling a regular level. They don't benefit from me getting upgrades, I don't benefit from them getting upgrades, and ultimately, we are playing this game for our own benefit. Don't fool yourself into thinking differently.



    This, right here, is blatant socialism. This game isn't about giving to others. This game is about cooperating with others so each individual has a better chance of meeting their individual goals. If you're truly altruistic enough to put in time, effort, and repair bill costs for the sole reason of seeing someone else of your level and not in your guild to get gear, more power to you. I would guess you're in a vast, vast minority.


    Good community comes from people playing nice with each other, and being polite to each other. But there are limits to all things, and the instant people are so polite to others that their own needs aren't met, they've moved from "being polite" to "being taken advantage of", and they have no one to blame but themselves for not standing up and saying "I need this." It would be beneficial for you to understand that no individual player requires other players' approval to gear up their character or their companions. It doesn't even matter that you can gear up the companion via GTN purchases or quest rewards; maybe the proper upgrade hasn't dropped in a quest reward, or maybe you had to choose something else when it was an option. Maybe you don't want to, or can't afford to, spend money on the GTN for a companion upgrade, but you do have the time to run a Flashpoint or two for the chance at upgrades. Whatever it is, you put in equal effort, you have equal right to stake a claim to any rewards from that effort, since rewards aren't handed out to every player with every boss death. It doesn't mean you're going to get something, but you have a better chance of getting something if you click the button than you do by passing or choosing an option that allows a different player to take priority over you.



    Of course you should participate in the community. This doesn't mean you forego all ability to upgrade yourself while you're doing so. On a high population server, many people won't see every person again they grouped with while leveling. If they do, their performance is likely to be remembered a lot more than them having won a piece of gear for their companion while people were busy leveling. Once you're in Operations and you start to see a lot more people a lot more often, it's a moot point anyway, as you have no choice over loot distribution. The system distributes the loot for you.


    And if you're really worried about someone holding a grudge against you for a long time over something that happened in the game, I would point out that you should at that point be more worried about their general emotional maturity than anything relating directly to the game.



    If you want evidence that BioWare considers companions to be an integral part of your character, all I'd need to point out is the reality that you can't successfully progress your storyline to 50th level and its conclusion without the use of your companions. I can remember a quest I was doing at the end of the Taris planetary arc that made use of all my companions as an integral part of conversation options and cutscenes. It bore a striking resemblance to the final mission for Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 2, where who you chose to do what had a meaningful impact on how you won the game, and whether some even survived. I don't see BioWare permanently killing our companions in this game, but the mechanic remains the same. Even outside that planetary story arc, your companions are required while leveling on just about every character. If you're a damage dealer, you're going to need a healing companion (because medpacks have a cooldown) to keep you alive, or a tanking companion to keep the mobs off you while you do your thing. If you're a tank, you're going to need damage dealers so you aren't dealing with 10-minute trash fights. On and on. Companions are a very integral part of this game, and if they aren't geared appropriately for the level of content you're doing, your performance, and in some cases ability to complete the content at all, is severely impacted.




    Here you're just attempting to lay a moralistic judgment on an amoral activity. I choose to ask out of courtesy, but at no point do I ever think I am required to ask.




    I have a hard time taking your position seriously when you already attempt to set up a false dichotomy by claiming that the people who support your perspective are being logical, while inferring that your opposition is summarily incapable of the same. This said, I'll bite.



    It doesn't matter. The loot that drops in that FP is going to be used exponentially more often outside that group than it is inside it. Each individual player is in there to have a shot at better upgrades for themselves. They aren't in there to gear you, or other players in the group, up. They're willing to help do so, but not at their own expense. They aren't asking for guaranteed loot, they're just asking for an equal shot at any drops they want, and are willing to put in personal time to have that shot.



    You're making an absolute statement without the provision of any absolute, unquestionable data to back it up. Thus, the best you can say is you think such players are being selfish. It doesn't objectively mean they're being so. Either way, as long as that heavy armor piece in your example doesn't have a class requirement on it that would prevent your companion from using it, you rolling Need on it is just as valid as the tank doing the same: you both assisted in downing the boss, you both have a right to stake a claim to gear that you can make use of.



    Re: the irking comment, your approval isn't required, nor is it courted, by me. If someone else in a party gets an ugprade, I always congratulate them, even if they beat my roll to get it. I don't care if they're going to wear it or their companion is, the end result is that player just got an upgrade that improves their gaming experience, which is what we're all in there for. I'm not going to intentionally limit my gaming experience's enjoyment to satisfy someone else's loot priority perspective.



    Yes, we all have companions. All of them need gear. Practically speaking most players aren't bothering to gear up more than one or two of those companions. I'm playing a Marauder and use Jaesa most of the time. When her damage output and mine can't down something, I pull out Quinn, and usually get it done. I haven't used Vette since I got Quinn, and I haven't used Pierce or Broonmark at all, nor do I have plans to.


