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Posts posted by Zombiecrackers

  1. Thanks for all of the help! I lowered my graphics and now everything is working great!:D


    You can keep your details on high but lower the shadier detail this will also make it run smooth and it still looks pretty sweet :D

  2. I thought 1.2 was going to add some sort of droid minigames, and let you increase their affection. Is that not implemented yet? Or is the control for it hidden someplace I haven't found?


    Wow you fell for that ? XD would be pretty sweet though if this was added, it reminded me when they said Sarlaccs were going to be a playable race.

  3. So i've been playing since launch and just got a chance to DL the 1.2 update. I have my main to lvl 33 and have finished chapter one. I have my legacy name, but i can't seem to add pre-existing alts to my family tree. Do characters added to it have to be of the same race? Are characters made prior to the update ineligible for the familty tree? A little confused here, any help would be appreciated.



    To add other characters you need to log into them and add them from their profile

  4. hi it's possible to have the miraluka mask for a pure sith blood like in the launcher screen or for another race? thx


    You can get some headgear in game which covers just your characters eyes, but no you can not get a miraluka mask on an non miraluka

  5. I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


    Get slicing its a very quick way to get some cash, as you can get credit boxes from it

  6. Very quick question what do you guys use to take screenshots or film in game? Please don't say the holocam that costs $20. I tried Ctrl-PrntScrn and It came up as a black screen image.


    Or use FRAPS

  7. Ah that sucks.... Ask around in Fleet General chat, even if there are none on the GTN, I'm sure a kind Artificer would help. Heck I'd gladly give you two of mine for free. I have around 30 of the lightsabers in my bank, waiting for the day that Bioware lets me RE them back into materials!


    Waiting for the same thing bro i have loads of sabers waiting for that day.:jawa_eek:

  8. Can I still romance her? I accidentally had Quinn with me when I encountered the Demon, and didn't realize until it was too late that I missed the first opportunity to flirt. Is it still possible? Or will I have to romance Jaesa when the time comes if I want a romance?


    You still get a few more chances before her companion quest . :jawa_tongue:

  9. Hi every one I wanted to ask a question, Can you ues a pc gamepad to play this game instead of a mouse? I just bought a Logitech Gaming Mouse G700 and to be honest I have never played PC games before and I am having issues knowing how to use it or even configure the buttons. So I wanted to see if I could use a pc gaming controller, anyone's would help, thank you everyone and have a happy XMAS.


    Why would you play a mmo with a gamepad ? o.O

  10. what is the best crew skill to make money and/or exp? i want to at least either want to get a lot of money or a lot of exp b4 legacy comes out i know its short notice, but i only got the game a month ago and i got a character to lvl 27 and really only done war zones because i thought that would be the quickest way to lvl up and get money. if thier is any other way to do this please post.


    Slicing will get you a fare bit of credits

  11. I am on a very low pop server too... (Flames of the Crucible EU) Last night (between 5-10pm) the fleet population didn't go higher than 30 from what I saw. :( Warzone queues take forever, Ilum has always been completely dead... 8 people there at the most. Cross server grouping would help a little, but the economy would still be dead and the fleet would still feel like a ghost town.


    I don't understand why people are against Bioware doing server merges, why go on and on about how awesomely populated your server is and how we should reroll there? Would it hurt you if the lower pop servers were merged? No! You'd still be on your awesome server, and we would be happy too!


    Reroll isn't a great solution for those of us on low pop servers... we have characters we've invested time in, guilds and friends. I only rerolled here because queues were horrendous on my early access server and they suggested we should roll to lower pop ones... I wish I hadn't now, but oh well. :(


    I am on the same server as you and i feel your pain bro :(

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