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Posts posted by Mikksiboy

  1. The problem I foresee with introducing animal mounts is the animations involved. Right now a given character on any given speeder simply sits (in one of three positions: sitting like in a car, straddle like a motorcycle, or squatting) on that speeder and glides along with no animation other than a robe (and hair/lekku) flowing behind the character in the flow of air. Further, all of these existing speeder animations work with the "taxi services." There are a handful of animal based taxi services but in all candor the animation is not very good - the body is static and the wings flap (not very convincing). Animal (ground) mounts would necessitate the introduction of a character bobbing up and down as the animal runs. While not difficult it is VERY time consuming.


    as long as it is done i could wait 2 years more even

  2. hi every1 i whant to sya that im bored of the old races as mirilian and cyborg and human but i whant something new as the Chatar isnt coming yet even if it was expected months ago but anyways i am wondering what about 2 new races as a Tog ruta and a Nautolan pleas consider this cause i would love a Togruta or Nautolan Jedi Knight it would rock i am thinking so pleas pleas pleas Love: a fellow friend of the races :)
  3. Hello all i have been wondering why we need to go on the speeders? why cant we get an update whit hmm...what about Taun Taun riding? i would realy think that wouldv been awsome to ride a taun taun or something else maybe a tamed mankacat :) i realy hope this1 is very good for you guys im thinking of fun traveling now instead of just ukh old boring speeder iw ahtn something new so pleas comment this if you like the idea :) love: a fellow traveler
  4. imo, trailers are trailers, and gameplay is gameplay.


    and why the hell should a subscriber be paying extra money for new stuff? i really dont get it.


    i agree but it is an expansion such do cost like in wow whit all the Expansions where you need to buy the new cover cause you need the cd to instal and such but yeah it could be free but then we should more or less have bader stuff (dont know if it is a English word) like they could clip some stuff away and set it into another expansion coming later or in a new patch or whit the other thing it is called....update.

  5. My CHiss IA is called: Yelena


    Full name is: Thelo'Yele'naty


    she dont like her name so she get them to call her Yelena very like a Human name or around the Zabraks,almost no1 knows his real name only her Family does and they are all dead exept her sister a BH called Trel'yanet'naty.

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