    The reality of every player having companions, all of whom need upgrades just the same as the player's character, shows me that the NBG system doesn't fit this particular game very well, and something much broader like Roll/Pass would make more sense. It doesn't make sense to include a third option for companions, because if it's better than Greed and less than Need, then "Companion" becomes the new Greed so people can improve their overall chances. If it's equal to Greed, it's pointless to have the secondary distinction save to facilitate not communicating with the others in your group about your intentions for use of the item, which is ultimately none of their business anyway. There are a lot more valid uses for gear in this game than in previous MMOs. Seems the most impartial way to handle distribution, and to preemptively head off all the complaints, is to just have Roll/Pass.




    Sure, let's do that. We'll do that if you agree to never once use a single piece of gear you got from a FP in anything other than more Flashpoints. You have to use the same players in the party as when you got it, too, so that it doesn't benefit people who weren't there when it dropped.


    That was sarcasm, in case you didn't notice. Upgrades are upgrades whether they're for you or a companion. Both are valid upgrade paths, whether you choose to believe it or not. As I've stated several times, your approval isn't required for my character's progression.


    so basically I should be allowed to need everything once i get all my companions because one of them is bound to need it so what's the point of a greed option?

  3. It's the more 'logical' choice but it's still darkside. The military exists to serve and protect civilians - not the other way around.


    The military is also trained to exist without supplies.. it'll make their lives harder but the refugees are far more screwed w/o supplies than the military.


    That said, welcome to the world of differing opinions...


    except that you know that the military needs these supplies just as much as the refugees and they did buy them so you want to take away what someone buys and give it away to some one else seems a little communist to me.

  4. ROFLMAO!!! You call that hostile? What will you think if I ever make something more than a random comment? All I was pointing out was that you had already found the dungeon you were asking for a group finder.


    Seriously tho. If you found my first comments overly hostile you really need to grow a thicker skin before you browse the forums much more. I have been overly tame since

    Bioware gave me a warning for calling someone a whiner. Not that I'm calling you a whiner but if you really thought I was throwin fists well...


    mabey bioware was right for warning you. you are seeming quite hostile.

  5. In my opinion, just because the story of Middle-Earth is more believable, it does not necessarily make it more likely to have occurred than Star Wars. In my opinion, anything that we imagine has an equal chance of existing based on the current theories about multiple parallel universes.


    As far as Star Wars happening in this universe, IMHO this is highly unlikely since most scientists agree that if there is ET life out there, they have had the same amount to time to develop as us. Also, if Star Wars existed such a long time ago, we would be able to see evidence of that with our deep space telescopes(If luckily pointed in the right direction), since in essence we are looking into the past when we observe anything outside of our galaxy.


    this is kinda wrong because our solar system was formed much later than other parts of the galaxy

  6. My female guildies and I have discovered that playing a female Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, and Trooper toons have basically ZERO flirt options throught the entire game play.


    (The only exception is when we meet our courting companion and we flirt about three times and then it is over for the durration of the game.)


    Originally we suspected it was simply because of the class we were playing until we learned that our male guildies--who play characters of the same class--have several flirt options all throughout the game. It is not specific to class, it is specific to female characters alone.


    We feel this is quite sexist and are very dissapointed that the males of the same class toon have more flirt options.


    We ask that you re-think future writings on how the genders are played, and please do not make the females so entirely boring and frigid. Let us have a little more personality.


    Thank you.


    cause this really needs to be under story/lore

  7. You don't have to be dark side, but for some reason, when you do flirt with people, it can lead to dark side points. However, you should have plenty of light side points to make up for that if you're playing a regular Jedi type.


    Personally, I prefer Luke's view on attachments more than the old school style. Cutting off your emotions is like asking someone to rip out their heart and survive. It can't be done. All that's going to happen is you're going to bury everything down deep and something's going to happen that makes you snap-- like it did with Anakin.


    My belief is that having emotions and attachments is fine. It's ok to love, hate, fear, get angry, etc. as long as you have control of them. There's many people in the world that make me angry, but it doesn't mean I'd go out and start slaughtering them. Jolee Bindo had it right. Let yourself feel emotions and then overcome them. I've seen love save more people in the SW universe than turn them dark.


    Yes, some will fall. It's bound to happen no matter what path you follow. But obviously, stunting their emotional growth hasn't stopped anything either as the Jedi Council fell into an endless cycle of making the same mistakes over and over again, until Luke finally corrected it.

    it was Revan's idea first

  8. ...?


    Are you guys even thinking logically?


    Lets say about 50% of the players in this game are 50 (hypothetical statistic), then that would mean about half of the republic are 50, and half of the empire. Doesn't matter if there are more Empire players, or Empire 50s, each side of the WZ gets the same amount of players, so it would come out to be the same.


    I'd provide more math to back up my statement, however I feel like this is just basic logic and doesn't require an explanation.


    so true

  9. Would love cross faction items, Even if they became BOA upon sending, you could still send crafting mats/money but you'd have to use them on your account, you couldn't just send stuff to list on the AH.


    At the moment i have pimp gear for my Jedi knight made by my Jedi Conuslar but i started playing a Sith Warrior and i can't get much to her. Sad face :(


    I'd love to, or perhaps to See some kind of BOA system for some items and companion items while leveling not just exp boosting but stuff that levels until 49 so you don't need to be in an arms race to replace gear on you and companion! :)


    boa gear ruined wow pvp that would make the current pvp system even worse

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